birthday child


  • Gift for a child under one year
  • Baby Gift from a year to three years
  • Baby Gift of four - six years
  • Gift for teens

Probably everyone had at least once in your life a gift for a child's birthday, even though he himself has no children. By the way, people who have not yet become parents to choose a gift for a child is always difficult. Who knows what will please the flower of life?

Of course, you can go the path of least resistance and bring money - they say, let the parents decide that the child needs. However, the child probably would be delighted longer present, selected with love than the envelope with the money. Well, maybe except for adolescents and very young people, of course.

In fact, choose a gift is not so difficult if you remember two basic rules. Rule one says that to the choice of a gift must be approached with imagination - do not be afraid to experiment, the process is pretty creative. A second rule calls in any case do not lose sight of the age of the child for whom you choose a gift. Oh and if you at least know something about the interests of the child and his skills - you're lucky.

Gift for a child under one year

If a gift is required to the little man, who is also the first day of birth is not mentioned, it is important that it is primarily useful. Since the gift of happy pipsqueak can not due to age characteristics, his parents let him rejoice.

  • Talk with parents

The most reasonable solution - to talk with the child's parents. Find out what you need your child - it is to avoid a situation where a child who are exclusively breastfed, give five expensive bottles. In order not to embarrass himself or the parents, be sure to mark the exact amount you are willing to spend on a gift.

  • Chat with other donors

If you are invited to some events - such as a christening, you can team up with other guests and give something useful and expensive: a stroller, crib, car seat. Still, be sure to talk with their parents! So your gift will be truly relevant and bring tangible benefits to the family.

  • Clothes and diapers

If you know the size of the baby clothes, you can buy some good-looking suit - Children have a unique ability to instantly dirty clothes. A win-win option will most diapers - and the size is very difficult to miss, if you know the child's age, and excess they will never be.

 birthday gifts for children

Baby Gift from a year to three years

Year-old man - this is quite a mature person whom bright rattle can not be surprised. So we have to approach the selection of gift more seriously. We offer you some gifts for my birthday and not only are virtually universal:

  • Balls

The ball will not leave indifferent any child! Especially that the choice of goals is enormous - for every taste and any color. The main thing - to choose the right size of the ball - the child must be free to hold it in his hands and at the same time to see everything in front of him, so as not to bump into furniture and corners. The only exception - a gymnastic ball. Also, by the way, is a very good gift.

  • Rolling toys

Rolling toys like and godovastiki, and three-year toddler. So why not consider this love when choosing a gift? I'm sure you've seen these toys - toys on wheels, which attached a stick to push a toy or a piece of string to pull it along. The knowledge that he runs a toy baby will overjoyed - this toy for a long time does not bother children.

  • Rocking Toy

Surely you as a child was a wooden rocking horse? Time goes by, and nothing changes - love these toys in children remains to this day. However, other steel rocking - that elephants and horses, and Hippo, beautiful and soft. This rocking chair will serve the child for at least several years. The main thing to look for when buying - it's the handle. The cheaper models are not covered by anything - just a piece of wood. From these rocking chairs should be abandoned, as there is a risk that a child get hurt. So do not skimp on the gift if you do not want to become a Birthday day bumps and bruises.

  • Educational toys

Do not forget about the toys - they are also perfect as a gift for the child. Pyramids, cubes, designers - the choice is big enough. The main thing - to choose toys that are large enough detail. After all, little kids love to explore the world "by heart" and can stick the little details in your mouth. And in the nose and ears.

Do not abandon books - little kids are very grateful to the readers. But note - they are trying to book for strength, and therefore select appropriate books - with thick cardboard pages. And remember - for such a small child is most important is not the content and form - bright beautiful pictures and a minimum of text.

  • Matryoshka

You want to impress not only the child but also his parents? Buy him a doll for his birthday! Believe me, the child will be delighted and appreciate this gift. Moreover - matryoshka not only fun birthday gift, but also a great developing material. And fine motor skills and logical and creative thinking will remain in positive territory.

 gifts to children at a birthday party

Baby Gift of four - six years

For the older child and the gift should be a more "adult". In this case, too, it is useful to consult with parents, who will tell you what kind of a birthday gift will please their child the most.

  • A bike

Childhood without bicycle - and childhood at all. Therefore, if a child has a bicycle is still there, found the perfect gift. Of course, when choosing a bicycle always keep in mind the child's age. And make sure to have the model chosen was harnesses wheels - they are necessary at the time when the child will learn to ride.

  • Leisure Centre

If any financial frameworks you're not limited, you can consider buying children's sports complex - rings, beams, swings, rope ladder - such a gift is not only unusual, but also very, very rewarding. If you stop the choice on a sports complex, do not forget to buy the mats - they just need to fall in the case of a child he did not receive any injuries.

  • Educational games

Educational games are relevant in this age. But, of course, they are becoming more complex - to replace the cubes comes Designers "Lego", to replace the pyramid - puzzle. First, they stimulate the development of figurative thinking, logic, and that is very important fine motor skills. Incidentally, the total motor depends speech development of a child.

  • Role playing

After about four years in a child wakes up interest in various role-playing games. And choosing a gift, this interest should be considered. For example, you can give the boy sets of "fire", "doctor", "mechanic", and the girls certainly be happy with kits for the young mistress - toy ironing board, washing machine, iron, tableware.

  • Sports gifts

It is difficult to find a child who would not be beaten over the edge energy. And in order to direct this energy to a peaceful course, you can select an appropriate gift. The boys certainly come to the delight of a punching bag and gloves, football, and girls - from skipping ropes and rezinochek. All, without exception, will be pleased with rollers and skates, small trampolines. The only "but" - such a gift can be made only if you know that the baby is healthy. Otherwise you can get in a very awkward situation.

  • Universal presents

You still find it difficult to choose a gift for children at a birthday party or a holiday, pay attention to the number of universal gifts - can not go wrong. They certainly will appeal to all children without exception. Good quality pencils, markers, crayons, sketch drawing, clay for sculpting, stencils, brushes - the choice is huge. The older the child, the more you have a choice.

  • Leisure

A very unusual gift can be a ticket to the zoo, the circus, the water park, theater. In addition, many children's cafes sell gift certificates - on one visit, and the organization of various festivals. For example, the same birthday - though it is no longer a gift for the parents work.

In some cases, the gift can be a disc with cartoons, games, educational programs - of course, the baby's age. Just talk to the parents of hero for the day - who knows, maybe the child has no access to a computer, and it is forbidden to watch TV for misconduct.

And remember the most important thing - it is inadmissible simply to give the child a gift and immediately forget about it, believing that the child himself is able to deal with the toy. A lot of adults just simply forget that Toy also need to be able to play. And that adults should teach the child.

However, consider a gift, hear the admiration of child support it. Show how this toy to play, answer all the questions a child, make sure he understood. And only after that leave the child to enjoy a toy.

 a nice gift for a child's birthday

Gift for teens

But choose a birthday gift of a teenager is not easy. The child's age is very difficult - very difficult to please the child. And the demands of today's youth, as sadly, can not be called modest. So, what to give the teenager that he was not disappointed? It is difficult, but it is possible.

The girl - teenager

If you are invited to the birthday party of a young charmer, you can consider the following options of gifts:

  • Ornament

A girl and a girl - she will not remain indifferent to the jewelry. A chain with a small pendant, earrings certainly will appeal to young fashionistas. But seriously approach the choice - of course, a five-carat diamond in no one speaks. But also cheap jewelery, which the price of a penny on market day, for a gift, too, is not necessary.

  • Soft toy

You may be surprised, but in adolescence girls love soft toys are much more severe than in childhood. Huge teddy rabbit or cat will make a girl jumping for joy up to the ceiling.

  • clothing

No, to buy their own clothes in no case nelzya- still can not guess either the size or the model. Therefore, the best option would be gift certificates to stores.

Boy - teenager

The young gentleman, too, is not so hard to please. He will be happy to receive a birthday:

  • Computer Accessories

Rare kid is not interested in computers. So the choice you have is huge - good keyboard and mouse, game console, strips of RAM. And in this case it makes more sense to consult a teenager himself, that tells you about your needs.

  • Sporting Goods

Snowboard, surf, skating - find out what interested the teenager to make it easier to make a choice.

Universal presents

Also, do not forget about the universal gifts that will delight and the same boy, and a girl:

  • Mobile phone

Of course, nowadays mobile phone has even schoolchildren. However, the latest, most advanced model, not left indifferent teenager. But first consult with the parents - how they would react to this gift?

  • Mp3 player

Music - an integral part of the lives of modern teenagers. So MP3 player will have to court any child. Especially since they are relatively inexpensive and do not pierce gaping hole in your budget.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of gifts that will delight children. But we hope that this article will be useful to you and if you do not help to choose a gift, but at least sent your imagination in the right direction. And remember - the best gift one that was chosen with love to the child, not only to buy.

 Birthday gift to the child. How to choose the best?

We recommend to check out: The development of fine motor skills in young children
