atopic dermatitis in children treated

Outside, nature delights us with a warm spring day. However, with the coming of spring, parents should be especially careful - because at this time of year children are developing a variety of diseases and worsen existing ones. Including atopic dermatitis in children, treatment of which is very laborious and lengthy process. This is what will be discussed in today's conversation.

First, let's recall what is atopic dermatitis. By the way, not so long ago the doctors called it neurodermatitis - because of the direct involvement in the pathological process of the nervous system of the baby. In people, the disease still carries the name "diathesis".


In order to recognize the problem and begin treatment, the parents must be clear about the symptoms of this disease. Of course, different children's atopic dermatitis may manifest itself in different ways, but the main symptoms are all the same, with slight variations.

Basically, the most important feature of a skin lesion. Moreover, localization of lesions is largely dependent on the age of a sick child:

  • C birth to three years

If ill very little pipsqueak, he has affected the skin on the neck, face, extensor surfaces of hands and feet. In particularly severe cases, it may cause the skin on the belly and on the back of the baby.

  • Children over three years

In the case of atopic dermatitis sick child older than three years, it has affected the skin on the neck, cheeks, the elbow and knees. Although in this case it depends on the severity of the disease.

Skin lesions in places becomes very dry and starts to peel off. If the parents at this stage the problem was noticed and have not started treatment, the disease will continue to progress. The skin will appear red marks and seals, and even nodules. All these skin lesions accompanied by severe itching, which is very concerned about the child.

Atopic dermatitis - a very peculiar disease, which has a fluctuating course. The disease without adequate treatment is escalating, then again "calms down". And very often periods of remission parents mistaken for the recovery of the child. But it is worth it to relax, as the disease again makes itself felt.

 atopic dermatitis in children treated with folk remedies

The causes of atopic dermatitis

Before you begin treatment, you need to know the causes that may lead to the development of the disease. It is possible that knowledge of this information will help parents avoid the issue. It is known to prevent the development of disease is always much easier than to treat already existing disease. Doctors know a lot of reasons that can trigger the development of atopic dermatitis. Below we list the most common ones are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. In that case, if the family has a baby or that allergic diseases, atopic dermatitis chances of getting him several times higher than that of its peers. Therefore, if your pipsqueak are at risk, be very attentive to his skin, from the earliest days of birth.
  2. The hyper-reactivity of the skin. In case the baby skin has excessively increased sensitivity to the effects of the different stimuli aggressive, it also falls into a risk group.
  3. Other risk factors. If atopic dermatitis occurred in older children, we can not exclude the possibility of such a provoking factor like stress. Also culprits could be foods with dyes, unfavorable ecology, smoking at the child and so on.

The people are of the opinion that atopic dermatitis is extremely childish disease that take place on their own as the child grows. However, this is not so - self-healing takes place only half the kids. In the second half of the children the disease will manifest itself throughout his life.

Doctors there such a thing as an early debut. The earlier the disease has had an effect, and the harder it over, the more likely that the disease will occur throughout the life of the child. This is especially significant for those children who are suffering from any other allergic diseases - for example, hay fever or asthma.

Preventing the development of atopic dermatitis

In that case, if the parents are aware of their predisposition to the development of the crumbs of atopic dermatitis, they can take some measures, which, if not fully exclude the occurrence of the disease, then at least delay the onset of the disease for four - five years. In principle, prevention must begin with the first day of the appearance of the crumbs into the light.

A woman who is breastfeeding should comply with hypoallergenic diet. As a rule, doctors still in the hospital tell nouveau mums that and how much you can eat. And if the mother will not break the diet, it is very likely to be able to defend their crumbs of atopic dermatitis.

In that case, if the child is bottle-fed, parents should consult with your pediatrician about finding suitable formula. There are various manufacturers who specialize in the production of special blends for feeding children who are prone to allergic reactions.

Also pay attention to the introduction of complementary foods into the diet of children. You can only enter the baby's health. Or, if the diagnosis of "atopic dermatitis" has exhibited, introduction of complementary foods should only be made against the background of stable remission. And introducing solid foods to children with atopic dermatitis is not before six months.

The treatment of atopic dermatitis in children under one year

It is time to talk about how it is necessary to struggle with atopic dermatitis. And we start talking about atopic dermatitis in children up to a year, treatment is more difficult. After all, there are a large number of traditional medicines, which make it easier for the disease. But their children to a year just to use is strictly prohibited.

Therefore, treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor - a pediatrician and dermatologist. And the first thing that you need to pay attention - this is on the child's diet. Diet for the little ones already described above. But with older children - 8-12 months - you must be especially careful.

The best option would be the elimination diet. The peculiarity of this diet - the complete absence of any products containing allergens. Examples of these products include eggs, nuts, soy, cow's milk, fish. They must be strictly excluded from power as a mother if she breast-feeding, and feeding of the baby.

Doctor will prescribe your child medication. To date, the most commonly used hormone ointments, which are based on glucocorticosteroids. As a rule, these ointments prescribed in combination with emollients that quickly cropped symptoms and facilitate the well-being of the baby. And even in remission parents should not forget the need to use moisturizers - skin in atopic dermatitis are extremely dry.

In addition, these kids need constant support immune therapy. Most often, doctors use for this local immunomodulatory drugs. In no case is unacceptable to buy any pharmacological agents on their own, without the treating physician. Improperly selected medications can only harm the child's health. During an exacerbation of the disease the child will be assigned to antihistamines.

As a rule, a comprehensive program for the treatment of atopic dermatitis designate a pediatrician and dermatologist. In severe cases, the treatment of atopic dermatitis engaged doctors allergists and immunologists. Independently engage in treatment of such a young child in any case impossible.

 atopic dermatitis in children under one year treatment

Folk remedies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

If a child is suffering from atopic dermatitis, more than three years - it is possible to think about an alternative treatment. If you are faced with the phenomenon of atopic dermatitis in children, treatment of folk remedies can be a real "magic - wand." This is what will be discussed below. However, please note - before using any means you should consult with your doctor.

  • St. John's Wort

To make this means you'll need a tablespoon of fresh juice, and St. John's wort four tablespoons of butter. Melt butter over low heat, add the juice of St. John's wort and mix thoroughly. Put the mixture into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

This ointment is necessary to lubricate the affected areas twice a day - morning and before bedtime. The duration of treatment is not limited - it can last as long as necessary. St. John's wort is an excellent disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. And there are no contraindications to its use there. Perhaps, in addition to a possible allergic reaction.

  • Soothing cream with glycerine

In the case of atopic dermatitis causes severe inflammation and skin peeling, try to cook the following ointment. You will need one dessert spoon of fresh milk, rice starch and glycerol. Stir all ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mixture, the consistency of sour cream.

The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected area with a thin layer and leave on all night. If problem areas are located on the elbows and knees, you can make compresses. To do this, put the mixture, cover it with gauze, a polyethylene film. And secure all with a bandage. In the morning rinse with lukewarm water or mush or broth of lime blossom.

  • Potato juice

Potato juice is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, successfully treating atopic dermatitis. Wash the potato tuber large, clean it and rub on a small grater. Fold the gauze in several layers, apply grated potatoes on it and attach it to the wound site. Napkin with potato gruel, leave for two hours, then rinse with warm water and lubricate any fat cream.

  • Kalanchoe and white honey

In that case, if the child is not allergic to honey and other bee products, to relieve an itch you can use the following recipe. Mix equal proportions of white honey and the juice of Kalanchoe, place the mixture in a glass bowl and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for seven days. Such mixtures necessary to lubricate the affected places every time a child complains of severe itching.

  • The juice of celery root

Mix in a bowl all neemalirovannoy 50 grams of fresh celery juice and table apple cider vinegar and 2 grams of salt. In inflammatory processes affected skin lotions are very effective from this solution. Apply a gauze soaked in the solution to the affected area of ​​the skin for five minutes every two hours.

Incidentally, celery juice is no less effective when taken orally. To do this, grate or mince one or two celery root, squeeze the juice with the help of gauze fabric. The child should drink it during exacerbations of atopic dermatitis. The dosage depends on the child's age - from three to six years, one teaspoon, older children - two teaspoons. Take celery juice must be fifteen minutes before meals, twice a day. The treatment should continue for seven days. And do not interrupt treatment early, even if the improvement of the child comes first.

  • Fresh juices

When weeping skin lesions are highly effective juices of certain plants. For example, cranberry. It is perfectly heals all skin and so it is often used in folk medicine for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. To do this, prepare the following ointment - 50 grams of cranberry juice mixed thoroughly with 200 grams of vaseline. Apply the resulting mixture every two hours until improvement.

A cucumber or apple juice quite effectively relieves itching and burning - and squeeze the juice every two hours lubricate the affected skin. As a rule, there comes a sense of relief after a few hours.

  • Tea Blackcurrant

If the aggravation of the disease your child caught in the spring, can come to the aid of black currant. Cut shoots currants, chop them and put them in a thermos. Pour one liter of boiling water, tightly cover and leave for about two hours. Strain the infusion using a gauze cloth. This decoction should be used as brewing tea child. Tea baby can drink without any restrictions.

  • Linseed oil

In that case, if the child is too dry skin, helps effectively flaxseed oil. It is used as follows. Place in an enamel bowl one tablespoon of dry inflorescences pharmacy daisy, fill them with 100 grams of linseed oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Bring to a boil over low heat, turn off, cool and strain the broth using a gauze cloth.

Lubricate the affected skin baby every two to three hours, for at least a week. Do not forget that fat flaxseed oil can leave clothes on the child difficult stains. Therefore, be careful with this issue.

  • A decoction of sage

Equally effective and sage broth. It can be applied with a strong peeling and skin inflammation. Preparing the broth as follows: - put in an enamel bowl five tablespoons chopped sage leaves, fill them with one liter of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil the broth must be over an hour.

Then wrap the pot thick towel and leave to infuse for at least two hours. Broth strain using gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. The child should take a decoction of three teaspoons every four hours for 21 days.

In addition, the baby will drink a decoction of sage, do not interfere, and lotions. They do this - Prepare some gauze, how to soak them in a solution and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin of the child. Napkins must change as they dry, for one hour. Do this procedure is best at night, and the treatment should last about two weeks.

  • The infusion of chamomile pharmacy

During remission is useful to wipe the skin in the affected areas of pharmacy chamomile infusion. Prepare infusion is simple enough - in a thermos sprinkle in three tablespoons of chamomile blossoms, fill it with one liter of boiling water and close the lid. Insist daisy at least three hours. After each bath the baby skin should be cleaned with a decoction of camomile. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, so at times it will reduce the risk of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis.

 atopic dermatitis in children, treatment and prevention


Of course, the recipes of traditional medicine are often very effective. But do not forget that they are almost all based on a variety of grasses. A grass often lead to the development of allergic reactions, which in turn underlie diseases such as atopic dermatitis. And so in some cases, these recipes can aggravate the disease.

Incidentally, this is why they in any case can not be used in infants who develop an allergic reaction more often. But children and adults, treatment should be kept under strict control - carefully observe the condition of the child and at the slightest deterioration discontinue treatment.

In no case do not try to replace the popular recipes medical supervision and treatment, which is prescribed by a doctor. Yes, and all recipes must also be pre-agreed with the child's doctor.
