White patches on the tongue of the child

From a careful look caring parents do not slip any detail. Including the changes in the body of the baby. For example, the state of tongue and mouth. They directly indicate the status of the work of many internal organs. The most common problem such as white patches on the tongue of the child.

That's what we talk about today, because white film can tell a lot. A healthy baby has a tongue of a pale pink color, although, of course, the shade can vary. But a fundamental change in the color language in all cases, evidence of various problems.

In the event that a white film appears only in the mornings and is easily eliminated by ordinary toothbrush, panic early. This is considered a normal variant. But in that case, if the plaque is maintained throughout the day, a cause for concern is still there. Hence, in the body there are any abnormal changes.

Gastritis, goiter

If a white film covers the entire surface evenly language - most likely, it is a dysbacteriosis or chronic gastritis. Therefore, if you find a similar raid, note whether the child has symptoms such as:

  • Systematic digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Bloating, pain in the stomach or intestinal cramps.
  • Too small weight of the child.

In this case, be sure to show the child's physician - gastroenterologist. It is important as soon as possible to diagnose and treat disease.


If the white patches on the tongue of the child has a non-uniform consistency, with white patches, resembling grains of semolina, most likely, it is about stomatitis or as it is popularly called, thrush. If you try to remove the mucous plaque begins to bleed. In addition, at a stomatitis often it affects not only the surface of the tongue, but also the mucous membrane of the sky and cheeks.

Besides the white plaque is characteristic pronounced change behavior of the child. If we are talking about very young children, for their typical crying, restless behavior, refusal of food. Older children are already able to complain of pain and a burning sensation in the mouth. In this situation, parents should seek medical help from a doctor - dentist.

 coating on the tongue of the child

Bowel problems

In that case, if the coating on the tongue of the child is localized in the rear third of the very high probability that the child has some or other pathologies associated with the colon. But if the plaque is located in the middle of the tongue, duodenal ulcer disease are possible.

It is important to distinguish between problems with the stomach and duodenum. At first glance, it is quite difficult, because the white coating on the tongue is present in both cases. However, when it comes to bowel pathologies, the tip of the tongue is usually bright red in color.

Other diseases

There are a number of pathologies that may provoke the development of white patches on the tongue. For example, parents should get worried that if there is only a white coating on the edges and on the tongue, there may be a child of various respiratory diseases. And this can be observed in bronchial asthma and during acute bronchitis.

In that case, if a white film covers the baby's tongue uneven spots, presence can assume a variety of fungal diseases, and not only stomatitis. In addition, a white film may appear as infectious diseases, influenza and acute respiratory disease. And in some cases, white fur is the result of several diseases.

How to inspect the language?

In order to obtain reliable information necessary to properly inspect the language. Doctors recommend doing this in the morning, before brushing teeth, and even more so to the child breakfast. Ask your child to open his mouth wide and tongue out. At the same time, make sure that the child is not scratching teeth tongue.

However, this morning carried out a first inspection of the language. If you have something alerted, repeat the inspection for the day. Remember, we have already talked about the fact that sometimes the child has a white coating on the tongue appears without any reason. But remember that it is not necessary to examine the language in the next hour after a meal or medication.

And remember that the self-examination of the language is only needed to notice possible (!) There is a problem. Independently no Diagnosis is by no means impossible. And even more unacceptable in any case to start treatment of the child on their own, without a doctor's examination.

Even the doctor only one appearance of language can not reliably diagnose. This requires a comprehensive examination of the body of the child and in some cases carrying out various laboratory tests. Therefore, with all its anxieties and suspicions should immediately consult a doctor.

 What can we tell a white coating on the tongue of the child?

We recommend that read: bronchitis in children

 Food allergies in children


  • What kind of a beast - an allergy?
  • The reasons which cause the allergy
  • What foods most often cause allergies?
  • Diagnosis of food allergy
  • Kindergarten: to be or not to be?
  • The diet for the treatment of food allergies
  • Drug treatment of food allergies
  • Other special care for children with allergies

Food allergies in children, treatment should begin as early as possible is quite a serious problem. And, unfortunately, this phenomenon is very common and widely. It is therefore important to identify as quickly as possible, exactly what foods cause allergies in the child, because it is adjusting diet and the lion's share of the whole process of treatment.

Although, of course, and a certain specific treatment also takes place. In that case, if the parents timely notice allergy and take the necessary steps, the chances for a full recovery of the child are very high. But if the problem is ignored, it will grow like a snowball, flying from the slope of the mountain.

What kind of a beast - an allergy?

First, let's understand in detail with you so what is a food allergy. Doctors characterize this term unnecessarily high sensitivity of the immune system to the individual components, which are contained in certain foods. A developing allergy due to the fact that the IgE - immune system protein - comes into direct chemical reaction with a specific allergen. Allergies are very, very specific way: its symptoms are easily recognizable even if the parents do not have medical training. But, of course, need to contact your doctor as soon as possible. Thus, the main symptoms are:

  1. Skin reactions

    Most often the first sign of the beginning of food allergies in children are a variety of skin rashes. Moreover, they can have very different kind - nodules, bubbles, red spots of different sizes. In most cases all skin rashes very itchy and deliver a child a lot of discomfort. A child can be capricious, sleep badly, and sometimes even refuses to eat.

  2. Dyspepsia

    Often food allergy makes itself known by various digestive disorders: diarrhea, pain and intestinal cramps, nausea and vomiting. And sometimes there may be some digestive disorders, and sometimes - all together. It depends on the individual child, the number of allergens entering the body, the time elapsed after eating certain foods.

  3. Different types of edema

    In severe cases of allergic reactions may experience a variety of edema. The child may swell genitals, hands and feet, the mucous membranes of the nose and palate, ears, eyelids. In this case, parents should immediately sound the alarm as soon as possible and seek medical advice. Indeed, in this situation, we can not completely rule out the possibility of pulmonary edema, the effects of which not imagine so difficult.

By the way, remember that the most predisposed to the development of food allergy is transmitted at the genetic level. Therefore, if a parent or other close relatives have any allergies, they need to know that their child is automatically enters the high-risk group.

Of course, this does not mean that such a baby food allergy will manifest itself without fail. However, the child's body is constantly in a heightened state of "combat" readiness. And parents should be given to the child's diet particularly close attention, since the earliest days of his birth. And consult a doctor immediately, if there were even the most mild allergy symptoms.

The reasons which cause the allergy

As a rule, children are prone to food allergies, it makes itself felt in the first months of life. The main symptoms of such crumbs - skin rashes and itching. Doctors have identified a number of the main reasons that can provoke allergic reactions:

Wrong diet expectant mother

On the baby's health is largely influenced by his mother's diet during pregnancy. From the menu, pregnant women should be excluded citrus fruits and strawberries. And strictly you limit their intake of fish and seafood. From whole cow's milk in recent months as a woman is to give - much more reasonable to replace dairy products.

Early introduction to the child's diet artificial mixtures

Often the "trigger" for the onset of allergic reactions is the early introduction of artificial mixtures. Moreover, even if breast feeding is continued. The reason is simple - the vast majority of infant formula is made on the basis of cow's milk protein. And this same protein and is a strong allergen, which in most cases leads to the development of allergies.

That is why doctors do not get tired to remind that you must try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible. This is largely to protect your child not just in infancy but throughout his later life. If this is done for any reason it is impossible, prefer hypoallergenic mixtures which are based on or soy protein, or goat's milk protein.

Wrong diet of lactating women

A nursing mother should be very, very vigilant in their diet. Of course, without exception, nursing mother remembers that there are severe limitations in food. But sometimes she wants something forbidden! Too many young mothers find themselves unable to resist the temptation and allow certain errors in the diet. And sometimes these errors can be very rough. That is why the treatment of food allergy in children under one year is, first of all, in the correction of the diet nursing mother.

Violation of the rules of complementary feeding

Very often the first time a food allergy has an effect during the introduction of the diet of baby first lures. This may be due to delays in the introduction of a particular type of feeding, the introduction of several types of food, too many foods eaten by the child at a time. It is therefore important to monitor compliance with all the recommendations of a pediatrician on this issue.

 Food allergies in children treated

What foods most often cause allergies?

For the treatment of food allergies in the first place should be excluded from the child's diet all foods that can trigger the development of the reaction. Definitely say which product may cause allergic reactions in a small child, it is very difficult. So let's start the conversation with children under one year - the most allergenic are:

  • Cow's milk proteins, in any form and in any products.
  • Proteins of chicken and quail eggs. Yolk can also cause allergies, but less frequently.
  • Almost any kind of fish, especially the sea. Before, she strictly contraindicated.
  • Gluten, which is contained in the proteins of rye, wheat and rice, and oats.
  • All fruits, vegetables and berries are bright yellow and red.

Administered in the diet is not more than one new product every two weeks. Thus you will be able to pinpoint exactly which component is causing food allergies. So, and exclude it would be very easy. And remember a simple rule: to introduce new products in very small quantities.

And in the case with the children of older things are little more complicated. All of the above foods added a number of additional, as the child's diet is largely expanded. These include:

  • All kinds of nuts, and even a small number of them.
  • Shrimp, squid, oysters and other types of seafood.
  • Strawberries, kiwi, plums and citrus fruits.
  • Various food additives, preservatives, colorants and emulsifiers.

As a rule, these products are the most dangerous for children aged one to four years. The reason is that a few years of the child's immune system becomes necessary skill recognition provoking proteins. And the reaction to them from the body is not as violent as before. But we should not delude ourselves: acute food allergies will occur less and less, but very high probability that the child's immune system will switch to other allergens - house dust, pollen and other.

Diagnosis of food allergy

Food allergies, like any other disease, needs a correct diagnosis. And the diagnosis is not so simple - a whole range of actions is needed. The first thing a doctor will do - it will analyze all the risk factors, diet, child's diet, genetic predisposition. This information is extremely important for proper diagnosis, so parents have to give the maximum amount of medical data.

Parents over time - usually two weeks - should lead the so-called food diary. It must be carefully and meticulously record all foods that their child uses. And the reaction of the child's body to a particular product is also necessary to fix the detail in the food diary.

At the same time conducted laboratory studies. Today, the most reliable considered immunological blood of a sick child. To determine the level of serum specific immunoglobulin physician assistant will take the child blood from a vein. Too many parents are afraid of it, but in vain - the procedure takes a very short time and does not cause much discomfort to the kid. In case if laboratory study show its excessive amount, it is possible with a high degree of probability that a child food allergy.

Also very important blood tests that identify specific food allergens, causing a pathological reaction of the organism. As a rule, with the help of the study doctors can identify most common allergens. However, it so happens that the analysis does not show all the allergens, so be careful with the introduction of new products is still necessary.

For children older than five years are often used skin tests also help identify food allergens. Using a special needle in the skin of the forearm of the child made slight scratches, which is applied to the water with dissolved allergens. After 10 minutes, the result is evaluated - if the scratch inflamed and reddened, then the allergies in children with high probability will be a food allergy.

Kindergarten: to be or not to be?

Very often, to parents whose kids show food allergy, there is a problem of kindergarten. In order that you do not have to pick up the crumbs from the night spots on the cheeks, remember to maintain certain safety precautions:

The list of banned products

Parents often verbally warn caregivers about existing allergies, but teachers often simply forget about it. So keep this issue under its strict control. Submit your application with the nurse complete list of all the products to which the child has allergies. And the list absolutely everything, because even if the child is allergic to any rare in kindergarten products, such as citrus fruits, there is no guarantee that your baby does not treat any other child.

Menu in kindergarten

Giving a child in kindergarten, carefully study the menu. In that case, if you know that in the garden there is any inappropriate for your child's meal, bring something from home. Surely not give teachers a timely manner to heat up baby food.

The diet for the treatment of food allergies

As has been mentioned above, the main treatment for food allergies - a timely and proper correction of the child's diet. It must be done as quickly as possible. And it is very important to do it really well. It makes more sense to seek help from a doctor or allergist if not, then to the pediatrician.

For very young children the doctor will choose the therapeutic mixture, which will exclude the possibility of re-development of food allergies, and the introduction of the first foods like kids should be under strict medical supervision. It will closely observe the reaction of the child's body, and, if necessary, adjust the scheme of weaning.

For older children, doctors also pick up special individual corrective diet. And the child will be closely monitored. In the event that within three months of dieting in a child there was no acute food allergies, doctors say about the period of stable remission.

And it is in this period of time is necessary to begin to expand the child's diet. Products must be administered in very small portions, no more than one new component in a week. Doctors generally paint a very detailed expansion of the diet. However, parents themselves must keep in mind the basic rules: strict exclusion of access of the child to such products as chocolate, cocoa, all soft drinks, honey, sweets and pastries, seafood, cured meats and sausages, as well as the restriction of pasta, cereals, yogurt and cottage cheese with fruit fillings. Compliance with medical diet is an essential part of treatment of food allergies, so do not ignore this point.

 food allergy symptoms in children

Drug treatment of food allergies

Of course, parents are sure to ask the doctor a question about what a food allergy is treated by medications. Definitely it is very difficult to answer: it all depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body. Those drugs that help one child, may not be effective for another.

In any case, any antihistamines should choose allergist. The main task of the parents - to see to it that the child was getting medication on time and in full. Very often, the concept of "antihistamine" very frightened parents who have heard that is possible to develop a variety of side effects. However, these fears are not unfounded - the current generation of allergy medications completely devoid of the shortcomings of their predecessors.

In addition to pharmacological drugs often to treat food allergies, doctors are turning to homeopathic remedies. They were also selected with reference to the individual characteristics of the child's body: weight, age, course of an allergic reaction, the presence of comorbidities.

We must not forget that all allergic reactions directly associated with the state of the gastro-intestinal tract of children. Therefore, in the complex treatment of allergies in almost all cases includes drugs aimed at the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, if the child is suffering from dysbiosis, you need as quickly as possible to normalize the microflora.

Treatment of food allergies - the process of systematic and long. So be prepared for the fact that he can not proceed very smoothly, and sometimes failures are possible. In that case, if the child has eaten a particular product is prohibited, may develop an acute attack of food allergies. In this case, parents need to take urgent action:

  • Absorbent

    The child should as quickly as possible to give any absorbent, for example, "enteros-gel" or activated carbon. Given absorbent rate of one tablet of activated carbon, or one teaspoon of gel for every ten kilograms of weight of the child.

  • Cleansing enema

    Immediately after the start of an allergic reaction swipe your child a cleansing enema. Prepare the following solution: to one liter of water carefully dissolve one tablespoon of salt and a third of a teaspoon of baking soda. Heat the water to room temperature and perform an enema itself. Displacement enema depends on the weight of the child - 0, 5 liters of water per 10 kg place.

  • Antihistamines

    About half an hour after the above procedure is necessary to give the child an antihistamine, which he usually gets. As mentioned above, all drugs should appoint a child doctor. And remember to visit the doctor after each bout of food allergy.


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