image of the head


  • The image of the head: what is it?
  • What is the image of a successful leader?
  • Leadership styles
  • As the head form the right image?

Have you ever thought about your career? Certainly. Since the middle of last century, women are more actively involved in the professional life of society, and therefore there is an increasing number of women managers. Unfortunately, for various reasons this is not always taken seriously the chief of the people around them. And if you do not want to join the number of unfortunate women leaders, read our article carefully.

The image of the head: what is it?

This word has come into our language is not so long ago, and just its value is reduced to the concept of "image" - an idea of ​​a particular object, phenomenon or a person. He is a very complex and multifaceted: it is influenced by many factors, and he also imperceptibly influences our consciousness. Whether you want to chat with someone or not? Like all it is normal, but still somehow not attracted to his soul. As a rule, the whole point in the image, or - to the reputation of the individual.

It so happens that the image is created from scratch, that is one person, and its image in the minds of other people is completely different. However, as a rule, it is a reflection of the deep aspirations and human traits, which, incidentally, is not always aware of. For example, a girl is constantly noisy and loud manifests itself, unconsciously wanting to draw attention to himself, but that, on the contrary, pushes. The negative image of human weaknesses are amplified, and positively - esteem.

We all appreciate each other, and these scores affect our relationship. In this regard, the image of women managers should be beyond reproach and positive, because to us, and so more demanding than men (one must still prove that you work better than the strong half of humanity). While some bosses deliberately create their own negative image, for example, to them did not bother with small requests or to be in front of everybody.

 create the image of the head

What is the image of a successful leader?

Since the identity of the head plays a crucial role in business, very often it is for her the whole company assesses. Accordingly, it is important to understand that part of the image of a modern leader, and be able to work with it. You can highlight the following important points:

  • Individual characteristics: appearance, physiological characteristics, personality type, character, individual style of activity, etc. ... This is all that is connected with the personality and individuality of the person.
  • Social characteristics. The most important of them - the social status. Of course, it is directly related to the position occupied by the person, but it is not limited to - the status is also influenced by the origin and personal fortune. The status depends on how a person will behave in society and, accordingly, with business partners.
  • Values ​​- basic internal installation and the principles on which the person relies in making decisions. They have a very powerful impact on the organizational culture of the company. Surely you have seen cases when the head of the liberal officers drink tea and go in jeans, while hard - they all go to attention.
  • Personal mission. It sounds a bit lofty, but it is, in essence, the head of the strategic vision of the company. It determines, in what is now the chief place and where he wanted to be in the future. It affects the purpose of the whole company and leader. It is his personal mission based personal mission throughout the organization.

The image of the head may be external and internal. External image - this is how the first person of the company is perceived by society as a whole and groups of people whose interests are somehow intersect with the interests of the organization. It is directly related to the degree of trust and want to cooperate with it, because our brain identifies the whole organization with its head (and is not very far from the truth!)

Inside the image based on the relationship between the chief and his subordinates or, in other words, how the staff perceives the head. It may seem that it is not as important as the outside, but it's not, and he, too, should be given time. In small companies, the head of the image can be formed on the basis of direct contacts with his subordinates. In larger organizations, this can be a difficulty, because the head is mainly in contact with the managers of middle and senior managers. To avoid distortion of information at this stage, the first person company should periodically communicate directly with the people: to record a video message, publish booklets, come for lunch or in the smoking room.

Inside image of the chief is often different from the outside, it's not all it is known outside the company. It is as if deeper and more varied, and come into contact with it can only look at all inside. At the same time the internal image of the head of the organization greatly affects the appearance, because the staff in any way translate their ideas into the environment outside the company.

As part of the successful image of a modern leader?

  • Commitment and dedication;
  • Strong leadership skills;
  • Willingness to take risks and courage in decision-making;
  • Ability to take responsibility;
  • The ability to take into account many factors in solving professional problems;
  • The ability to delegate authority and assign responsibilities;
  • Aiming for a positive result;
  • High efficiency.

Leadership styles

Analysing the bones image of a modern leader, we can not neglect the problem of management styles. We have already explained the importance of how employees see their boss, but because it is his leadership style directly affects the show. Psychologists have identified three options: authoritarian, democratic and permissive.

Manager sticking authoritarian leadership style, as a rule, business and abrupt tone gives concise orders. He does not impress affable man. His scope of the prohibitions and stiff and it does not make exceptions for anyone. However, he may praise and scold employee, but it is very subjective. This leader as it is above the team, having a decisive vote on all issues. All things are always discussed and planned in advance in full. It usually develops only immediate objectives and the long-term no one thinks.

Democratic style (or collective) is based on the principle of a participatory, or, in simple terms, on the participation of staff in decision-making. Orders themselves in speech chief there - there are proposals, said a friendly tone. This manager competently gives feedback when he praises or blames the slave, he is sure to make a recommendation about his problem areas. His ban he is ready to discuss with the employees and must be adjusted if necessary. All business aspects are discussed together with the team, and for the implementation of the responsibility of all professional tasks. Thus, it is obvious that the position of the head is within the band.

And last, permissive leadership style based on finding the head away from the whole team. He gives no indication, no feedback - rather, it stands on the sidelines and watching the course of events. Things are going to organize themselves and develop thanks to the interest and activity of the individual members of the staff.

It is believed that the most effective leadership style democracy, but it resembles the average temperature in the hospital. Organizations are different, and some models will be effective authoritarian leader (for the bureaucracy, for example), but for others - permissive (most likely, this creative groups, such as advertising agencies).

 the image of a woman head

As the head form the right image?

Here we come to the main question: What should be the proper formation of the image of the head? After all, he never develops by itself - it is always built through a long and painstaking work of the manager and his team. Thus, the formation of the image of the head based on the following very important points:

  1. The image of the head can not be established once and for all - it should always be backed by real deeds, otherwise it fades and ceases to have a positive force

    That is why it is so important to the chief, requiring employees comply with labor discipline, he appeared at work every day in the regulatory clock. He needs to keep abreast of current affairs and processes in the company and be prepared to address emerging problem situations.

  2. The important role of the Secretary

    If the head of the company is its face, then himself, in turn, is a personal assistant. And that is why the Secretary is necessary to be organized and collected, have a high resistance to stress, able to take responsibility and think quickly in difficult situations. If you have problems with someone from the business partner, the Secretary-General should be able to quickly all "razrulit" - at least until the arrival of the head.

  3. Outward appearance

    It's no secret that we "meet on clothes, and escorted to the mind." It is believed that if a person looks in the business, such as order and sequence prevail in his head. Although sometimes it is the opposite: the top managers live in a very busy schedule, and apart from business lunches, they are informal meetings, which in the suit is better not to come. And here is question of adequate external vide.Esli situation we are talking about women leaders, then it has been a lot more freedom in regard to her appearance. Many successful ladies prefer clothes of bright colors, which emphasizes their charisma and ambition, for example, perfectly sitting on a figure pantsuit blueberry color or dress-case bright red. So do not think that the image of the head - it is boring and rigor. First of all, your appearance should express confidence and professionalism.

  4. Be responsible and always keep his word to you

    As you know, the head should be an example for their subordinates. The belief that the chief will do what he promised, is the reason for their commitment. A leader who forgets his words or treats them with ease, risks acquire a bad reputation among colleagues and business partners, and this is, you know, not the best addition to his image.

  5. The balance of hardness and softness

    It is believed that a good leader must be tough, but it's not quite right. Indeed, when you are responsible for your entire company, you need to maintain confidence and to be able to insist on his own, but it should not extend to the scope of communicating with people. You have to be tough in their business decisions, but do not forget about the human relationship to the partners and employees, as well as the ability to listen and hear them.

    There has been a sharp deterioration in the image of the head, if he abuses categorically judgments and categorical. But interest in other people, in turn, is Wooing them that mysteriously gives you a psychological advantage. Do not fail to use it!

  6. Do not abuse friendships

    Of course, the presence of a wide network of contacts with the people - this is a huge plus to reputation, which no one will argue. But we have a bit of that. It so happened in our country that so many business relationships are based on close: love, familiarity and kinship. And of course, that the presence of friends in the environment or in some subordinate may compromise you.

    This does not mean that it is necessary to drive the company of all those who contact you. But it is impossible to employ someone just because he is your close relative or friend. Furthermore, the presence of friendly relations with subordinates can add your image laxity, and this is not good.

  7. Developed communication skills

    Naturally, the leader has to deal with a lot of people, and with very different: with subordinates, colleagues, business partners and superiors. It goes without saying that it should be able to do it brilliantly. As managers, you have to have a brilliant memory and easy to remember all the names and faces (or at least hire a assistant who easily cope with this).

For the image of the head it is very important, as you are the people around you. And this attitude is positive, if you will arrange them yourself. The most simple method - it's a compliment. This is especially true of subordinates (there is even a saying: "Do not praise - will not go"). They will work much better if you give them positive feedback (for example, to emphasize the fact that they do well, before you point out flaws). Individual approach also works very well. Agree, it is very nice when you are asked about your life - why not use this principle when dealing with people? After all, in the words of Dale Carnegie: "The person most like to talk about himself." Then you will think of as a good and sensitive leadership.

As you know, the image of a successful manager includes a plurality of components, each of which plays a very important role. This is all your hands: the issue of the formation of a correct way, nothing is impossible. If you want to be considered a strong and confident, you can achieve this (as well as the reverse effect). The main thing - to understand what you want and go to the goal.

 The image of the head: the secrets of successful people

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