Anthurium does not bloom


  • The basic principles of anthurium cultivation
  • Propagation Anthurium
  • Why not anthurium blooms?

You pay a lot of attention to its different color and it does not bloom? Why is this happening? Most likely, it's not your incompetence, but the fact that the character of the plants are very whimsical.

Many species of this flower feel well only in greenhouses. But if you're a person gambling and love to overcome difficulties, we will try to explain how to make anthurium bloom on the windowsill of a city apartment. And also tell you about the breeding of this wonderful flower.

So, how to care for different color to make it bloom? Here there are two important points of care - light and moisture regime. With the right content you will not have to wonder: "Why does not bloom anthurium room? "

The basic principles of anthurium cultivation

  • Watering and humidity

For watering take warm and soft water. The procedure is performed as drying topsoil, watering the plant abundantly. The water must first defend and then boil. To maintain the required humidity should regularly spray the leaves with an atomizer. It is advisable to avoid getting water on the leaves, otherwise they will darken - the plant will look untidy. You can use a proven way: sphagnum moss plant levy or any other material that absorbs moisture, and spray them in the future.

  • Location

The most suitable for anthurium considered window northwestern and eastern sides of the building. If anthurium long blooms, perhaps it is not enough light. Take care of good lighting throughout the day, but do not expose to direct sunlight. Remember that all the representatives of this kind need to be heat content, and all year round. And no drafts - they are able to completely destroy the plant. The ideal temperature in winter - 15-17 degrees Celsius in the summer - 20-28 degrees. Lower the temperature recommended gradually, starting in September.

  • Fertilizing

In the period of active growth the plant needs feeding. Apply fertilizer in a diluted form, once every two weeks. As an additional option available weekly foliar top dressing fertilizer appropriate for leaves.

  • Ground

You can make it yourself or purchase a mixture in a flower shop. If you decide to do everything personally, take peat, coarse leaf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 0, 5. All mix thoroughly. Additionally, add 10% of any material coarse fraction. This may be charcoal, broken brick, or even shredded polystyrene. Anthurium began to blossom, you need to get a good air permeability of the soil.

  • Accident prevention

All treatments are preferably carried out in gloves, because anthurium refers to poisonous plants. Of course, it is better to prevent him from children and pets. Contact flower juice on the skin can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or dermatitis.

 not flowers anthurium

Propagation Anthurium

Two methods of reproduction: vegetative cuttings or leaf stem, seed sowing.

Vegetative way is that in the period from March to April, stem shoots are separated from the main plant. It was then that the root system is formed as quickly as possible.

For propagation by cuttings can be taken not only the stalks, but the upper leaves of the plant. If the roots were not observed, the processes take root in the sand or perlite, and the reliability of the pot wrapped in transparent film. This will create the necessary humidity for rooting cuttings.

Anthurium seed multiplication method is quite laborious and lengthy. Germination can be achieved only if the seeding immediately after collection. And to get the seeds, it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination of plants.

Seeds are planted in the most light soil where further need to maintain high humidity. During the formation of the stems temperature should not fall below 25 degrees Celsius. Anthurium bloom will start no earlier than three years after seedling emergence.

 Why not flowers anthurium

Why not anthurium blooms?

To find out why your capricious plant, we offer to get acquainted with the most common errors that lead to the absence of the formation of inflorescences:

  • Failure Mode Lighting

Plants need light to dissipate. This is a prerequisite, direct sunlight detrimental to anthurium. No room anthurium flowers and with a lack of lighting. Therefore, if natural light is insufficient, use fluorescent lamps.

  • The low temperature of the content

In order to form flower buds requires a temperature not lower than 22 degrees (can be higher). At lower force anthurium bloom virtually impossible.

  • The plant winters in very high temperatures

Bookmark flower buds occurs in a rest period at a temperature of 15-16 degrees. So try to create the necessary conditions for plant maintenance. Otherwise not anthurium bloom for a long time.

  • Failure Mode watering

Do not allow excessive drying of the soil or stagnant water in it. If the soil is too wet, and the plant does not choose water, it needs a fresh change and change of land drainage.

  • Insufficient humidity

Do not forget that anthurium - guest from the tropics. So, it needs a high humidity. Dry air is often the reason for the delay flowering.

  • Faded inflorescences remain on the plant

After the buds withered, they begin to ripen seeds, which significantly weakens the plant. If you want to bloom lasted as long as possible, cut the faded blossoms as soon as you notice signs of wilting.

We hope that these tips will help you to successfully overcome all the difficulties and get anthurium bloom.

 Why not anthurium blooms?

 ficus lyrata


  • Botanical description
  • Conditions of detention
  • Nursing
  • Possible problems

Ficus for a long time became a symbol of domestic comfort. However, not everyone knows what kinds of indoor ficus there is not too little. Among them are kids and the giants, spreading like trees, handsome and very slim instances. There are variegated species and even like Japanese bonsai ficus. So that's one of the most popular types of domestic figs was and remains ficus lyrata. What is this plant, how to be caring for them, and whether its reproduction in the home, and we'll try to find out.

Botanical description

Ficus lyrata (Ficus lyrata) got its name from the unusual shape of the leaves, which resemble a lyre or violin. By the way, another household name of this plant - a ficus treble. The similarity with a musical instrument and gives it a characteristic pattern of bright streaks on a dark green leaf-like strings.

This plant of the mulberry family, native to - tropical Africa. In nature it is more than impressive, reaching the height of tridtsatimetrovoy. In fact, the large size - is the main difference from other ficus lyrata Ficus species. One of its distinguishing feature - the corrugated sheets, giving the plant a special decorative effect.

It is an evergreen tree that is in the indoor environment can grow up to two meters in height. In nature, these trees can exist in the jungle in the form of epiphytes, seeking to sunlight. The leaves of ficus lyre also quite large - up to half a meter and a width of up to forty centimeters. The surface of the leaves leathery and glossy, and the leaves themselves are planted on a small petiole and are arranged on the stem in a spiral.

The most prominent varieties of this species:

  • Columnaris - high columnar plant;
  • Bambino - miniature varieties with compact leaves;
  • Little Fiddle - plant of medium height.

The main differences of varieties - a plant height, compact crown and leaf size. But, regardless of grade, the ficus is one of the most elegant and spectacular species of domestic figs. By the way, and taking care of them a bit more complicated than other ficus.

 ficus lyrata Care

Conditions of detention

Comfortable conditions for the plant - one of the conditions for its successful cultivation. Ficus lyrata even be called capricious plant, as under adverse conditions for it, he immediately begins to drop leaves and loses decorative. A comfort - these are the conditions close to natural.

First you need to choose a suitable place for ficus. A plant is photophilous, so the room where the flower grows, it should be well lit, but the plant itself must be protected from direct sunlight. The most suitable place for the pot with a flower arrangement will windows facing west or east. On the northern windows of the world will miss him, and on the southern plant will have pritenyat.

Direct sunlight can cause burns the leaves, and in dim light may fall off the leaves and branches stretch interstitial sites, and ficus growth slowed markedly.

Temperature conditions should also be as close to natural - Tropical. The most suitable temperature for growing Ficus is within the range of 20-25 degrees Celsius in summer and 15-20 degrees in the winter. But in any case, the room temperature should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius. Keep in mind that sudden changes in temperature, this flower reacts painfully - on the leaves appear brown spots. Hypothermia soil Ficus also carries bad, so it is not recommended to put it on the cold window sills and should be protected from drafts.

As for the humidity in the room where the ficus grows, then it should be increased (there are tropical tropics!). And to help in maintaining the desired mode of humidity year-round regular spraying and wash the flower of its leaves. Useful Ficus lyre and periodic showers, especially in the hot summer months. And next to the pot, you can supply a wide container filled with water, and try to protect him from the streams of dry and hot air.


Caring for any plants reduced to timely and adequate watering, regular fertilizing and transplanting plants as needed. And what should be the care of the ficus violin?

  • Watering

Ordered mode for watering this plant to pick up problematic. The fact that its need for moisture depends on the size of the plant, and the room temperature, and the degree of dryness of the air, and from the illumination, and the season. Of course, in the summer, the plant requires more intense hydration than in the winter. However, you must navigate to the drying of the soil in the pot. The soil should not be constantly moist - in between waterings definitely need to give it to dry.

Important! At any time, a treble Ficus watered only need soft water, which should be well pre-settle. If hard water the plant (rich in salts and impurities) with water, then its leaves appear white spots - divorce salt. Another condition literate watering - only use warm (or room temperature) water and watering from the top of the soil in which the surface should be evenly moistened. Twenty to thirty minutes after watering dripped-off in the sump water should be drained, and the bottom of the pot and pan dry.

  • Fertilizing and transplanting

Treble ficus needs periodic transplantation, since it refers to the rapidly growing indoor plants. The first two or three years it should be repotted every spring. After the age of four transplant is performed less frequently - once every two years. The signal on the need to transplant is a degree of filling of the roots of a flower pot - when the roots fill it completely, the plant should be relocated to a new container.

A new pot should be two to three centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. Transplant spend way handling while retaining the old earthen room and filling the voids between the new pochvosmesi clod of earth and the walls of the pot. Such a method is recommended in order to maintain the plant's root system. For young figs must take pochvosmes consisting of peat, leaf soil and sand in equal proportions. Soil adult specimens complement the turf or soil humus. If you can not make pochvosmes yourself, you can buy ready-ground designed specifically for growing figs.

Fertilizing ficus lyrata conducted once every two weeks. At the same time, liquid complex fertilizers at a concentration two times less than recommended on the package.

  • Reproduction

If you have a desire to propagate his remarkable ficus, then do it simply. Reproduction of ficus lyrata spend propagation method, using a stem or leaf cuttings. Cuttings length quire fifteen centimeters are cut with a sharp knife (not scissors!) At an angle. In place of the cut will be allocated milky juice, which is to be rinsed under running water and leave for drying stalks into two or three hours.

Then the cut stalk was placed in a container of water in which are dissolved one tablet charcoal. The roots of the handle appear a month later. During this time, you must make sure that the leaves do not touch the cutting water, otherwise the plant will rot.

Rooted cuttings are planted in small pots filled with Peat mixture suitable. And in this multiplication of ficus is considered complete - continue to care for the young plants need standard rules. The only exception - more frequent trains.

Possible problems

Treble ficus can be affected by fungal infections and pests. In addition, problems are possible and, if not care. For example, when excessive watering he can start to turn yellow and the leaves are falling. The cause of this trouble are also sudden changes in temperature and the lack of humidity.

Fungal diseases on the leaves appear brown specks and black spots. Treat such infections fungtsidami in accordance with the instructions on the package. The most common pests affecting the treble ficus - is the mite and mealybug. From the plant treated with acaricide mite and mealybug first removed soaked in alcohol solution with a cotton swab, and then treated with a plant protivokoktsidnym any drug.

However, the optimum humidity in the room and to the rules of care ficus lyrata rarely sick, and too much trouble to their owners does not deliver. But it pleases their elegant look, lush greenery and rapid growth. So just create his handsome comfort and care for them according to the rules. Good luck!

 Ficus lyrata - elegant, handsome in your home
