kcal in products


  • How to calculate how many calories you need it
  • How many calories found in most common foods
  • The use of food grain products and seeds
  • Kalorazh protein products
  • The energy value of fruit and vegetables
  • Calories in various liquids

Why do I need to consider calories a product? And who needs it the most? .. As a rule, counting calories in foods women begin to actively engage in weight loss. They calculate how many calories are in the liver, milk, kiwi and even sauerkraut! The coffee and tea, it turns out, also have a certain number of these unfortunate calories!

So what is calorie (or kilocalorie)? From school physics course, we know that the calories - the energy required to heat 1 liter of water by 1 degree Celsius. Caloric content of products is determined by burning out in a special oven, and the heat generated is counted and measured in kilocalories. Incidentally, one kilocalorie (kcal) contains 1000 calories (cal). The more energy is required to heat the product, so it is calorie.

This means that such a product will not only give us more energy, but postponed under the skin in the form of the hated fat folds. One example is high-calorie biscuits. Therefore, the calculation of caloric important for weight loss and to support the weight at the same level.

How to calculate how many calories you need it?

There is a simple formula - multiply your desired weight by 28. For example, if you want to weigh 50 kg, then the day you need to eat 1400 calories (calories today to refer to can write and calories, and calories, remember that we mean the same thing ). This, of course, a very rough figure is not taken into account either the level of physical activity of man, nor his eating habits. But the fact remains - slimming amount of calories eaten should be less than spent.

 how many calories in foods

How many calories found in most common foods

I must say that the number of calories in foods have long counted. There are special tables of caloric, which spelled out how many calories get your body when used, for example, 1 cup of coffee or three kiwi ... There is even a program where you can enter the desired weight and get ready calculation of how much and what foods you need to eat during the day. Write as an example diet for a week or a month.

But you can yourself calculate the amount of calories every day to diversify their menus. Next we give examples in which the amount of calories will be shown in 100 grams of product.

Macaroni help to lose weight?

Most recently, the pasta were considered very high-calorie food, they were advised not to use for weight loss, because these products contain solid carbohydrates, and eating - is a recipe for weight gain. And now look: in cooked pasta (100 g) contains about 160 calories. That is, a person can be for lunch quite happily eat 200 grams of cooked pasta, not fearing for his waist.

Of course, if other products will contain a valid number kaloriy.Bolee addition, the pasta can even lose weight! The famous Italian actress Sophia Loren says that all her life she loved the spaghetti and, despite this, its figure for many years was considered the standard of beauty and harmony. After all, pasta contains useful carbohydrates.

The main danger is that we will water them a variety of sauces and gravies. And they sometimes contain a lot of calories. There is not even necessary to make an exact calculation, you simply take a low-calorie sauces).

How many calories contain different types of bread

Since we are talking about products made from flour, the bread must be said about the first. Of course, bread and biscuits - two different things, but the caloric content, they are sometimes very similar. Products from different types of flour contain different amounts of calories so that the calculation of the daily diet should be only be given a product you are going to eat.

How many pieces of bread to take to dinner? If this bun for the hot dog, remember that 100 grams it contains about 300 calories, while the diet loaf with bran - only 150 calories.

Rye bread gives us about 180 calories, so it is at dinner you can afford a piece or two. And if you - a lover of sports and doing intense exercise, it will not hurt you, and a few pieces. Slimming nutritionists advise to completely eliminate sdobny white bread and eat only gray or black, and then only in small quantities.

What nutritionists think about cookies?

Now let's deal with this delicious and frequently used foods like cookies. These products are made from flour and various additives also contain different amounts of calories. Average biscuits made with white flour contains about 420 calories! Here it is, the enemy of our waist! Therefore, it is necessary to have a cookie, they say, on holidays and in small quantities. And if you love every night to arrange tea and enjoy cookies, no weight loss, you will not wait.

Let's see whether there is a way out for those who like cookies? For example, take the oatmeal cookies, 100 grams of which contains 400 calories. How much should you eat this product to lose weight? You say that this is impossible? And here and there, there is a diet for oatmeal cookies! This Hollywood diet cookie diet.

The fact that the oat flour is completely digested giving man many useful minerals and vitamins. Nutritionists say that if you eat one for breakfast biscuits and a cup of tea, then your waist does not threaten ...

And what about the honey and sugar?

How many calories in honey and sugar? These two products we are used to measure teaspoons and tablespoons, and therefore we will talk kilocalories per spoon. So, honey contains 22 calories and 64 (respectively in the tea and a tablespoon), and sugar - 16 and 46. See the difference? The honey is much more calories than sugar. Therefore, use honey in order to weight loss should be with great caution.

Sometimes a person is advised, instead of putting sugar in tea honey. This is wrong from many points of view.

  1. First, the calculation of energy intake immediately show you that you are too far from sweet.
  2. Secondly, put the honey in hot tea - it's just a crime! The high temperature most of the beneficial properties of honey disappears ...
  3. And the third - the honey in tea is not like all the more so as many in the bee products there is a serious allergy.

 How Many Calories in kilocalories

The use of food grain products and seeds

Slimming diets are often used based on buckwheat. How many calories contains this wonderful product? It all depends on the method of preparation. If you do a side dish, the crispy buckwheat is 153 calories, but the gruel-gruel on the water already contains 90 calories. If you add the cooked buckwheat butter or milk, the calories will, of course, more and calculation will need to be redone. How many of buckwheat, and how much water or milk to take to solve the need, based on the total calories that you have set for weight loss.

Girls who love all kinds of diets are always interested in information about rice. Rice diets have always been popular. We must know that boiled rice contains 113 calories, but the sticky rice porridge on the water - 78 cal. As for the now fashionable brown rice, boiled it contains 101 calories, that is a little white rice calories.

Separately, it must be said about the seeds, as vegetable products, in which a lot of protein. The seeds are also high in fat and vitamins. Therefore, uncontrolled eating the beloved product may affect your weight. We must know that in sunflower seeds, you will find as many as 610 calories! And in pumpkin seeds slightly less - 580, so be careful!

 how many calories in an egg

Kalorazh protein products

The protein in large quantities contained in these products: meat, fish, eggs, chicken, milk, cheese and curd. The sausage also is a protein, but it is considerably smaller than in natural products. When it comes to cereals - rice or buckwheat, which traditionally belong to the carbohydrates, then they contain protein.

See how many calories contained in these products, to decide how much a day to specifically for you.

The fish - sturgeon sturgeon "pulls" at 194 calories, but the flounder - 103 calories, almost 2 times less. Therefore, the calculation should be done always on the table. Now let's talk about cheese. This product is loved by many, include it in your diet. Its caloric judge: 100 grams of Dutch cheese as much as 352 calories and Cheddar cheese and even more - 379 calories. Therefore, if you are thinking about cheese - to include it in their diet or not, just remember that it is very caloric.

Now about the chicken. This product is considered a dietary (boiled). The more valued chicken white meat (there is less fat). Do the math, the 170 calories contained in 100 grams of boiled chicken.

Milk is the most common protein product contains 44 calories (at 1, 5% fat), but in the condensed milk - as many as 272! Speaking of the curd, then its different types differ in calorie. The fat cottage cheese (18%) are 232, the average fat content in the curd - 159, and in low fat cottage cheese - 88 kcal.

If we talk about the egg, it is also an excellent source of protein. In one egg, hard-boiled, you will find 160 calories.

Related to the protein products can be ranked with sausages and hot dogs, but it contains so much fat and additives that talk about the benefits of these products is not necessary. On the energy value judge for yourself - in the sausage "is" 332 calories per 100 grams of product.

The energy value of fruit and vegetables

First, consider how many calories are contained in a vinaigrette. This salad consisting of beets, carrots, potatoes and vegetable oil (this is its main components) can give us a lot of energy. The vinaigrette contains 92 calories, it is very well serve as a garnish for meat dishes. If you add a little more oil, then the calorie vinaigrette becomes greater, it will be better fed.

The sauerkraut (which are often added to vinaigrette) the table is only 19 calories. But in the sauerkraut so many nutrients that it should definitely include in the daily diet.

Cabbage, especially sauerkraut, built many diets. For example, you know that it is in sour varieties of this product contains more vitamin C than in the raw? The fact is that during the preparation of sauerkraut, they shred and mix with salt. That is what keeps the vitamin C for a long time.

Women are often interested calories in kiwi, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines, bananas, apples. The precise figures: kiwi (per 100 g), 51 and 23 in tomatoes, 40 in orange, tangerine - 40, 89 in a banana, apple, and 51 (note in apple and kiwi equal amount of feces, as well as as tangerines and oranges).

Kiwis are generally very interesting product. Kiwi appeared on the Russian market much later than usual for us apples. The taste of kiwi, strawberry-like, plus a large number of vitamins make it a product which is part of the different diets. Kiwi perfectly absorbed by the body. When you make a meal plan to include kiwi!

Calories in various liquids

What about the soup and borscht? Calories in potato soup - 49, and borscht 23. But there are so many varieties of soups, always check with the table, do not play the calorie "by eye".

Sometimes people are tormented by the question - is there any calories in the water? The answer is no! Water contains no calories. But in vodka 235 calories, so you need to think twice before "overturn" the stack.

All interested kalorazh coffee and whether the calories in tea. The fact that there are diets where coffee is basis. Coffee with condensed milk and sugar will give you 312 calories, but the coffee and thickened. cream and sugar - already 374! Black coffee yields only 7 kcal, and in the case of sugar - 28 kcal. So drinks too can be a source of excess weight.

Always pay attention to detail - is there sugar in tea or coffee, you add to coffee cream (cream in tea also dramatically increase the nutritional value). And if you are serious about losing weight, then no tea or coffee additives should not be!

 Calories in food - only the exact figures will help to lose weight!
