simple recipe for meat hedgehogs


  • Ingredients for
  • Stages of cooking meat hedgehogs stuffing with rice

Hedgehogs of minced meat with rice, so even with podlivochkoy this is probably one of the most favorite dishes of many people.

Among his admirers have both adults and children. It is very juicy and tender meat balls, which are quite simply harbor mouth. Serve can be anything. And with potatoes, and cereals, vegetables, salads and so on. D. Let us analyze step by step recipe for hedgehogs from meat.

 Ingredients for cooking
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Ingredients for

  1. Minced meat (preferably beef or pork or a mixture thereof) - 400 gr .;
  2. Figure (preferably used for the preparation of this dish long grain rice) - half cup;
  3. Eggs - 1 pc;
  4. Onions (head of medium size) - 2 pieces;
  5. Carrots (large) - 1 piece;
  6. Tomatoes (large) - 2 pieces. If tomatoes are not at hand will be, they can replace tomato paste. It will need 1 tablespoon;
  7. Milk - 50 ml;
  8. Butter;
  9. Salt;
  10. Black pepper;
  11. Green (it can be as fresh and dried or frozen). Most often, for the preparation of hedgehogs with rice stuffing used parsley, dill, coriander (cilantro) and green onions.
  12. Flour or bread crumbs.

 stages of cooking meat hedgehogs

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Stages of cooking meat hedgehogs stuffing with rice

  1. Rice is best to boil in advance. He must have time to cool down. It needs to simmer until soft. Carrot rub on a fine grater itself. With tomatoes need to remove the skin. To make this easy to do, tomatoes for a couple of minutes you need to pour boiling water. Then an incision tomato crosswise, it is removed from the skin.
  2. Prepare the stuffing. Of course, it will be much better if you buy in the store a piece of meat, not a ready-made stuffing. So, you will know exactly from which the minced meat is done. Meat can be committed by any (beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, and so on. D.). His choice depends on your taste preferences. If the meat was bought in frozen form, it is first necessary to defrost. Next, scroll through a meat grinder. To hedgehogs get even more delicate, cook the stuffing is recommended to pass through a meat grinder twice. Then it is mixed with chopped onions (it is also possible to mince or chop with a knife), and cooled down rice.
  3. In minced add egg and 50 ml of milk. All you need to mix well.
  4. When the stuffing is ready, start to sculpt balloons. To the meat does not stick to hands, they need to periodically moisten with water. Crumble to get the ball in the flour or breadcrumbs (someone that loves) and laid out on the preheated and greased pan with butter.
  5. Fry they need from both sides until golden brown.
  6. Add to the pan, finely grated carrots and continue to fry for a few minutes.
  7. Take the peeled tomatoes and finely cut. They can mince. Add to the pan. Some tomatoes contain insufficient moisture. If cooking on selecting varieties of tomatoes, the pan will need to add a few waters. Hedgehogs should be more than half the stew in gravy. When added to taste with salt and pepper. Cover with a lid and extinguished about 20 minutes.
  8. For 10 minutes until cooked in the pan add the greens. If desired, add the chopped onion half-rings. The dish is ready.

There is a winter recipe for gravy. To do this in the pan, where there are roasted hedgehogs, put 1 tablespoon (heaped) of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon flour (first it is necessary to fry in a dry frying pan), water is added and stewed for 20 minutes. Once added chopped onion half-rings. Stew for 10 minutes and you're done.

There is another recipe of hedgehogs with rice stuffing. As it is not cooking in a frying pan, and the pan in the oven. First prepare hedgehogs, both in the classic recipe, fried in a pan, then put in a baking dish, pour the gravy or sauce (usually used for this recipe or creamy garlic sauce) and bake for 20 minutes. Get a very tasty, if you sprinkle with grated cheese.

 The recipe of minced meat hedgehogs with rice


In a woman's life there are some unpleasant moments, and injection, no one cause of delight. But there are injections that give women the beauty and youth, and therefore long lasting feeling of joy. No cream can not give such a result as mesotherapy, which is able to reverse the inevitable aging of the skin.

Under mesotherapy understand non-surgical face and body modeling using intradermal injections of individually tailored drugs. Drugs are selected taking into account the specific problem of the patient and application mesotherapeutic cocktail. This method of treatment produces the highest possible concentration of the substance in the required region, without affecting the body as a whole, i.e. the drug acts on a specific targeted area.

This is a real boon for cosmetology - Mesotherapy delivers the necessary nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the dermis. At the site of injection, the concentration of phase-in substances is preserved and creates stocks for the long term. Additional efficacy of mesotherapy is achieved by multiple superficial injections that trigger the mechanism of acupuncture. The result is a qualitative change in the procedures of the state of the skin due to the active development of collagen and elastin, as well as the activation of the reconstruction of the skin from within. The results of mesotherapy nor will impress any woman - the skin gets a healthy glowing look, restores its natural elasticity and tone, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

This method of rejuvenation, the founder of which was Dr. Michel Pistor, was published over 50 years ago and over time has repeatedly improved. You can easily find on the Internet characteristics - "Mesotherapy - positive feedback."

Mesotherapy facial safe and comfortable. Among its main principles are the following facts: the injection is made into the problem area with small doses, shallow and rarely using his short thin needles. If it is necessary, then the person mesotherapy is performed with the use of local anesthetics.

What is mesotherapy?

As we said, there are cosmetic problems that can not be solved with the help of massage and creams on the grounds that the essence of these problems does not lie on the surface of the skin, and hidden in the depths of her. The impact on the subcutaneous fat causes the effectiveness of mesotherapy compared with other means and puts it out of competition, among other procedures for rejuvenation.

Mesotherapy face individually chosen based on a "cocktail" of anti-aging drugs. A wide range of problems it can solve mesotherapy - cellulite, flabby and dry skin, skin rejuvenation, acne, scalp treatment, stretch marks and others. At the moment, there is a non-surgical facelift, which strengthens the skin without damaging it.

Mesotherapy facial acne gives a stunning effect and helps the patient to get rid of not only aesthetic, but also on the psychological problems of shyness and self-doubt.

Specialists so affected the results of mesotherapy, which prescribe procedures in order to rejuvenate and to combat stress is the cause of most problems and accelerates age-related changes. Anti-stress face and body mesotherapy is used in psychotraumas, anxiety, insomnia, anxiety and headache.

In addition, patients and doctors is much appreciated mesotherapy hair.

An important component in addressing post-natal aesthetic issues can become cellulite mesotherapy mesotherapy against stretch marks. Mesotherapy reduces stretch marks and making scars postpartum body virtually invisible.

For the relevant procedures following indications:

  • the presence of stretch marks on the skin;
  • localized fat deposits, cellulite;
  • acne, oily skin and porous;
  • prevention and treatment of skin aging;
  • atony of the skin;
  • hair loss;
  • pigmentation;
  • second chin.

It must be remembered that the injection technique can be applied only to a person who has a medical degree, medical centers authorized by Rospotrebnadzor and medical license! Mesotherapy at home and dubious establishments can cause irreparable damage to your health!

Method Mesodissolution

Mesodissolution is one of the techniques of mesotherapy body, which essentially is an alternative to liposuction, and can achieve good results in the way of correction.

This method is based on the introduction of gipoosmolyarnogo cocktail to accumulation of fat cells. Special solution consists of zhirorazrushayuschih agents and water for injection. As dictated by the classic Beauty - Mesotherapy uses a shallow injection. Mesodissolution contrary involves injecting the drug to a greater depth, or, in scientific language, osmotic solvent transport right in the epicenter of the cellular adipose tissue. As a result, there is a gap of cell membranes and the death of the fat cells (adipocytes). Further decomposition products are removed from the body along with the lymph by the procedure mezodrenazha (kapilyaromezoterapii). Thus, there is improvement in the lymph and blood vessels.

This mesotherapy for cellulite involves a 2-3 days after the procedure lymphatic drainage treatments - mechanical lymphatic drainage, manual massage, body wraps, etc. detoxicating

Complex procedures Mesodissolution helps to solve a number of problems:

  • non surgical liposuction;
  • treatment of cellulite and localized fat abnormalities;
  • violation of blood flow in the lower extremities due to the decongestant effect;
  • correction after liposuction;
  • decrease in elasticity and skin tone.

How often do mesotherapy-Mesodissolution? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and on the goals he wants to achieve. The average data held about 2-8 treatments with an interval of 7-10 days. Patients are left on this technique of mesotherapy most positive reviews that talk about the manifestation of the result after the first procedure.

Mesodissolution has, like any other Mesotherapy contraindications:

  • a bleeding disorder;
  • 3-4 stage of varicose veins;
  • nephropathy, chronic renal failure;
  • chronic vascular disease (CHD 3 tbsp., hypertension, 3 tbsp.);
  • Mesotherapy during pregnancy and lactation;
  • cholelithiasis.

Substances in cocktails for mesotherapy

 Mesotherapy face

Widespread facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. Mesotherapy face with hyaluronic acid has a hygroscopic effect on the skin, keeping it in a large amount of water and create hydrogen bonds. In addition, when mesotherapy for the face with hyaluronic acid is stimulated cell proliferation and angiogenesis, maintaining viscoelastic balance of the epidermis and dermis.

In addition, mesotherapy facial and body treatments carried out by working 13 vitamins, among which are dominated by vitamins A, B, C and E. Vitamin A regulates the processes of healing and keratinization, affects the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Vitamin B supports the biological equilibrium of the skin and also has an effect on the metabolism in essential fatty acids. Vitamin C inhibits hyper-local melanin and free radicals, helps to synthesize collagen. Vitamin E inhibits peroxides thereby contributes to the destruction of free radicals.

Neither mesotherapy body or person can not do without the participation of important amino acids, which help the fibroblasts to synthesize proteins. These structural elements of the cells are combined to form the proteins (polypeptides).

Minerals - another important actors. They affect basic cellular functions and ionic state countless enzymatic reactions. Mesotherapy face and body uses them as co-factors that support biological responses that are responsible for metabolism.

Special agents coenzymes catalyze metabolic reactions of the body and reduce the energy required for their implementation. As a result, biological activators - co-enzymes - help to increase the rate of tissue reconstruction.

Nucleic acids are composed of a chain of nucleotides forming the basic molecules, DNA and RNA, which are media for the regulation and control of protein synthesis.

Antioxidants by losing electrons to help block the oxidation reactions and the formation of free radicals in the cells of the epidermis and dermis.

Mesotherapy face - ratings

  • the result is already visible after the first treatment, the skin instantly becomes more fresh and moist;
  • cumulative and progressive improvement of the skin;
  • perfectly restores the skin its structure and becomes more elastic;
  • at the end of a short period of time, the skin becomes smooth and shiny;
  • the person begins to look much younger.

Mesotherapy hair

Mesotherapy is a technique called hair revitalization and restoration using microinjection of hair follicles. In the scalp are imposed cocktails. Mesotherapy for hair loss is aimed at improving the status of their roots and to increased growth scalp. Mesotherapy helps with hair loss in a short period of time, significantly improve the condition of the scalp and hair.

Mesotherapy head - a relatively new service, which, however, managed to gain popularity due to the effective treatment of dry and brittle hair, split ends and hair loss. Specialist produces individual selection of drugs designed to stimulate circulation of the hair follicles and scalp. The preparation compulsorily include amino acids, minerals, vitamins and other components for power supply of a particular type of hair.

The technique of mesotherapy for hair loss offers an individual approach to each patient depending on the extent of the problem and the individual characteristics of the hair.

As a result of mesotherapy for hair loss is normalized their growth, improves the structure, appearance, dandruff disappears, and normal excretion of fat. This technique distinguishes long-term effect. You can use it to cope with hair loss and stop the appearance of gray hair.

No injection mesotherapy

 mesotherapy reviews

For aging skin, combat hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, dryness and acne developed the newest technique no injection mesotherapy (non-invasive mesotherapy).

Needleless mesotherapy procedure takes only 20-30 minutes. Cocktail is applied directly to the skin, and then treated with a special compound that emits a pulsed magnetic waves. During the procedure, no injection mesotherapy cell membrane permeability is increased by 400 times! Thus, useful substances are quickly and easily penetrate into the skin to 1-2 mm and form reserves.

No injection mesotherapy allows for a long time to use the reserves of nutrients, it is easy to distribute to other layers of the skin. Another plus - needle-free mesotherapy has no contraindications.

To get a long-term effect of lifting, slow down skin aging and prolong its youth for at least 1 year, mesotherapy is used against wrinkles. Rejuvenating course consists of 4-6 procedures.

Single face mesotherapy without needles works perfectly with the skin, preparing it to important events and activities. A single procedure - is mesotherapy of bags under the eyes, reduces swelling and having a lifting effect.

Oxygen Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy, in which along with the nutrients supplied oxygen into the skin, called oxygen mesotherapy. With this method, vitamins, nutrients and active components of serum drug penetrate deep into the skin under pressure jets of oxygen.

Oxygen Mesotherapy offers various courses of the skin. Whitening course helps to remove skin pigmentation, wrinkles, narrow pores. Oxygen mesotherapy for problem skin cleanses, prevents inflammation, smoothes the skin and makes it soft. Toning and Moisturizing course helps retain moisture in the connective tissue. The course contributes to the rejuvenation of cells and the formation of new wrinkles. The skin after the procedure has a fresh look.

Oxygen mesotherapy for cellulite - is very positive reviews. Women also remain in admiration of course against stretch marks. Oxygen mesotherapy procedure is considered to be among the experts one of the most effective techniques used to treat cellulite. In addition, it gives very encouraging results.

What drugs are used in mesotherapy?

Modern mesotherapy is not without essential medicines, of which emit X-ADN gel and hyaluronic acid, which helps to restore degraded collagen. The positive effects of mesotherapy are pronounced: the skin is saved from dehydration, wrinkles, eliminates traces of smoke and the negative environmental impact. By the way, mesotherapy of stretch marks has excellent reviews.

For protection, moisturizing and lifting of the skin using a solution of DMAE. In mesotherapy, wrinkle actively using the solution of vitamin C, which contributes to the revitalization of the skin and the prevention of aging.

In the process of rejuvenating the skin is an important point is detoxification, which uses powerful antioxidants - glutathione peptides involved in redox processes within cells.

Preparations based on glycolic acid finish line drugs used in mesotherapy. Glycolic acid literally makes your skin glow. It smooths the skin, helps to normalize the sebaceous glands, and then disclosure.

The anti-cellulite mesotherapy often used solution of organic silicon, which restores the elasticity and skin tone. Silicon is involved in the formation of collagen molecules, protects the cells from oxidative stress and free radicals. Mesotherapy cellulite and supports the substance as L-carnitine, which is an effective fat burner that helps to expend fat. Anti-cellulite effect is lipolytic solution of phosphatidylcholine and detoxifying artichoke extract.

The required number of procedures

How often can I make mesotherapy? It all depends on your age and specific problems. Mesotherapy face consequences has individual, and therefore the method is developed for it on an individual basis, depending on the time, financial, and other features. The exact number of procedures you can calculate only in the doctor's office.

Generally speaking about mesotherapy - cellulite treated for 5-15 sessions, the volume decrease for 4-10 sessions. On the treatment of the scalp it will take about 10-15 sessions. Restore oval face you can for 4-8 procedures, and remove the hernia under the eyes - in 1-4 treatments.

Because of these reasons, determine how often to do mesotherapy, you will be able, together with the doctor, taking into account all your resources. Visible lifting effect you can feel after the first session and the results of cellulite - after 2-3 treatments.

Courses mesotherapy for multiple sessions, preferably 1 to repeat every six months. If you maintain the effect after a course of procedures for lifting 1-2 times a month, the next course is repeated a year later.

The effects of mesotherapy

Too many envious it raises the question of whether mesotherapy is harmful whether mesotherapy side effects? It's almost science fiction, which our mothers and grandmothers could only dream of - a non-surgical facelift, giving a perfect result: reducing the number of wrinkles, lifting effect, trim oval face and a fresh glowing skin.

However, the effects of mesotherapy can hardly scare anybody. Swelling and redness at the injection site disappear for an hour. Bruising after mesotherapy are rare and take place in a few days. But the results will please you for a long time.

Despite the fact that the bruises and redness of the face, mesotherapy body reviews testify that even inflicted needle injuries rejuvenates the skin, triggering repair processes. Help to accelerate the healing of special ointments "Traumeel" and "Wobenzym".

 Mesotherapy face, body and hair

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