how to decorate a balcony or loggia with flowers

Fashion at the flower decoration of balconies and loggias came to us from Europe and it looks like a long time decided to settle here. Modern floristry year delights us with new and new ideas can decorate our life and make it especially pleasant and joyful. Flowers give for the holidays, celebrations, with or without, they draw up different interiors, creating the right atmosphere in a particular area. Any house or apartment is literally transformed in the eyes, and are much more comfortable when they appear flowers.

Flower arrangements are placed in the halls and living rooms, the kitchen, the bedroom and even in the bathroom. Of course, the choice of plants for different rooms should be based not only on the aesthetic perception, but also in their characteristics as the flowers can have specific effects on our health. Both positive and not so. For example, the bedroom is not necessary to place a plant with a strong odor, as this may cause headache.

It is worth noting that this year in particular it became fashionable to decorate a variety of flowering plants, balconies and loggias. This trend is understandable, since the flowers on the balcony can create a true flowering paradise in which I feel like a dip. Of course, in our middle band is only possible during the warmer months, but that's not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure. Rather, our short summer on the contrary boosts residents of cities actively acquire ready-made flower arrangements, able to immediately create the right atmosphere.

Turning to professional florists, anyone design your balcony or loggia according to the fashion trends and your own preferences, will be able to do it quickly and efficiently. Of course, if it will truly professionals. How to choose a floral salon you can trust? Browse oldies Internet, to study the proposal and read what customers write about the company that you are interested in.

Note, for example, to the site of delivery service The online catalog of the salon, you can select various ready-made flower arrangements for balcony design. If you want, you can make the personal order.

What plants for balconies decoration work best? Of course, those who are not too fastidious, but very decorative. Effectively looks, for example, spiderwort, which grows well even in not very favorable conditions. It is thanks to decorative and high resistance to various adverse factors, florists are actively using this lush green in his compositions for balcony gardening. It is worth noting that it goes well with a variety of colors, delicately emphasizing their beauty and color. For example, shrub roses and petunias.

Actually, about petunias especially would like to mention. The fact that these beautiful flowers - the main favorites of the majority of our compatriots. Why is that? Probably, the thing is that they are constantly in bloom for a very long period, from the first warm days and ending in the fall, when there are freezing, and the temperature outside is getting lower and lower. But it is certainly not their only advantage. The color palette, the size and shape of flowers petunias are very diverse, so that they are able to satisfy any demanding taste. Also, the composition with petunia may be disposed on the balcony regardless of the world, as they can successfully bloom in the sun or in the shade.

Fashion, of course, is fleeting, but most likely, the tendency to make out balconies and loggias flowers remain in the country permanently. Why are we so sure? The point is that flowered balcony - it's an amazing opportunity to fully enjoy the wonderful time of the year, even if you can not get out of the stuffy city in the bosom of nature.

 Fashion trend: how to decorate a balcony or loggia with flowers?



  • Botanical portrait
  • Types and varieties of roses
  • Nursing
  • Reproduction
  • Possible problems

All people are divided into those who are helpless potted plants, and those who do not divorce. And if you're reading this, you probably fall into the category of fans of green pets. Moreover, you are interested in flower Anthurium, or as it is called in everyday life, happiness for men. This flower room really interesting. And, above all, the fact that a plurality of indoor horticulture contains species differing shape, texture, size, and color of leaves and flowers.

Many want to have in their home such multifaceted handsome, but not everyone knows how to care for anthurium. However, this is fixable. We will try to find out what kind of plant is - different color than his remarkable flowering of what he needs care, and how to grow it at home.

Botanical portrait

Anthurium - this is actually a huge genus of plants that includes about a thousand species and belongs to the family Araceae. The largest number of members of this genus of plants are epiphytes, ie it has aerial roots and short stems. However, there among the roses and vines with long stems and terrestrial herbaceous plants that grow in tropical and subtropical areas of North America. Anthurium growing in South America (Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil).

All kinds of anthurium have leathery leaves. However, the shape and size of different species varies greatly. There anthurium with whole, dissected and incised leaves. There are instances with tiny leaves and leaves these giants, reaching meter length. There are flowers and satin with velvety leaves. There are plants with leaves monochromatic color, and there are those who have a silver pattern on the leaves.

No less interesting and flowers from representatives of this genus. By the way, anthurium bloom and served as the source of its botanical name. In Greek, the name translates as "flower-tail." In fact anthurium has a inflorescence in the form of long cylindrical hvostoobraznogo or cob. But the very inflorescence quite unattractive, and decorative plants give prisotsvetnye leaves - covered.

Although most species prisotsvetnoe small blanket and softly colored, there are different color with large leaves prisotsvetnymi bright colors, shiny or matte texture. By the way, an unusual form of inflorescences in some countries called anthurium flower flamingos. Indeed, anthurium bloom often is associated with these graceful birds.

Widespread in the culture served as a colorful flowering time of these plants. Not only that, some species of this flower have a special decorative effect, to date, there are about eighty farmed hybrids and huge number of cultivars. On an industrial scale anthurium grown as cut flowers, and in the indoor horticulture and horticultural crops Anthurium is known as the arts and deciduous plants, which are also the spectacular flowering.

 flower anthurium

Types and varieties of roses

In the domestic garden and room culture are some very popular species and varieties of this genus.

  • Andre Anthurium

Botanical name Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex Andre. Kind, who became the ancestor of most of the known hybrids. In nature, it grows in the humid tropics of Colombia and Ecuador. This plant - epiphyte that has aerial roots and a shorter stem. Andre Anthurium has dark green leaves, heart-shaped and large, that reach twenty centimeters wide and forty centimeters in length. Flower - bright cob with large bright veil, too, having a heart-shape and high gloss. Flowering lasts for more than a month, and in the vase life of flowers remain fresh for about four weeks. After flowering, the veil does not fall off, and becomes rough and fades. This decorative anthurium Andre maintains almost all the time.

  • Anthurium Baker

Botanical name Anthurium bakeri Hook. f. It grows in the tropics of South America. Anthurium Baker --epiphyte plant with long leaves remnevidnoy form up to half a meter and a width of up to nine centimeters. The bottom is covered with a sheet of brown specks. The inflorescence is a short - cream spathe and pale yellow-green blanket with purple rim.

  • Anthurium majestic

Botanical name Anthurium magnificum Linden. Distributed as an epiphyte or terrestrial plant in the mountainous rainforests of Colombia. Anthurium is a majestic distinctive feature - tetrahedral stalk with sharp edges in the shape of wings. Externally similar to anthurium crystal. On leaves his olive-green veins and covered inflorescence longer than in other species.

  • Crystal Anthurium

Botanical name Anthurium crystallinum Lind. et Andre. In the wild Anthurium crystal known as epiphytic tropical forest habitat that extends from Peru to Panama. Velvety leaves, decorated with contrasting veins. The length is forty centimeters in width - twenty-two. Green or purple hue covered tower on long stalks.

  • Anthurium Hooker

Botanical name Anthurium hookeri Kunth. Anthurium grows in Hooker in the monsoon forests of the Antilles. The leaves are wide, bright green color, decorated with black dots. Bedspread cob is narrow and long, green, and the purple spadix.

  • Scherzer Anthurium

Botanical name Anthurium scherzerianum Schott. Scherzer Anthurium - epiphytic or terrestrial plant mountain forests of Costa Rica. Dark green leaves lanceolate or elliptical, opaque, with a pattern of black dots. Bracts blanket bright shades of red and orange color, length up to twelve and up to six centimeters. Scherzer Anthurium is cultivated mainly as a plant for cutting.

  • Anthurium scansorial

Botanical name Anthurium scandens. Epiphyte with meter stem spread from Mexico to Brazil. Leathery leaves lanceolate bottom covered with black dots. Bracts covered pale green color, yellowish-green spadix. Anthurium scansorial valued for light and shade tolerance bloom.

  • Anthurium mnogozhdyrassechenny

Botanical name Anthurium polyschistum Schult. et Idrobo. It grows in the rain forests of the Amazon Valley. A characteristic feature - dissected (palmate) leaves wavy edges. Bracts and the cob covered the same length. When flowering is strongly folded blanket. In the indoor horticulture Anthurium mnogozhdyrassechenny regarded as a mini-creeper.

 anthurium flower


Almost all of anthurium known in indoor horticulture - epiphytes. Therefore, care for anthurium should be properly care for these plants is. How to care for anthurium in the home? This light-loving plants that should be kept in rooms with ambient light. This anthurium need to pritenyat from direct sunlight. The best place for the flower will be the northwest window.

Comfortable temperature for this plant - the range of 20 to 28 degrees in summer and 15-16 degrees Celsius in winter. However, hybrids lilies require between tabs flower buds (September-February) content at a temperature of 12-16 degrees. Only under such conditions it is possible they bloom. If you want to bloom has come early, in January you need to gradually increase the temperature in the room, which contains anthurium, to twenty-five degrees.

Watering should be plenty of room anthurium. However, the soil in the pot in between waterings should be given to dry out for about a third of the height of the flowerpot. Check the moisture level pochvosmesi can use a wooden stick, sticking her land. To flowering anthurium was plentiful, starting with the month of September is necessary to increase the intervals between waterings. Watering Anthurium should be defended only with a soft water and immediately wipe dry after watering the bottom of the flower pot and pan, as stagnant water can cause root rot.

As for humidity, it must be high (up to 95%). From anthurium suffers from dry air, and its flowering may not occur. Therefore, you must constantly sprayed anthurium and stalks obkladyvat hygroscopic material (such as sphagnum moss). To increase the humidity of the air near the plants can fill the tray flowerpot moistened expanded clay or gravel. It should also be periodically cleaned from dust anthurium. Important! During flowering anthurium spray should be careful to not fall a drop of water on the flowers, otherwise they will remain dark spots.

Proper care and regular Anthurium involves feeding. Feed room anthurium diluted complex fertilizer two or three times a month. Most anthurium responsive to foliar feeding on leaf. Transplanted (rolled over) Anthurium grows, and transplant the young plants is carried out annually.

For the cultivation of anthurium need to pick up the loose substrate that well lets air and moisture. It is particularly important to pochvosmes wherein Anturio grown consisted of larger particles. An example of the substrate for the anthurium: chopped moss (two parts), turf (two parts), turf ground (one part). Or, leafy land (two parts), chopped moss (one part), turf ground (one part).


Propagated anthurium home can be vegetatively or by seed. When vegetative propagation using cuttings apical or stem scions. The offspring with aerial roots once planted in a flower pot, and apical cuttings pre perpetuate in moist sand. It should cover the cuttings with transparent film or capacity.

When seed reproduction is necessary to carry out artificial pollination, when it blooms. To do this, a soft brush should be transferred pollen from flower to flower. But while anthurium pollinated flowers should be of varying degrees of maturity. Pollination is carried out several times.

Seeds ripen in berries Anthurium eight to ten months after pollination. Immediately after collecting their seeds are sown in shallow bowls filled with light soil, spreading the seeds on the soil surface and gently press into the earth. Then the dish with seeds covered with glass. After about two weeks to germinate from seed germination. After the appearance of the leaf seedlings diving, and grow them at a constant humidity and temperature.

Possible problems

Diseases that affect the plant anthurium - this stem and root rot and anthracnose. Rot are caused by low temperature in the room and waterlogged soil. When treated with fungicide anthurium anthracnose. With an excess of calcium in the soil near the plants blacken the tips of the leaves, and the leaves are twisted at the draft, too dry air, sun burns and the lack of lighting.

Also anthurium disease may suffer from an attack of mites, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs. In this case the plant is treated with a weak extract of tobacco leaves and stems are washed with soap and water and treated with specific drugs.

Subject to the rules of care for this flower and its cultivation in favorable conditions for plant flowering occurs regularly and on time. But what anthurium rather capricious, it is quite understandable. After all, he came from wet and warm tropical climate is to recreate at home is difficult. But if you try, then you can do it - you now know how to care for anthurium. Good luck!

 Anthurium - cultivation and care at home
