activated carbon to treat allergies


  • How to treat allergies activated charcoal?
  • In conclusion, is there an alternative?

Allergy treatment with activated carbon - a national method. This method is based on the ability of coal to clean the blood from harmful substances and excrete toxins. What changes occur in the blood? In the blood increases the number of T-lymphocytes, reduced the number of eosinophils and free of immune cells, the state of immunoglobulin E and M normalized. This leads to an improvement in the general condition of the patient: are swelling, itching and rashes.

Activated carbon removes from the digestive tract pathogens that can cause severe allergic symptoms. It absorbs the bacterial antigens, food allergens, serotonin, circulating immune complexes, histamine, thus, activated charcoal method improves the blood, thereby reducing the various manifestations of allergic reactions.

 activated carbon from allergies
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How to treat allergies activated charcoal?

Allergy activated carbon take courses for 1, 5 months. The courses are held in spring (since the beginning of April) and summer. For the year carry out a minimum of 2 courses (maximum - 4).

Against severe manifestations of allergy (first few days) coal take long before the morning meal, at the rate of one tablet per 10-11 kg body weight.

The tablets should not be swallowed whole, they must be chewed or crushed and taken inside, washed down with water. The method with chewing helps to keep the mouth and nasopharynx. After a pass or significantly reduced allergy, you should continue taking coal to 1 tablet 2 times a day until the end of the course. Usually the effect appears already after the first course. Here, the important thing is not to relax, and that the disease has not returned, you will need to carry out refresher courses, at least 2 times a year. If you do not forget this, allergies can gradually come to naught.

Treat the allergy with activated carbon to be very careful, do not forget that along with harmful substances are adsorbed and removed and vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. So long its reception can be harmful, so if you take too long coal, but only in combination with multivitamins. Activated charcoal may also provoke constipation.

Activated carbon can be used and allergies (e.g., atopic dermatitis), in infants. In a period of strong itching can offer 1 tablet child. By the treatment of children should be approached with extreme caution, should not be given the drug for more than 10 consecutive days due to the same risk of loss of vitamins.   Babies, for the period of intensive growth, lack of vitamins is particularly harmful, it can affect not only the growth and development, but also the health of the baby.

 adoption of activated carbon for the treatment of allergies
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In conclusion, is there an alternative?

Acceptance of such a seemingly harmless drug as activated carbon, no clinical trials in the field of application of its anti-allergy may be unsafe. So think for yourself whether or not to self-medicate, in the absence of monitoring by a specialist without a clinical and biochemical analyzes, or it may be wise to trust the professionals, who will select you a comprehensive treatment of allergy.

A good alternative to activated carbon can be garlic, giving the body the same positive effect, it is also perfectly strengthens the immune system, and does not cause constipation. Garlic is consumed three times a day for 1 clove, prepared from a slurry: one pounded cloves of garlic, 50 ml of water. Consume garlic certainly after or during a meal, so as not to damage the stomach lining.

 Coal will help against allergies

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 Herbal cosmetics Russians from Yves Rocher

 wrinkle cream


  • Why is a wrinkle cream
  • How effective wrinkle cream
  • A variety of cosmetics
  • How to choose the right wrinkle cream
  • Professional Advice
  • Traditional methods of preserving youth

In his youth, think that the use of creams is not necessary. The skin young and healthy, but this is a misconception. It is better, as they say, to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, to buy cosmetics for the face is not only possible, but necessary and in 25 and 30, and even more so after 35 years.

Why is a wrinkle cream

From the older generation of women often hear: "We have the cream of wrinkles was not! And all looked fine. So why let your money away? ". Allow me to disagree. Modern ecology, water, we wash, and food, which are used, are far from ideal. In addition, the current pace of life, our workload, lack of sleep, stress - all this affects the condition of skin. To look good and feel great, every woman simply must buy a protective cream. At the same time to run after him to the store should not be in the first days after the appearance of spider veins around the eyes, and in advance - from a young age.

If applied regularly on face special cosmetics, the process is so unpleasant appearance of wrinkles, we can delay ten years. In addition, the use of special anti-wrinkle creams can not only get rid of these, but also makes the skin more fresh, supple and protects against harmful environmental factors and from sunlight.

How effective wrinkle cream

Do not expect that the special anti-wrinkle cream will make you 25 years younger. This is not a panacea for all ills, but only the possibility to delay and slow down the aging process, which, unfortunately, occur in every organism. In addition, facial skin - an indicator of health, and if you want to look young, regularly visit health facilities be inspected by specialists.

And another important point: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Forget the cigarettes (or reduce their use) Diversify your diet fruits and vegetables, eat properly, do not miss the opportunity to sleep for eight hours, and, of course, sport. And then wrinkle cream will have to buy more later.

A variety of cosmetics

Means of wrinkles now produce virtually all cosmetic companies. Consider the main types:

  • creams that protect against the harmful effects of environmental factors. As part of the anti-wrinkle creams are based antioxidants vitamins C, E and selenium.
  • lotions, which have the effect of peeling. Basically, the main components of such facilities - fruit acids, which are purified and clarified skin.
  • cream from wrinkles with retinol and vitamin A. They are considered the most effective in the fight for youth.
  • moisturizing and nourishing cream with hyaluronic acid.

Pick up cosmetic cream should be, depending on skin type and the result you want to obtain. To protect against stains, use a cream with vitamins C, E and selenium, to cleanse the skin and lighten her pick the cream with fruit acids. As for means on the basis of retinol, their use is recommended for women over 35 years. They are not always well tolerated by the skin, so be careful.

 anti-wrinkle cream

How to choose the right wrinkle cream

After twenty-five years of age in a woman's body processes slow down the accumulation of collagen and elastin - the main components of the elastic smooth skin. The result is that on the face of the first signs of future wrinkles. In 40 years, reducing the synthesis of its own proteins occurs at 1-3% per year, and after the onset of menopause, women lose the skin up to 30% of collagen. By 50 years of age-related changes are very noticeable: dim complexion, dark circles under the eyes, flabby skin, wrinkles. To avoid this, start to use a special cream from his youth.

First cream designed to combat the still impending signs of aging, its main task - to moisturize and protect. Choose funds based hyaluronic acid molecules that are responsible for skin nutrition.

For a more mature age (about 35 years), the means of wrinkles must include retinol and vitamin A. These components help to cope with deep wrinkles make them less noticeable, refreshing the complexion and "tighten" its contours.

When choosing a cosmetic product, take into account your skin type. If it is prone to dryness and peeling, in a cream must be to protect against sunlight components and vitamin C, which favors the production of collagen.

If you have oily skin of the face, is focusing on products that contain ingredients that can get rid of fat shine, cleans and protects from ultraviolet radiation.

The main problem is a combination skin oily midface and dryness in other areas. Women with this type of means is not recommended, as part of which there glycol, fruit or milk acids. Choose products with sunscreens against free radicals.

Professional Advice

Experts recommend using a variety of means, based on the time of day: antioxidant cream is applied to the face in the morning and at night - active cosmetics for skin regeneration, which includes retinol.

When you start to use the cream, it moisturizes, protects and nourishes the skin, as a result of the face has a fresh and healthy look. But over time, its effect is weakened, so experts advise to change the cosmetics every six months.

Choose a cream with a protection factor of at least 15. You can also try a moisturizing fluids - fangled cosmetics that fights the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin. Use it alone or apply under the day and night cream. In order to anti-wrinkle effect is given, use them regularly.

Beautician keep away from the sun and watch the shelf life of the cream, because the use of expired products have a negative impact on your skin.

 wrinkle cream

Traditional methods of preserving youth

Thanks to today's existing cosmetic products to fight the signs of aging women has become much easier. I went to a drugstore, bought a cream smeared face - and the expected effect. But you can also use traditional methods. We offer you a prescription cream from the wrinkles, cooked at home.

To take the oil phase:

  • 2 tablespoons minced beeswax
  • tablespoon of shea butter
  • almond butter - 1 tablespoon
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil

Aqueous phase:

  • teaspoon rose water
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • half a tablespoon of vitamin E (in ampoules)
  • 2 drops of rosemary oil (essential)

Cooking method:

Take a steam bath and melt the wax on it, add shea butter (if you do not use shea butter), almond and coconut oil, stir constantly.

In a separate pan, heat the liquid to the consistency of honey and pour the rose water in it - keep on low heat for 15 seconds. The resulting mixture, add the oil phase, thoroughly stirring. Homemade cream is almost ready. Remove it from the water bath, let cool slightly, add rosemary oil and vitamin E. Stir well to avoid lumps, and pour into jars (sterilized beforehand).

As for essential oils, check for tolerability. To do this, drip a little oil on hand and watch the reaction.

Another tool in the arsenal of our grandmothers: dry skin around the eyes, lubricate the egg yolk and keep the mask for 15 minutes, then remove the wet cotton pad. If you have a shallow wrinkles under the eyes, you can mix the yolk of chicken with vegetable oil in a ratio of one to one. The resulting mixture Apply a regular basis under the eyes for half an hour.

Whatever means you may use it - the people's councils or modern creams, the main thing - not to forget about a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, smile more often, and the facial skin is fresh, supple and youthful for much longer.

 Wrinkle Cream: Aspects of

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