causes of hemorrhoids


  • Causes of Hemorrhoids
  • Symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatment at different stages
  • When surgical treatment?
  • Preventing Hemorrhoids

Many people know what hemorrhoids, but consider it a disease, though unpleasant, but not very serious. And this is one of the major mistakes that often leads to the fact that the disease is becoming a running, which requires a complex surgical intervention. That is the disease and how to treat hemorrhoids, find out more.
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Causes of Hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids? This disease is associated with an increase in blood vessels and tissues of the rectum. There is a formation of the so-called hemorrhoids, their loss through the anus. You experience bleeding, pain, discomfort during bowel movements.

This disease is today very common, but all of it is in a different stage. It may not even notice, especially at the initial stage, when the domestic rather than the external hemorrhoids. The reasons why there is such an unpleasant disease, can be very different. Among the main should be noted:

  • poor diet, lack of fiber in the diet food;
  • chronic constipation, which increase the pressure in the rectum;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • In women, it can be labor, hemorrhoids often occurs during pregnancy;
  • prolonged sitting on the toilet;
  • sedentary, inactive lifestyle (typically a disease affects office workers);
  • excessive exercise;
  • abuse of alcohol, spicy food.

 folk remedies for treatment of hemorrhoids

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Symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatment at different stages

To treat hemorrhoids, you must first define its symptoms. Course of the disease can be divided into several stages:

  • chronic hemorrhoids is divided into 4 stages: 1 - spotting a bright scarlet color, 2 - loss of nodes, 3 - loss of nodes, requiring intervention of a doctor, 4 - loss requiring surgical intervention, blood clots;
  • acute hemorrhoid is divided into three steps: 1 - formation of knots without inflammation and pain, 2 - inflammations, 3 - inflammation around haemorrhoids.

To accurately determine the stage and form of the disease, it is necessary to pass inspection, then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. This may be medication at home, a warm bath. For complex cases need to be treated in hospital.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy - an alternative treatment that often brings rapid and significant relief. In contrast to the methods of traditional medicine, there are practically no contraindications, the procedure can be performed at home with confidence in their effect. But you can not engage in self-medicate, it is necessary to consult a homeopath, who prescribe drugs.

To get rid of the itch, you can use the Capsicum Annum. In any case, the selection of such a drug should be administered only under medical supervision, based on the symptoms and the general condition of the patient. If the treatment is carried out at home, it also requires pre-consultation at the proctologist.

Just buy drugs without a doctor's advice can not, because of hemorrhoids - a disease of serious consequences of such self-treatment can be unpredictable.

 symptoms of hemorrhoids

Treatment of chronic forms

At stage 1-2 chronic form of haemorrhoids can be treated by invasive methods. It cryotherapy, photocoagulation, ligation using latex rings, sclerotherapy. But these methods are contraindicated in these situations:

  • the presence of anal fissures;
  • thrombosis availability of nodes;
  • the presence of an acute abscess, inflammation of the perineum and the anal canal.

The treatment itself is as follows:

  • sclerotherapy is a method in which a node is entered sclerosing agent in an amount of up to 2 mm. This substance causes the bonding, the flattening of the vessels, that is, bring significant relief. You can work with only 2 units, otherwise will develop a strong pain. Re-intervention can be carried out only after 2 weeks;
  • use of latex rings involves overlaying them to the node to shut off its power supply. Thereafter nodes together with the rings are removed (when the tissue die). This occurs about a week after surgery. In some cases, it is recommended repeat the operation;
  • fotokoaguyaltsiya is a procedure during which the anus is introduced fiber. Under the influence of heat vessels glued assembly. The tip should be applied to each host from 2 to 6 times;
  • Cryotherapy - one of the safest procedures. In this case, a node is frozen, thaw occurs after death of tissue, there is a small wound. Conduct such intervention under local anesthesia, a lot of time is not required.

Some procedures, such as minimally invasive, do not require general anesthesia, but it all depends on the complexity of the disease. For cryotherapy or laser intervention may require an epidural. Such methods of treatment can not be considered a panacea, since they do not eliminate the main causes of hemorrhoids, and only reduce the pain, clean unit.

 baths to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids

Treatment of thrombosed form

If thrombosed hemorrhoids with pain, for the treatment of the different variants are possible. When a node is increased only slightly, the doctor will recommend a warm bath, some laxatives. But if the pain is quite strong, and the unit is large, often prescribed procedure to remove a blood clot. This procedure is performed only in hospitals, although it is usually a lot of time does not take. In no case do not try to do it yourself, since it is possible not only to the strong development of the disease, and infection, the penetration of infection to other organs!

A blood clot is removed using local anesthesia, and the patient does not feel anything. The unit entered a piece of bandage that will stop the bleeding and prevent further clot formation. On the outer surface of the assembly as bandage, which can be removed after 6-12 hours after surgery. Often doctors prescribe sitz baths with hot water. Pain disappear after such a procedure, but if you still left with a feeling of discomfort, it is prescribed to patients acetaminophen, ibuprofen, which have analgesic effect.

At loss of hemorrhoids prolapse that is necessary intervention of a doctor, you can not do anything on their own. For the most part such intervention ends with the doctor gently reduce a portion precipitated by pushing on it with your finger. But there are cases when the node is nevpravlyaemym or drop out after the procedure. In this case only possible surgical intervention, which is capable of much alleviate the condition.

If the fallen node remains in place, that is in a state of clamping the anus, it is possible the development of necrosis. Fabric stops receiving the necessary power for blood, gradually die off. This leads to this unpleasant situation as hemorrhoids infection, infection entering the bloodstream to other organs. This not only adversely affects the overall health, but also can cause dangerous diseases. In this case, surgery, providing treatment in the hospital.

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When surgical treatment?

Treat Hemorrhoids are sometimes only possible surgically. It is recommended for 3-4 degrees of the disease. Surgery is the excision of hemorrhoids, followed by needling supply vessels. The postoperative period, which the patient must spend in the hospital under observation, is about 7-9 days depending on the general condition and the complexity of the intervention. Incapacity period after such an operation is 14 days.

The first time after surgery may experience abdominal pain, some discomfort in the anus, festering scars. In addition, it should be noted that in the long term can be observed phenomena such as relapse, expand anus disorders, weakening its expanding functions. To minimize these effects need to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor on the postoperative period, to adhere to proper nutrition.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary after surgery perform some specific recommendations:

  • take sitting baths with warm water 3 times a day, after each bowel movement (especially in the diet of leafy vegetables, a large amount of fluid);
  • in the event of pain is necessary to use only those drugs that are written out to the attending physician;
  • laxatives can be used only with permission of a doctor;
  • in the event of symptoms such as bleeding, worsening pain, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, you should immediately contact the attending physician.

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Preventing Hemorrhoids

Today, there is no absolutely reliable means for the prevention of diseases such as hemorrhoids. With special diets can be prevented, but can not completely eliminate the problem. To reduce the risk of possible angles, but for this it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions:

  • When sedentary work is necessary every hour for about 15 minutes to get up to make any active operations;
  • for drivers to find driving recommended that no more than 3 hours, should be possible to get out of the car, do light warm-up;
  • in the office and at home we recommend the soft recliners and replaced by regular hard stools;
  • a diet rich in cereals, soups. Try to include in the diet food that does not cause constipation or diarrhea, as it is often the cause of prolapse in the anal region;
  • reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, spicy, spicy food, which causes irritation in the anal region, increases blood flow;
  • after defecation is recommended not to use harsh toilet paper and wash with cold water;
  • recommended for pregnant women to carry out daily walking, perform gymnastic exercises.

Hemorrhoids - a rather unpleasant disease that requires treatment, it can not be cast. Used for a variety of methods, including the people who can do at home. With advanced forms recommended surgery, after which you must comply with all recommendations of the physician.

 How to get rid of hemorrhoids?
