Ficus Benjamin


  • Choosing a place for ficus
  • Watering and fertilizing Ficus benjamina
  • Transplanting plants
  • Reproduction of Ficus benjamina
  • Problems in the care of Ficus benjamina

Beautiful tree with evergreen leaves, which is hard to miss - Ficus benjamina. Fans houseplants knows that he is able to decorate any room, but that was a nice little tree, you must comply with the conditions of care. Some may say that they are quite complex and this flower is different moody character, but now we'll show you how to take care of Ficus benjamina, and you will see that actually care for him at home is not so complicated.

Choosing a place for ficus

Given that any houseplants do not like the reshuffle, it is advisable to choose a place before the flower will be in the home. So you simplify the care of plants. Where will be in Ficus benjamina, should not be too light or dark, and cold. Of course, like all house plants, Ficus Benjamin does not like drafts.

The temperature should not fall below 15 degrees, and it is desirable that the room is well ventilated. Direct sunlight can lead to the death of ficus, but coverage should be pretty bright, especially if your copy is the variegated colors of the leaves.

Care implies control of humidity: it must not be lower than 50%, and the optimal rate is 70%. If the air is too over-dried, it is necessary to spray the leaves with an atomizer, and at least once a month to bathe the entire Ficus benjamina (permitting its size) in the shower. After bathing, the opportunity to let the plant dry out completely, otherwise it might freeze.

 Ficus Benjamin Care

Watering and fertilizing Ficus benjamina

It is hard to imagine without proper care watering schedule. But watering houseplants come without him, because different seasons suggests a different interval watering. Ficus benjamina need to be watered only when the earthen room already dried out after the previous irrigation, but can not tolerate excessive drought. Check the ground - if it dried out for about 1/5 of the pot, you can safely proceed to water procedures.

Considering the size, reaches Ficus benjamina, watering is best done in stages, to whom the earth is well fed with moisture. The water that remains in the pan after watering must be emptied (approximately 30 minutes after watering: this time is enough land to absorb all the moisture needed).

It should be noted that without proper care fertilizer is unlikely to succeed. As a plant food, you can use ready-made mixture. The dosage calculated on the basis of the instructions. Usually Ficus benjamina Ficus begin fertilizing in early spring and continue throughout the summer (every two weeks).

The rest period should not be overburdened soil fertilizers. This can only contribute to the development of various fungi, which subsequently serve as a source of numerous diseases. You can use the fertilizer to the leaves, but be sure to stick to the dosage, or Ficus benjamina easily defoliation.

Transplanting plants

How do you know that the plant needs a transplant? If you find that the intervals between watering ficus are becoming shorter, and through the drainage holes began to look out the roots, then the time has come. Usually young house plants are transplanted each year, choosing a pot of 2 cm more than the previous.

Upon reaching the age of 5 Ficus benjamina are transplanted every two years. A ficus-centenarians impressive size can not be transplanted entirely, but only partially replacing the soil.

Grafting is performed mainly at the time when the plant is undergoing active period. Spring and summer are, in principle, are ideal to move ficus. Two days before transplanting the plant should be well watered. For transplants take out of the pot plant and gently shake the whole earth from the roots.

In a pot, where the plant is located, be sure to pour a layer of drainage and to establish a ficus. Fill up the ground on the sides, a little tamping it. Pour and leave it to take root. Care after transplanting normal.

 how to care for Ficus benjamina

Reproduction of Ficus benjamina

The period of active growth of ficus great to propagate it. The main method of reproduction - is the cuttings. Do not try to perpetuate the young elite, choose those branches where the fabric already stiff. Cut the stalks in size from 7 to 10 cm and be sure to remove the released latex. You can simply just put the cuttings in a container of water, and after a while to change it. This procedure should be repeated during the day every three hours.

When the juice has already got rid of, leave the cuttings in a jar with clean water until the appearance of roots. It usually takes about two weeks before the appearance of small roots, and then prepared for rooting cuttings in the ground. When you put the cuttings in water, it is important to break all the lower leaves, so they do not decompose in a humid environment.

For planting the cuttings suitable pots with a diameter of 10 cm and any universal soil. Do not forget the drainage layer of expanded clay to be sure. Planting of young plants differs little from further transplant, which we have already been contacted.

Problems in the care of Ficus benjamina

Foliage - the main indicator of the health of the plant. The most common problems that affect these indoor plants are described below.

  • The leaves fall and dry tips: The reason - too dry air in the room. Solved with the help of spraying;
  • The leaves curl and wither plants: it indicates a lack of heat for ficus. If he is standing near a wall or a glass slide. Increase the temperature in the room as a whole;
  • New shoots, thinning and very fine leaves: the lack of light or power. Feed the plant and put it on a lit portion;
  • Lower leaves overfly: this is not a problem, as the natural result of the growth of plants;
  • Do not forget to periodically inspect the plant for the presence of pests. Ficus leaves love spider mites and aphids panelboard. To destroy them you can use ready-made insecticides.

That's all basic rules of care ficus at home. Do not be afraid to form his crown and regularly trim the excess shoots, the plant only benefit from this. Do not put it on the balcony in January and do not place in the draft, then it will be decorating your apartment for a long time!

 How to treat a ficus?



  • Types of Kalanchoe
  • Growing at home
  • Pests and diseases

There is a belief that the home Kalanchoe brings good luck. Most likely, this opinion due to the beneficial properties of this plant. After all, kalanchoe juice is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetics. And it applied for a long time and quite successfully. Besides, this admirably beautiful flower, and care for them is not difficult, even for the novice grower.

Kalanchoe is a family Crassulaceae plants. Types of his quite varied: for sale can be found as miniature copies (which grow only 30 centimeters), and the flowers are rather large (up to 1.5 meters). Kalanchoe blooms usually in the winter, but there are species that throwing buds twice a year. Duration of flowering varies from 2 weeks to several months.

Kalanchoe is considered the homeland of South Africa, to be exact - the island of Madagascar. It is in these parts this plant is found everywhere. Kalanchoe is growing fairly quickly: if you create for him all the necessary conditions, then after a couple of months, a small stalk pulled to 30-40 centimeters. Choosing Kalanchoe is best to give preference to a plant with just blossoming buds and fleshy, "juicy" leaves.

Types of Kalanchoe

The genus has about 200 species of Kalanchoe. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

It is considered one of the most beautiful species of Kalanchoe. Miniature room shrub, reaching 45 centimeters in height. It has smooth leaves dark green. The edges of the leaves have a wavy shape. Throws a plurality of tubular inflorescences umbrella. Color flowers of Kalanchoe diverse: yellow, pink, red, orange;

  • Kalanchoe Calandiva

Created artificially, made the progenitor of view Blossfeldiana. In contrast to the above varieties have shorter stalks and differs abundant and long (up to six months) flowering. Colour of buds this type of Kalanchoe can vary from white to bright red;

  • Kalanchoe Mangina

The peculiarity of this kind in the form of its inflorescences. They look like tiny bells. Growing Kalanchoe Mangina small shrub, reaching a height of no more than 15 centimeters;

  • Kalanchoe Degremon

Home decorative foliage views. It has straight stem and a gray-green leaves of triangular shape, which grow to a length of 10 centimeters. Jagged edges of the leaves, are formed between the teeth of the individual buds (kids), which will eventually fall away and immediately take root in the ground. No flowers.

  • Kalanchoe pinnate

This species is the most hardy. Can reach 1.5 meters in height. It has light green serrated leaves, flowers large bells. Hue Flower Kalanchoe rather interesting: the white color becomes green, and then - in pink. Propagated as well as Degremon - discarding babies in the ground. Kalanchoe pinnate often used for medicinal purposes - that its juice is sold in pharmacies.

 Flower Kalanchoe

Growing at home


Successful cultivation of Kalanchoe depends on the lighting. Remember - this plant loves the sun and the winter and summer, so it is best to place it in a bright location. Kalanchoe is not afraid of direct sunlight, but at midday it is desirable to cover it from the summer heat. Especially if the plant is "live" on the south window. During warmer months, the flower will feel great outdoors: on the balcony or veranda. In winter, Kalanchoe needs a moderate air temperature: 12-15 degrees.

When the length of daylight decreases, it is advisable to arrange for additional Kalanchoe artificial lighting (morning and evening) with the help of fluorescent lamps. This is especially important during the flowering period: the lack of sun the plants become pale leaves and buds may fall in themselves, and not having time to reveal.

Watering and fertilizing

In the spring and summer of Kalanchoe needs regular watering. Check the condition of the soil - as soon as the top layer dries, arrange flower water treatments. Feeding is carried out once every 8-10 days, using special fertilizers. Here suitable dressing designed for cacti or succulents.

With the onset of autumn watering and fertilizing Kalanchoe gradually. In winter, the plant does not need fertilizer, but watering should be done once every two weeks (when the ground dries out completely com). Kalanchoe is resistant to dry air, but periodic spraying it does not hurt. For spraying, as well as for irrigation use only defend water at room temperature.


It is carried out exclusively in the spring (April-May). Young Kalanchoe transplanted annually. Crockery selected to be larger than the previous one. Adults need flowers, "relocation" only in the case of soil replacement (every 2-3 years). When transplanting necessarily used drainage - the layer thickness of not less than 2 centimeters.

The soil for Kalanchoe should be slightly acidic or neutral (pH 5.5-6.5) and consist of sand, humus, turf and ground sheet. Adult plants can use purchase pochvosmes designed for succulents. For the young, it is desirable to prepare a substrate colors yourself: 4 parts sod land, 2 of the leaf, and one part sand and peat humus. For better growth added to the mixture cow dung and horn shavings.


Flowering kalanchoe breeding in several ways. Even the old fallen leaves can try to root - in some cases, the procedure is quite successful. If a piece of plant in the ground and cover with a glass jar in a couple of weeks, he has let the roots and begins to grow. For quick rooting, you can use a special powder - kornevin. This method is suitable for reproduction by cuttings.

Kalanchoe Seeds are planted in the middle of winter, this is done using a light foliate substrate. Seeds are placed on the soil, gently sprinkled on top and covered with glass, then the paper. In the room where will be "live", young plants, the air temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. Crops need to be aired twice a day, morning and evening. For watering seedlings of Kalanchoe use room temperature water (preferably rainwater or melted).

As soon as the shoots, glass, and paper clean. Around the beginning of May, the seedlings will have several leaves. At this time, they must be transplanted into pots semisantimetrovye, 3-4 pieces each. In July, when the plants are well rooted, pinch out the tops to create a beautiful shape. Permanent residence young Kalanchoe "move" in August. Pots selected size flower. In the next year (at this time), you can wait for the first flowering.

 Kalanchoe flower

Pests and diseases

The plant Kalanchoe is resistant to diseases and pests. Usually, it suffers from a lack of light (in summer) - the plants are too drawn out, the leaves become pale and transparent. And from excessive heat (in winter) - Kalanchoe leaves wither and fall off. Excessive watering and humidity and the sheets of paper on the stems appear brown spots or mold.

The most dangerous pests for Kalanchoe - mealybug, spider mites, and Jose scale. To deal with them using special tools that you can buy in a flower shop. Recognize pests is quite simple. Jose scale and mealybugs leave behind a whitish stripes and dots as on the stems, and the buds.

Spider mite literally sucks the life out of Kalanchoe: the leaves begin to dry, and around the crown and on the colors you can see a thin, barely visible cobweb. If you notice that after a heavy flowering kalanchoe bared and stretched, do not worry - it's not a disease. There will regular pruning: Shorten the stems and they are rooted in the same pot.

Here we examined the features of cultivation of this useful and beautiful flower. Now the choice is yours! But remember, acquiring a houseplant, even this unpretentious like kalanchoe, do not forget about it! After all, without the proper care you will never get the pleasure of its flowering.

 Domestic species of Kalanchoe - especially growing

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