7 fatal mistakes in fashion

Most women want to be attractive, but some try too hard in this field, making a passing fashion crimes, which can be easily avoided!

From stylishness absurdly can be only one step. As he did not do?

Incorrectly matched shoes

Long maxi-skirts and elegant evening dresses to the floor are best worn with flat shoes. This is especially true in the summer when high heels are generally not very relevant.

If this parameter is a girl, as the height of the heel is very important, you should not choose a fashionable shoes clothes but rather clothes for shoes.

 7 fatal mistakes in fashion

The desire to be above

Many women find that the higher the heel, the more effective they look. However, very high heels spoil even the most beautiful gait. Waddle heels girl is mockery rather than admiration.

Especially this year, came into fashion in the middle-heeled shoes, which for many years were considered the lot of pensioners. Kitten Hills, known in Russia as the boat heels, a drink, became popular in the '60s because they wore the most wonderful woman in Hollywood Audrey Hepburn, who never wore anything vulgar, absurd and ridiculous. In 2013, these shoes ousted monsters heels and a hidden platform of all the collections.

White underwear under white clothes

What to wear a white dress, a top or a skirt? Of course, white linen - thinks most of the girls, and they are deeply wrong, because for the white clothes suitable only flesh-colored underwear. White is very visible under the white, and the meaning of underwear be hidden, not conspicuous.

But the problem of many, not only in color. In English, there is even a hilarious term VPL: visible panty lines. This is when the panty show through under clothes.

Straps peeking out from under the summer T-shirts

Once it is hot, the woman clothed in T-shirts and sleeveless tops. At the same time they continue to wear a traditional bra is the world of lingerie straps. This unfashionable, and ugly. Especially because there are many options underwear specifically for outdoor summer clothes. Under shirts suit t-shirt bras, and under the racer back - racerback bras.

 7 fatal mistakes in fashion

Obsolete swimwear

What makes women wear a swimsuit to the beach with g-strings? Even in the best shape, which few can boast, in a public place thong look strange and out of place. Besides, they are simply obsolete. This fashion has passed.

As well as fashion swimwear bras with underwire and straps over the shoulders. All of the modern bikini tops made with drawstrings at the neck.

Love to round chёlkam

If you look at Russian women, you will find that most of them feel the irresistible love of the round chёlkam that were last popular in the 80s.

Bangs laid on a round brush and standing over his forehead, went out of fashion 20 years ago!

It is worth paying attention to more modern versions. For example, if a high forehead, perfect long slanting bangs.

 7 fatal mistakes in fashion

Bust with plastic

Plastic surgery is able to create a miracle and a real horror. Too white, straight teeth unnaturally; forehead, smooth and shiny as an ice rink from an overabundance of Botox; chest, resembling balls; drawn tattoo eyebrows; lips more suitable fish - all this did not decorate.
All features can be reduced to an absurdity: stick eyelashes, increase hair, breasts do more, a longer nails, lips and cheeks popuhlee, the skin perfectly smooth. The result is not beauty, but beautiful. Beautiful - is when the traits are considered beautiful, it begins to emphasize and strengthen, bringing to caricature.

About beauty, fashion, manners, femininity and style of life, read blog Lavinia Londe «I wish I knew» - http://laviniablog.com/.

 7 fatal fashion crimes

 Star style accessible to everyone

Dresses - it is always fashionable, stylish, sexy and true. This was known unforgettable Coco Chanel created his greatest masterpiece of all time - the little black dress.

Lost in the trendy "trouser" and "costume" trends 70s - 80s of the last century, at the beginning of the new millennium dresses are back on the catwalks and in wardrobes of modern fashionistas. In no small measure contributed to this personal example of many of the world "stars", happy to don the dress of fashion designers, or create your own collection of designer clothes. One of these "stars" - Victoria Beckham dresses which became an integral part of its image and stellar style with concise, geometric lines and slim silhouette. His love of the dresses she continued to show in life and their own lines of clothing. The famous collection of 10 dresses VictoriaBeckham Collection, presented to the public in the winter of 2009, made a splash in the fashion world and has won a huge number of admirers.

 Star style accessible to everyone

Revival of traditions

Small, sheath-cases, with a light hand of Mrs. Beckham gained a rebirth .  Today, Star style is impossible to imagine without classic elegance or provocatively sexy, slinky dress .  Trends picked up many fashion brands, including Herve Leger and Karen Millen, including fees to the number of basic items in their collections .  The dresses of the fashion brands flaunt Kate Middleton, Amanda Seyfried, Eva Longoria, Elisabeth Moss and many other celebrities who awarded the title "style icons" .  Like them and fashionistas around the world who take up the style of the stars, adopting his most accessible and practical trends .  And Karen Millen dresses Herve Leger or refer it to such things .  And if the British brand Karen Millen gravitates toward more classic soft-fitting shape form, "the Frenchman» Herve Leger - recognized "Hooligan" fashionable podiums, famous for his outrageous, provocative tight dresses, called "bandage" .

 Star style accessible to everyone

Regardless of the brand, a small, sheath - it is always appropriate and feminine. Many of the items in the collections are universal - in a dress, donning the jacket, you can safely appear in the office, not afraid to break a strict dress code, and in the evening, taking off his top and exposing her shoulders and neck, to become a "star" fashion party. In this evening dress, you decide to buy, will surprise you with an affordable price, because some of us still think that star style - it's expensive. In fact, look like a "star" on the cover of a glossy magazine, and may be at a modest budget, it is enough to know how to dress stylishly and know where to buy cheap fashion items. Online Store izobility ready to help you in this.

 Star style accessible to everyone

 Clothing from Italy is relevant at all times

Creating a personal way, elegant and well-groomed appearance, according to the latest fashion trends can be called the desire of almost every woman in the world today. Undoubtedly, in this case their main aide is a fashionable wardrobe. In the selection of things women do not just follow the requirements of the fashion industry, but also create their own unique style, which is reflected in their bright individual character.

In turn, it should be noted that the heart of the world of fashion, reflecting the major fashion trends of the seasons, is considered to be Italy. Clothing, produced in the country, characterized by high quality fabrics, original way to cut, sophisticated combination of colors, as well as a variety of silhouettes. In this connection, clothes from Italy has advantages compared to many other producer countries, which is reflected in the elegance, comfort, elegance and restraint styles Italian fashion houses. Therefore, these clothes will not leave indifferent woman who seeks to emphasize the beauty and impeccable taste.

According to fashion experts, the choice of clothing of Italian designers due to the fact that they carefully try to consider all wishes of its customers. Because of this created a huge variety of genres and styles of dress, among which you can find suitable product styles from classical to avant-garde models. Naturally, such a choice can not go unnoticed connoisseur quality and stylish clothing. In addition, when creating each collection designers use new combinations of colors and contours of the silhouette, which also contributes to the expansion of the target audience of fashion houses. A kind of indicator of this popularity can serve a selection of Italian brands representatives of the film industry and music.

Currently, the Italian brands occupy an important place in the market of fashion in many countries. It should be noted that in addition to well-known models of clothing brands Armani, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana and other well-known brands on the market today, you can buy stylish clothes and high-quality brands such as: Sotto Marino, JJ'S girl orngySix. Clothing belonging to the second lineup, characterized by a low cost in relation to the brands. This makes it accessible to a larger number of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, enabling many women to buy clothes Italian brands of high quality to create its unique image.

 Clothing from Italy is relevant at all times
