Why not cyclamen flowers


  • Rules for content favorable flowering
  • Transplant cyclamen
  • Diseases and pests impeding bloom

Cyclamen - houseplant growers for its endearing gentle sunlight. The flower petals are rich in its color palette: white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple, and other options. And all the value and beauty of this flower is that the flowering period falls on the most meager of the year - the winter. Yes, yes, when basically all the plants have shed their blossoms, and the window so little sun, cyclamen pleases and inspires us with his view of flowering.

It is a perennial plant got its name from the Greek word "tsiklos" means "circle". This form has a major vital organ of a flower - bulb. The most common among potted cyclamen species "European", also known as "Alpine Violet" and "Persian".

Many fans feared start cyclamen, arguing its decision complex content and frequent plant diseases. Why is that? Caring for a flower is not particularly difficult if you know the basic rules of the favorable content of cyclamen. And the flower is not sick more often than other plants. But yes, unfortunately, errors in the wrong care adversely affect state flower: the leaves dry, the roots rot, and as a consequence - not blooming cyclamen.

Rules for content favorable flowering

The garden cyclamen stores mainly sell in the autumn, when the buds are already formed and began to blossom. Therefore, choosing a flower, look for a plant that is ready to blossom and has still enough unopened buds.

Naturally, the chosen flower should not have any external damage, the leaves should be juicy low-lying. The main criterion for future success is to plant flowering cyclamen tuber. In no case it should not be completely submerged in the ground, not less than 1/3 of the parts must be visible on the surface.

Cyclamen are very fond of the scattered light and painfully react to direct sunlight. If you keep a plant on the windowsill, it certainly obscures the bright sun. The best option for the necessary sunlight - south-west window.

For good health and regular flowering cyclamen require a cool temperature. Summer best + 18 ° C, but not more than 23-25. If possible, prikopat plant in the garden in the shade. In winter, in the midst of blooming, the air temperature must not exceed 15 ° C. This low temperature affects the formation of buds and long blooming.

During the growing season requires regular, but moderate watering. Pour often, but not profusely. We can not allow drying out or, conversely, excessive waterlogged soil. Make sure that water does not stagnate in the tubers and the leaves - it can lead to rotting of the flower. To do this, pour water on the edge of the pot. Water is best used to defend, soft, at room temperature. Excess liquid should be drained from the saucer to root rot or accident.

Cyclamen also partial to the humidity. Prior to flowering, you can occasionally spray the flower from the sprinkler, but carefully, make sure that water does not accumulate on the leaves. The best will not spray the leaves and the air around the flower. To increase the humidity is also recommended to put the pot on a tray with special expanded clay, gravel or wet moss. At the same time remember the roots of plants do not come into contact with water.

Depending on the species, under favorable conditions during the flowering period lasts from October to March. In spring as the flowers fall off, watering cyclamen gradually reduced. And in the summer to water the plants generally need very rarely. There comes the so-called period of rest during which the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off. Klubni.V remain naked this time, it is desirable pots tubers lay on its side and place it in a cool shady place. Towards autumn pot put straight and begin gradually moisten the soil.

 Why not cyclamen flowers

Transplant cyclamen

In the autumn a new period of flowering, which is marked by the growth of small leaflets. This time it is necessary to do transplanting plants. Pot for transplantation need a little: year and a half for a small pot with a diameter of the tuber is selected no more than 8 cm .; bulbs for 2-3 years will approach 15 cm pot. Another option is the correct selection of the pot is as follows: the distance between the edge of the pot and by the tuber should be 3 to 4 cm. If in a large pot of cyclamen often rots, it is possible in a small premature and short flowering. The result is optimally selected pot will be a magnificent bloom and healthy root.

Old soil is replaced completely. New soil mix can be purchased at garden stores in finished form marked "for cyclamen." With self-preparation of soil use ground sheet, humus, river sand, turf or peat. Necessarily the presence of drainage and ventilation holes at the bottom of the pot. The prepared soil mixture recommended calcined or steamed, with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, because cyclamen easily susceptible to pest attack. Transplanted flower should be carefully without damaging the root ball.

NB: In order for your cyclamen bloomed, transplantation Persian onion varieties can not be completely bury in the ground, be sure to leave 1/3 of the tuber surface. When transplanting of other species may be deep planting, but transplanting "Neapolitan" variety, be sure to completely immerse the tubers in the ground.

We emphasize once again: the wrong bulb planting is a common mistake, and the main reason why, in fact, do not bloom cyclamen.

After the transplant, cyclamen put in a cool light place and begin to gradually increase watering. At the stage of intensive growth of leaves before flowering is necessary to feed the flower fertilizers. It is best to use organic compounds. Avoid high content of nitrogen - this can lead to rotting of the root system.

 Cyclamen not bloom

Diseases and pests impeding bloom

Often a rapid blossom period and delay of flowering cyclamen cause some diseases. Let us dwell on the most common types.

Fusarium - tissue damage plants by fungi that release toxic substances into the blood vessels of the leaves. Manifested by yellowing of the leaves from the tops primarily from one side of the plant. Gradually infected whole flower, including a tuber that sooner or later lead to death.

Wet rot - and very dangerous bacterial disease. The initial stage is accompanied by a sharp smell of decay and rot of the tuber. The root system is also subject to contamination. Methods of dealing with rot there, the plant must be destroyed.

Gray mold - fungal disease gray mold growth appears on the leaf, whereby the plant dies and yellowing.

Aphids - small pesky insects, gray, green or black. Dangerous because it sucks the sap from the leaves of the plant. Detect possible to curtail leaf buds is not disclosed, and the flowers are covered with sticky secretions. Further growth of the plant slows down. Deteriorating situation defeat sticky leaves of black fungus. The fungus in turn impairs gas exchange.

Cyclamic mite - a very small insect is mainly yellow. At the initial stage of the tick is settled on the inner side of the sheet. The affected leaves curl, buds wither and fall off.

Thrips - pest oval growth of up to 2 mm. With wings to fly sick to healthy plants. Leaving behind a silver track affects mainly the leaves, the flowers are covered with the stains and gradually fade.

Pest control methods allow the use of chemical and biological agents. But the best way to treat, as always, is prevention, which consists of regular inspection cyclamen, periodic treatment of the leaves with special solutions and proper maintenance of the plant.

On average, cyclamen lives 15-20 years, and for one period can get up to 70 flowers. Gradually wilting buds should be removed along with the stalks. Yellowing leaves pluck near the tuber. Incidentally, cut flowers cyclamen are perfectly in the water. Dissection ends and regular change of water in the vase to prolong the shelf life of 2-3 weeks.

You will be interested to learn about one particular cyclamen tubers - they contain a toxic substance that causes inflammation of the skin. While traditional medicine uses the flower for the treatment of sinusitis, rheumatism, and homeopaths use cyclamen for the treatment of female sexual organs and diseases of the central nervous system.

In ancient books cyclamen called swine bread, because these animals eagerly feed on the roots of cyclamen. But we, lovers, and indoor plants, cyclamen close "fluttering" like butterflies flowers. Keeping all of the above recommendations, you'll give yourself the joy and sunny mood in the long winter months, while admiring the magnificent colors.

 The main reasons why no blooms of cyclamen
