how to choose a sling


  • Kangaroo
  • Sling sling

Numerous and years of experience and research of child psychologists showed that the baby in the mother's closeness and warmth needed is no less than in the air, sleeping and eating. The children, most of the time in the immediate vicinity of the mother's body, develop emotionally and psychologically much faster, and most importantly, more harmonious than the kids who perform all the time in the stroller or playpen.

And walking stroller is not always the best means of transportation. Of course, in the park with her problems will not be any. But in the store with a stroller it is not so convenient, not to mention the cases where there is a need somewhere to go with the baby. Any mom knows what problem creates a stroller when on the road there are underground passages, stairs, bus and metro.

As the baby for a long time to wear it on his hands becomes so easy - and mom hands numb and sore, and the crumbs are not always comfortable, especially when he falls asleep, and my mother deprived of the opportunity from time to time to change hands. Fortunately, there are different types of devices for carrying small children that evenly distribute the load on the mother's back, leaving her hands free - it slings.

In this article you will understand how to select a sling that best suits you and your baby, but also learn the advantages and disadvantages of such perenosok and rules for using them.

 What better Sling


Sling kangaroo or backpack. Most often he is three different positions, allowing the baby to wear in front - facing mom or mom, and my mother behind. In models designed for babies, there is another position - lying. In addition, this model is equipped with a sling tough headrest to secure the baby's head.

When purchasing be sure to pay attention to the fact, for some it is the age of a particular model. Most often, the packaging products specified age restriction or weight. As a rule, from birth to one year, parents have to change the three models. In addition to general weight limits when buying a "kangaroo" should take into account some more features.

Features of the model selection

  • The first thing to consider when choosing a suitable model - how wide the pocket itself for the child;
  • Also, be sure to check the width of the elastics. This must be done in order to avoid compression of blood vessels and legs rubbing crumbs;
  • Also, when buying it is important to consider the fact, what time of year you plan to use backpack. If in the winter - in addition to the volume of the crumbs consider the amount of winter clothes. Be sure to pay attention to the fabric - it should be hardy;
  • In the summer, choose the most soft and natural material, without the presence of rough seams that can rub the delicate baby skin;
  • It is also very important that the model was a tough back and it is desirable roller, which can be put on his head;
  • Pay attention to the issue of security. Experts in children's slings are advised to give preference to models in which the baby is firmly pressed against the mother, and in any case has no opportunity to slip. Therefore it is better if the model will be deep enough;
  • Also pay attention to the strength of fasteners, buckles, straps, carabiners and fasteners. They must be carefully fastened - sewed several seams and rivets are duplicated;
  • It is best to choose the models that have a wide buckle in the form of lightning. This sling is easy to put on and take off without causing the baby to wait, when my mother cope with all these hooks;
  • When buying a backpack sure to consider who is most of the time will wear the baby - mom or dad? And it was under this parent is necessary to select a model. Most often, of course, such an honor bestowed upon her mother;
  • Before you buy a backpack, it is necessarily necessary to try on, preferably by placing the baby in it. Listen to your instincts - if there is enough comfortable do you feel? Are you comfortable, not too tight if the webbing;
  • Prefer models with wide straps that can fasten crosswise;
  • Welcomes and availability of a wide waist belt, which is adjusted to the width of special fasteners. This mounting system distributes the weight load evenly, thus preventing the appearance of fatigue and muscle pain;
  • Remember crossed behind backpack straps completely exclude a situation in which they can slip away from her mother's arms;
  • For nursing mothers, this model is ideal, which may release the front straps. This allows you to quickly feed the baby breast, without removing it from the backpack and without attracting the attention of strangers.

Also, many models are equipped with a variety of rucksacks numerous pockets. It would seem a trifle, but they often come to the rescue on a great outing. After all, the pocket can put a spare diaper, handkerchief and a bottle of water. This eliminates the need to additionally take a bag with you. The only drawback of the model kangaroo is that doctors are not advised to keep a child in it for more than two hours a day. For longer wear we recommend using a different kind of carrying - sling.

 how to choose the right sling

Sling sling

Literally translated as patchwork sling holder. Despite the fact that in our minds word flap is associated with a small piece of fabric, in fact, such a model is a very large panel of - approximately two meters in length and not less than one meter in width. The sling can be fixed in various ways, depending on the desired position and the baby as it grows. There are several types of slings.

Sling with rings

This type of sling is probably the most favorite views of all the parents, without exception. Sling with rings - a two-meter strip of fabric, about 70 centimeters wide. The ends of the sling are called "tails". On one of the tails are the rings and lining under the shoulder. The second tail is tucked into the ring sling, and its length is regulated mother alone.

This sling is versatile and is suitable for children of all ages - for crumbs newborns, and for the year-old tots. Sometimes the question arises: how to wear it a miracle? In fact, this is no big deal. A newborn baby can be put in a sling in the cradle, and the older child lock on the back of my mother, or else on the thigh. Worn on the shoulder sling, and shoulders should be alternately changed.

Sling with rings having both a number of advantages, and some disadvantages. The main advantage is the fact that the situation of the child can quickly change from vertical to horizontal. In addition, remove the crumbs from sleeping like sling is very easy - just loosen the tail in the ring, and the child would not in a sling, and you have on hand.

The only flaw that exists in the sling with the rings - is the uneven distribution of the load, as it is worn on only one shoulder. To reduce this effect, mothers are strongly encouraged to regularly change the shoulder to load accounts.


This sling is made of cloth, a circle of about half a meter, and its width varies from 40 to 70 centimeters. In the sling is cut a special pocket into which the priest child. This pocket is often called Momma "smile". Thanks to well-pocket child locked in a sling, and his back is supported by the upper rim.

Typically, the sling-pocket sewn to order at a certain size, or it has a row of hooks, or buttons that can be adjusted to the correct size before use. A child can be put in the pocket, in the cradle, mother sit on your hip or on your back. This sling is worn on one shoulder.

The main advantage of this device - lightness and compactness. In contrast to the sling with the rings, the fabric is never weakened. But the drawback is also present - it is not regulated. And the size of the sling must be very carefully selected directly under the complexion of a parent. As a general rule, and dad and mom can not use the same sling-pocket.


This view of the sling, which is a narrow (average 60 cm wide) strip of fabric and a length from three to six meters. Depending on how you start up model is fixed posture of the child. Sling scarf can be purchased at almost any store of goods for children.

Most often, such a model of mothers prefer to wear on the shoulders of the two, since this winding method is best to distribute the load on the back. Short slings - the length of two to three meters, mothers prefer to wear on one shoulder, tying a scarf in the ring. In short scarf pose baby may also be varied in many different ways. However, in contrast to the long, the entire load will be unevenly distributed - one shoulder. Sling scarf for babies is the best choice.


Sling scarf meets a little less than the above, however, and you should not miss your attention. Maybe for someone this kind would be most appropriate. It is a canvas fabric in the form of a tissue, of approximately 150 to 100 centimeters. Two upper corner of a handkerchief tied over the chest, and the lower end of the two - under the breast. Kid is located behind the mother. You can also wear your baby in the crib, tie a scarf over one shoulder.

Definitely answer the question, what better Sling, very difficult. It all depends on the needs and preferences of each individual child and its mother. When you learn how to wear a sling, will understand how to deal with it, no doubt, appreciate the convenience of this device, and will be delighted to talk about it souped mothers.

 How to choose a sling: tips for young mothers

We recommend that read: Walking with a newborn
