Learning to be beautiful

One of the main components of feminine beauty is the correct posture. As I taught to walk his boss in the movie "Office Romance" Secretary Vera? You remember? So, to walk was flying, you need to work on yourself, to train and create all the conditions of the house.

It is believed that the correct posture is similar to female soldiers, the one introduced in the Russian army A. Suvorov. About her as the heroine says Akhedzhakova "chest - a, the back - an all - in yourself." To just such a walk was relaxed, you should regularly perform special exercises. For example, in the Russian army soldiers tied to the back of the board, and straps attached glasses of water - with drill they had to march, so that water is not splashed. In the modeling business are all a little different. Beauties are taught to go strictly on the lines traced straight to the podium, and to make a flying gait, put shoes in the sink. However, in everyday life it is not necessary to resort to such complicated methods, quite regularly walk around with a book on his head by an imaginary line.

Another important point that should be taken into account when working on the correct posture beautiful - conditions for sleep. To effect was at night, you need to order mattresses, orthopedic, one that creates optimal conditions for rest and does not harm the spine. It is not necessary to dream of aerial feather, which in the tale could not sleep the Princess and the Pea, because too soft foundation leads to a deformation of the spine. Being in the wrong position, your body does not relax and rest, so the dream does not bring as long as it should. Sleep well in the solid only at first strange and then begins to feel as comfortable and well.

If you have to sleep on a hard unbearable, it is better to resolve this issue with special bedding. For example, a mattress covers Ormatek also give a good orthopedic effect, but soften the mattress itself. They are made of modern materials such as coconut coir, latex and memorix. With this mattress covers easily take the shape of your body and create optimal conditions for rest. Use them better supplied with orthopedic mattresses. If the correct posture requires more conservative methods, it is best to choose a mattress increased rigidity, it does not allow the spine "drown".

Another important point - the right pillow. It should have an anatomical form to the head and neck are in a comfortable position. Modern orthopedic pillows shop offers a lot of options. Most are considered correct pillows in the form of beads or recesses for a head.

In addition to the above, do not forget about proper footwear, from which also depends largely on the beauty of posture. The main principle here - no extremes. The best option - it's shoes with stable heels of medium height, in and comfortable, and beautiful.

 Learning to be beautiful

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 matting facial tissues

Today purse every woman can find a lot of items, created initially it was not for her. One of such objects, which replaced cotton handkerchiefs, napkins are, to change his destiny to hygiene to cosmetic. And now matting facial tissues - this is nothing like a real lifesaver for the beautiful half of humanity. After all, every woman wants to look beautiful, to attract attention, to catch the imagination and even intriguing. And, of course, her loyal assistant in this case is the makeup.

It allows you to make it beautiful and expressive face, thus inspiring confidence and any woman lifting her spirits. With the help of makeup can hide the traces of an unforgiving time, disguise under-eye circles and wrinkles, age spots and redness of the skin, change the shape of the face, eyebrows to emphasize, enlarge the eyes and also highlight the contour of the lips.

Therefore, natural, light make-up is absolutely necessary daily procedure. The only problem is that its beauty, freshness and original look make-up can save only a few hours, and by the end of the day already looks a little sloppy, potekshim spoiled. Especially important this issue is in the summer, when under the influence of sunlight and heat gradually become wet face and makeup begins to "flow". What is to be done? This urgent problems women have to wonder for a long time, but only at the end of the 20th century found a truly revolutionary solution: it is the matting facial tissues capable to freshen the face, quickly and without any effort to correct makeup and instantly restore old woman confidence.

Matting facial tissue impregnated with a special cream, which, without spoiling the makeup comes through tonal basis and refreshes the skin. As well remove excess fat from the skin, dirt, dust, sweat, and clumps of mascara. Matting facial tissue responses which convincingly speak about their dignity. They are able to refresh not only the color of the powder on the face, but also the color of shadows, giving your eyes expressiveness and brightness of the original.

In addition, these wipes protect the skin of the face, as if to use them several times a day, even without removing the makeup, you can saturate the skin with oxygen and moisture, thus giving one the ability to breathe deeply, removing the fine dirt and excess makeup and revealing clogged pores.

For women who have oily skin are considered simply irreplaceable matting facial tissue - Reviews of this women's forums are full of all cosmetic threads. After all, they are able to conceal all traces of the time unpleasant shine, removing any selection. These wipes once again give the skin a matte, soft, velvety tone.

Matting facial tissue buy today can be in any store, but it is better to use high-quality natural materials, then you guarantee yourself that the makeup does not deteriorate, and the person will get a fresh, rested appearance.

From the history of matting napkins

 matting facial tissues shiseido
 The US became the country where they first appeared napkins. There's a special research laboratory developed the first wet wipes for astronauts. And in the end the product was released as a hygienic and convenient, the scientists decided to create a new right, not as an aggressive line of wet wipes for children. Fabric made of coarse pulp, has evolved into a super thin and soft, and the composition which it is impregnated, have become very diverse: nourishing, matting, etc.

Name matting napkins - is derived from the French word «matt», which means "dull", "matte." Because in a French laboratory developed a cosmetic composition, which gives the skin matte and shine a cleaning. Initially, such matting napkins used only as a professional tool for the public people, it happens all too often in the mind because of their type of activity. And only a little later these towels were in beauty salons, and then - in the departments of cosmetics specialty stores and supermarkets.

Types matting napkins

All matting facial tissues are divided into several categories:

  • According to the composition of the filler, which is a real achievement cosmetology. That is, these tissues may contain powder, flavors, tannins, as well as being hypoallergenic, unscented, tightens pores and others. Unchanged remains their main purpose - to remove sebum from the face.
  • Price. There is a difference in price, which depends on the components comprising an absorbent structure, and brand recognition.
  • Packaging is also an important component for comfortable use. Matting napkins tend to produce plastic containers of small size and wrapped in cellophane Conveniently window.

Disadvantages matting wipes for face:

  • Not suitable for wiping the skin tissue, which is incorporated into the alcohol or various derivatives thereof. Because when alcohol enters the skin, it causes mikroozhog, and defending himself from it, the skin releases new portions of fat. As a result - all the time a brilliant person.
  • Dermatologists do not recommend too often use these tissues, especially if they include have tannins. In addition, in the summer should be a careful approach to the problem of cleaning the skin, because when sebum is not completely removed, its particles get into the pores of the skin, where the acidification carrying all the negative effects: acne, pimples and inflammation.

Advantages matting wipes for face:

  • Almost all tissues include antimicrobial additives, which makes it possible not only to cleanse the skin, but also to prisushit spoke inflammation.
  • Modern matting napkin include innovative complex, which contains a polymer microparticles, absorbs excess sebum and skin covering a very thin layer of powder. That is, the evidence against the use of this kind of tissue on a daily basis there.
  • Disposable napkins and completely sealed package in which they are stored, are a guarantee of hygiene cosmetic procedure, even if it is to perform on the go.
  • Convenience. No one will argue that there is nothing better than being able to fairly quickly and without any effort to correct makeup anywhere and at any time.

Which company produces matting napkin?

 matting facial tissues clinique
 In the 21st century, almost every cosmetic brand produces serious matting napkin. Wide range provides an excellent opportunity for every woman to choose suitable in quality, composition and price matting napkin.

  1. Matting facial tissues shiseido are refreshing wipes, which are very easy to use, and instantly clean shine to the skin. They contain in its composition is very strong component - hydroxyapatite, absorbs excess fat and skin lipid peroxide. These wipes are covered with the absorbent powder that absorbs oil from the skin. They help to eliminate greasy and quickly give the face a fresh beautiful view anytime, anywhere. One swipe is usually enough for the entire face.

    These wipes gently and blue, denser than cheap analogues. Possess excellent absorbent properties. At matting napkin facial shiseido very comfortable and compact oil-cloth wrapping, fits easily into a purse and accompanies you everywhere.

  2. Matting clinique facial tissues absorb and immediately remove excess oil clogging the pores with the skin. Thanks to the microporous film absorb fat tissue by using a plurality of tiny holes. These wipes not only clean shine and excess fat, but also serve as prevention of pollution far. It is clearly seen that the cloth becomes transparent in that place, which was absorbed fat.

    And do not worry about the fact that these tissues as well and remove the necessary skin moisture, or leave behind a not too pleasant film of powder. All that you will get after applying matting napkin face clinique, - it's smooth, matte, clear skin. They can take with you to any place as a package containing 50 wipes size equal Cases for business cards. This cloth should be applied to shiny areas in bold face. And the person to get wet until the napkin is clear. These wipes matting well with pores facial scrub with thermal effect Pore Minimizer Thermal-Active Skin Refiner with pores Serum Pore Minimizer Refining Serum.

  3. Napkins cettua - matting facial tissues, which are meant for instant shine and remove excess fat from the skin. Is a simple and fast way to cleanse your face and give the skin freshness. Each napkin marked with a talc, instantly absorbs excess fat and not break with the makeup. Therefore, you do not have all the time to powder your face to remove nasty shine. Indeed it can lead to an accumulation of many layers of powder and consequently, clogging the pores. Application cettua - matting napkin facial will leave your skin fresh and well-groomed appearance, and the pores remain clean.

    These wipes quite convenient packaging, each containing 50 wipes, made of fine material such as parchment, on both sides coated with talc, which is due to matting the skin. Small cloth is very easy to hide even in a very small purse, so they are absolutely indispensable in the output, especially in the road in the summer. Matting facial tissues cettua besides and smoothes the skin, and leave no sticky residue on it.

  4. Matting wipes for face Faberlic Young made of non-woven material gentle. Thanks to the natural extracts of plant tissue, these very effectively eliminate shine and level the surface of the skin and great tone. Moreover, they have excellent absorption properties. They are well retain the makeup, so they can be used throughout the day. Napkins are easy to use and absolutely indispensable on the road. Recommended for combination and oily skin. They should be used as needed: in the morning to clean the skin and during the day to get rid of greasy. Packing Quantity 15 pieces.
  5. Matting napkin from Artdeco contained in the original box with a black pocket. Although manufacturers have taken care not only about appearance, but also on the content of the beautiful packaging: the effect of matte skin with these cloths will persist for several hours, even on the hottest summer day.
  6. Napkins Bourjois perfectly cope with the task of cleansing the skin and very comfortable to use, because it is enough popular with women who want to access such napkins frequently.

In addition to these brands, there are a lot of positive reviews about women matting facial tissue brand from Chanel, L'Oreal, T-Zone, and Clean & Clear. Recent cosmetic brands are leaders and achieved positive effect, and the beauty and originality of design.

The most important thing when selecting matting wipes for the face - it is their compliance to your skin type. More properly, and they will help you out even on the hottest summer day and help you for a long time remain beautiful and confident.

 Matting facial tissues, or old "magic wand"

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