Why leaves fall at the ficus


  • Ficus - different and wonderful
  • The enemy does not sleep!

Ficus - refined plant finicky and sometimes capricious, demands the care, attention and knowledge on floriculture. If ficus leaves fall off, it is necessary to sound the alarm. Flower gives you signals that it is not happy with everything in the content. But all fixable. In this article we will tell about why this can happen and what you should do to the plant recovered.

First ficus, which began with the introduction of Europe with the representatives of this type of plant is the figs. Another name Ficus carica - fig tree or a fig. Already familiar to all taste the fruits of this statuesque native of Asia Minor. But for home detention preference for other types of figs - they are much more modest in size and can not bear fruit.

 why ficus leaves are falling

Ficus - different and wonderful

Nature has created around eight hundred species of figs. Among them are the trees, and vines, and shrubs. Evergreen rubber plants have come to us from India and its neighboring countries. Not so long ago in the sale I met only one plant species - Ficus Elastica. His most popular subspecies - is robusta and variegata. Ficus Black Prince and Robusta are the similarities between them, only the first darker color of the leaves. Ficus doescheri schrijvereana and have a very unusual pattern on its leaves. A ficus lyrata (violin) love to decorate offices.

Benjamin Ficus (Ficus benjamina L.) - a real favorite of breeders. They derive plant species with unusual leaf shape. Ability ficus Bengali (or banyan) to form aerial roots helps the plant to survive with the help of trees. This is only a small part of the species of plants that can be kept at home.

Even if you decide to stay in only one of them, you need to be aware of why the plant can begin leaf. It's just spoil the look of your pet. There are some things to do that in relation to the plant is strictly not recommended, it is immediately entail negative consequences. But let's look at the order, why the leaves may fall off:

  • The natural process

Be aware that the life cycle of the leaves of ficus has a duration of one to three years. Natural aging - the inevitable process by which plants turn yellow and the leaves begin to die. However, they should not do it en masse, as a rule, it happens to the lower leaves of the flower.

  • Stress is harmful to health

This applies not only to humans but also plants. Ficus - a real conservative. He is absolutely not tolerate change. When your house appeared ficus, assign it a permanent place of residence and do not disturb the plants often movements. An exception can be made when the summer comes and you can make a ficus fresh outdoor air.

Another point to stress ficus - his transplant. For every plant is not the most pleasant time, because in the natural habitat of flora rid of him. In the home environment, such a measure had to, because the plant grows in size, and the soil itself over time loses its nutritional value and should be updated. Transplanting ficus - a process that has its own rules and tricks, of which many are unaware that affects the state flower is not the best way.

  • Lack of light

Ficus like good lighting. The lack of light - quite real explanation as to why the flower leaves turned yellow at first, and then completely fell off. Make sure that the flower has no shortage of coverage, if necessary, to make up its shortage of the plant. Note that the natural habitat of the flower - tropical warm sunny places. In the tropics, the plant receives plenty of sunlight, but it is not under their direct influence. Draft, lowering the temperature and humidity jumps - that causes significant harm to this wonderful plant.

  • Insects

Pests, settled on the plant, - another cause of the fall leaves. Diseased plants usually begins to drop leaves. So do not be lazy to periodically inspect your pet to quickly identify harmful organisms attack and take measures to eliminate them. For sale is a sufficient means to help restore the health of the plant. The main thing - time to identify attack pests, until it caused considerable damage to the internal and external of the flower.

 ficus leaves are falling

The enemy does not sleep!

Ficus get sick more often from improper care. However, the case is that you have become the owner of a diseased plant, buying it in the store, if you have not managed to identify the pest damage in a plant at the place of purchase. Scale insects, spider mites and mealybugs - that's what your plant can cause serious and in some cases, irreparable harm.

Signs of scale insects include: plants lose color saturation, should begin dropping them. Scale insects deprives the plant of nutrients and vitality, feeding its juices. What is an insect? The adults resemble plaques black, younger insects have a light, solid color.

If infected plants was not too long ago, you remove them you can with the help of rags soaked in soapy water. If the disease is already running, then have to apply aktellik as a therapeutic drug. Do not forget about safety measures - the drug is toxic, as well as observe the correct proportions in the production of the solution. Per liter of water is sufficient to add 15 - 20 drops.

On leaves hung whitish thin thread? On ficus attacked spider mite. Your actions are as follows: immediately increase the humidity in the room and regularly bathe flower in water at room temperature. It's hard to think that you miss such an obvious sign of the disease, as the spider snare, but if it was still the place to be, then help you come back aktellik.

Dry air can cause the appearance of Ficus and mealybug. Basically, this can suffer from mature plants. Minor portions of pests can try to neutralize the alcohol solution, gently wiping it with a cloth moistened with a cotton swab or the lesion. If this had no effect, you have to use Malathion. The proportions of such dilution - per liter of water diluted with 15 to 40 g karbofosovoy emulsion.

Those who fear to keep the house as poisonous drugs (when the house there are small children, it is quite understandable), can use the traditional methods of pest control. In the struggle with the scale insects you will help ordinary soap and garlic. Mix soap, spices and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 3 and can start processing ficus. After 24 hours, it must be thoroughly rinsed to remove any residual solution. Repeat the treatment required every 3-5 days, before the final cure flower pests.

The recipe for the mixture to combat spider mites and mealybugs not too complicated. In a small amount of hot water add 5 tablespoons of washing powder, then 5 tablespoons of diesel oil or lubricating oil. The resulting mixture was diluted in a bucket of cold water. Now you can start treatment plants carefully when processing its leaves and stems. Is still not fully used the mixture can not pour out, it has a long shelf life. While we very much hope that your pet will no longer suffer from pests and he never leaves fall off!

 Why can fall off the leaves from the fig: looking for the answer together

 Cyclamen disease


  • The most common disease of cyclamen
  • The main pests of Cyclamen

The desire to be surrounded by beautiful things is inherent in each of us. It is because of this desire, many potted plants are bred to create the apartment area wildlife. Plants suitable for growing in the home, pretty much. And among them I want to especially highlight the cyclamen.

Florists amateur know how hard it is to preserve the beauty of this flower after purchase. Most often fragrant bush dies to please their owners, only one season. What pests shorten the life of plants, cyclamen and what diseases can be dangerous to their health? This is what we will cover in this article.

 Cyclamen disease

The most common disease of cyclamen

Almost all diseases arise due to improper maintenance, which leads to the appearance of harmful bacteria and fungi. So, what to watch out for?

Gray mold

It affects all parts of the plant. The cause of the disease is the fungus "Botrytis cinerea Pers", which is carried by air or transmitted from infected substrate. Cyclamen begins to be covered with gray bloom, later affected areas become brown and soften. Without treatment, the plant dies. Activation of the fungus helps much water, high air humidity or excess fertilizer.

To combat the disease is necessary to observe the correct mode of irrigation and it is desirable to transplant the plant into a new, well-ventilated substrate. At the first sign of the disease is an urgent need to make the appropriate treatment fungicides - fundazol or rovral.

Rizoktonioznaya rot

Able to destroy the plant as soon as possible. This disease is also caused by fungi of the genus "Rhizoctonia solani JG Kuhn ". Exposed to the destructive influence of both young and adults already formed plants.

The disease manifests itself in the form of depressed spots on the leaves, stalks, tubers and cuttings. Distribution takes place from bottom to top. In these spots, and the fungus multiplies, having gray or whitish color. The plant with the disease die very quickly. Mushroom substrate is stored in a long time. If the soil is regularly pereuvlazhnyat, and the plant is kept at a sufficiently high temperature to create the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus.

Measures to combat rizoktoniozonnoy rot include restoring the moisture level, the use of substrates with good ventilation, the selection of the correct feeding scheme. When the first symptoms of the disease completely stop watering. If no improvement is noticeable, change the substrate. Also, the processing is carried out by any fungicide.

Fitoftoroznaya rot

This disease is most often found on the lower leaves and stalks. They gradually begin to wither and die after them, and the whole plant. The tuber is covered with the dead tissue specific. The disease, as in previous cases, is caused by a fungus, this one of a kind "Phytophthora" .

As a precaution you must observe the regime of irrigation and fertilizers. Excessive soil moisture - it is a signal to the emergence of fungal infection. At the slightest sign of plant diseases treated with fungicides: Reed Gold prolfit or previkur. Bred drugs strictly according to instructions.

Fusarium wilt of leaves

It leads to yellowing of leaves and to further their withering and drying up. In this case, it affected the root system of the plant. The causative agent of the disease is also a fungal infection - "Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht". In most cases, the infection is due to the unhealthy initial substrate.

I must say that this fungus likes to dwell in the light of soil mixtures and does not require excessive amounts of nutrients. Infected tubers for the transplant look perfectly healthy, but the slightest peresushka followed overflow, creating optimal conditions for disease progression.

Unfortunately, the treatment of this disease rarely gives a positive result, so it is crucial to carry out its prevention. To do this, you must maintain the optimal temperature conditions and avoid sudden changes in the condition of the soil.

 Cyclamen diseases and pests

The main pests of Cyclamen

To figure out whether your plant pests, it is enough to consider it carefully, using a magnifying glass. If you have found small insects on the leaves, or the traces of their life in the form of sticky secretions - immediately take action. As some cyclamen pests multiply very quickly and do not give the plant a chance of survival.

  • Cyclamic mite

It is considered the most dangerous for plants. This is a very small insect that is considered by the naked eye is unlikely. To see it you need a microscope. The adult reaches a length of only 0, 3 millimeters. The most common pests colony looks like a normal layer of dust on a flower. Lives cyclamic tick overleaf. His appearance threatens twisting stems and folding leaves. Flowering plants wilting resets buds and flowers have already opened deformed petals. All the affected leaves required to be removed, the plant is treated with insecticides.

  • Scale insects

Overcast all indoor plants, cyclamen, and not the exception. It propagated almost instantly - from the boards of adult insects appear juveniles able to move, covering the leaves and stems of plants. Adult insects are destroying simply removing from their homes. To combat the larvae need help insecticides.

  • Thrips

Another global problem cyclamen. They are much larger scale insects (adults reach 1.5 millimeters in length) have a darker shade and a pair of whitish wings. They belong to the flying insects. These pests feed on the juice of the leaves and then move to the soil and destroy the tuber. Thrips can detect many of them excrement on the leaves and the general condition of the plant - the flowers are covered with small whitish dots in the eye catches a specific silvery sheen lamina. The edges of the leaves may curl and twist. To combat this threat are also required insecticides. It is advisable to use them as soon as possible, until the larvae have not gone into the soil.

As you know, the main thing - always pay full attention to the plant. Observe all the rules of care and time to start treatment. For such care cyclamen certainly thank you lush and abundant flowering green mass.

 Cyclamen: diseases and pests
