long wavy hair


  • Simple rules
  • How to choose a hairstyle
  • Styling for long hair

Is as old as the assertion that the hair - one of the major women's jewelry does not lose its relevance over time. Long, flowing, shiny, wavy hair has always been and remains the main women's secret weapon that has no slip, causing the man's heart-stopping, then flutter. By the way, this same conclusion, and scientists who conducted a series of public opinion polls. Over 50% of men aged 18 to 65 years have confirmed that this type of hair is the most sexually attractive.

Perhaps the secret of the appeal of long wavy hair that they unwittingly associate men with innocence and youth. Indeed, despite all the variety of different short haircuts, they often resort mature women, burdened with family and different concerns. This is understandable - they simply do not have time to care for long hair.

Yes, curly hair deliver a lot of problems to its owner. About the need to constantly take care of them. In order to effectively and hair looked a little sloppy sometimes have to spend several hours in front of a mirror. But the result is worth it! How to properly care for this type of hair?

Simple rules

The structure of curly hair is so unique and complex that requires a mandatory systematic and intensive care. Curly hair forms curls, folds which are considered most vulnerable. Therefore, improper washing or styling can easily damage it. To this did not happen enough to use a few simple rules.

  • Long curly hair is not recommended to wash too often - daily mechanical action on curls can harm them. Be sure to use a shampoo for your hair type. And it should be applied only to the roots - tips wash out when you rinse agent.
  • Try not to abuse heat styling - it could dry up your hair. To reduce the harmful effects of hot air is recommended to use a hair dryer with a diffuser. By the way, this tip will help shape perfectly elastic curls. And to keep longer hair at the end of installation, switch the dryer on cool mode and allow the curls to cool. At least twice a week, let your hair dry yourself - let them take a break from the hair dryer. On other days, be sure to use thermal protection means.
  • Regularly moisturizes the hair. You can use ready-made mask for curly hair, and you can cook them yourself using "old wives' recipes.
  • Never use bristle brush with frequent styling. It is better to buy a comb with a few teeth. Generally, combing her long curly hair should be as little as possible. In an ideal - only after washing and very carefully. If during the day disheveled hair - just curls Give the desired shape with your fingers. And, of course, to your hair to look stylish and well-groomed is necessary to choose the right hairstyle.

 wavy long hair

How to choose a hairstyle

Long hair for many years, firmly holds first place in the world barbershop fashion. This is understandable. After all, to them the master there is a huge space for creativity. The most difficult elements and the most masterly styling was carried out on this length of hair. Haircuts with long wavy hair there are many. So which one to choose? When choosing hairstyles should necessarily take into account the structure of your hair. For example, thin hair, which is often confused, it is recommended to cut the cascade. This will give them the necessary volume and, in addition, allow each strand laid separately. These hairstyles are surprisingly versatile and universal. In addition, they look fantastically beautiful and attractive. However, on one condition - the hair must be very well groomed.

But resilient and heavy tresses very suitable smooth hairstyle with the "ladder", bordering gentle face. And one more thing, which should pay attention - no matter what haircut on long wavy hair you choose, from a straight bangs experts recommend still refuse. If you pick yourself a haircut is not possible, it is best to seek the advice of an experienced professional stylists. After properly chosen hairstyle is able to emphasize your individuality and add the final, finishing touch to an image, making it bright and harmonious.

Styling for long hair

Unfortunately, not always have the time and opportunity to make regular packing in expensive salons. How to put wavy locks on their own? And so long to keep hair and looked impressive. In fact, nothing complicated about it. You will need:

  • shiny hair
  • nail easy fixing
  • brush
  • Curling
  • flat hairbrush
  • studs

To begin?

  1. Wash your hair and gently dry them with a hairdryer. They must be completely dry.
  2. Make bouffant in the occipital and parietal parts of the head, using the flat comb.
  3. Use the brush carefully align the top part of the hair so that the fleece was left inside.
  4. Comb hair first twist into a bundle, and then assemble in a bun and secure with pins.
  5. The remaining hair curl, using a curling iron.
  6. Arrange them asymmetrically, after putting on one shoulder. Your hairstyle is ready!

As you can see, everything is very simple - a little bit of attention and care, and in front of your luxurious locks can not stand anybody. After all, it is - a gift that is given not for everyone. A wise, old proverb: "What is rare, it is expensive prized" has not been canceled!

 Long wavy hair - feminine charm

We recommend that read: Boxes for curly hair

 gentle hair dye


  • Staining of yesterday and today
  • Gentle paint: pros and cons
  • Proper coloring: a few tips

Of course, all women want to have thick, beautiful and healthy hair. What are they just do not do it - buy all sorts of restorative shampoos, balms use frizz and level. Cosmetic manipulation there is no limit! But there comes a new season, fashion is changing, or simply head beauty there is an idea - and if I do not change the image? Agree, acquiring new thing, doing another hairstyle and repainting the hair, the girl transformed. It appears power problems are forgotten, and you look in the mirror a completely different person: confident, charming and attractive men's views. But whether the changes are painless for the female head of hair?

Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of different products for coloring. These sparing the hair dye promise lasting color, efficiency, and gray shading to top it all - no damage, preservation of health and beauty. We offer to find out whether or not justified and true such assurances.

Staining of yesterday and today

Hair dyes used even our grandmothers, but their composition was different. Some traditional recipes are still in vogue. So, until we reached the henna and Basma, who continued to use the older women. And not too many years ago to change the image used the tincture of chamomile, buttercup, Sophora, chicory seeds or rhubarb and nutshells, beet and saffron.

Today, hair dye - a complex chemical compounds, which in recent years manufacturers have to add plant extracts. This is done not to improve the coloring activities, and for the therapeutic effect. You get a product with the effect of "two in one" - with it you change the color and revitalizes hair. However, the main disadvantage of dyes based on natural ingredients is the narrow range of shades. A really bright color can be made using only synthetic ingredients that naturally affect the structure of the hair. With regard to natural products, they are dyed hair only in copper-browns. Thus the result is unpredictable.

Paints made on the basis of salts of different metals (e.g., manganese, nickel, cobalt and iron), gouaches similar - they only cover the hair surface. With their help, you can get a wide variety of shades.

Some newer products are oxidizing paint, which not only covers the hair on the outside, but also penetrate inside, taking part in chemical reactions, then what you gain the desired color. Colouring - a multi-stage process. Initially dye molecules are so large that they can not get into hairs. For this last solution is treated with ammonia - then they swell and passed the necessary elements. As a result, the paint, forming a compound with the keratin, giving the expected effect that eliminate the mechanical action, for example, washing is not possible.

Oxidation process itself flowing about twenty minutes, occurs when the two components contained in each ink. A dye falling inward hairs attached to the new color, as long as their surface does not return to the usual state. The fact is that during the application they become "herringbone" - hair scales disclosed in order to skip the necessary molecules. After some time they close, "closing" paint, which is why you can enjoy for a long time a new shade.

Components coloring product can be divided into three parts: a base, a stabilizer and a modifier. The last two items are not involved in the process of toning, however affect the color intensity and its preservation. If you only use foundation, the new color will fade quickly (this effect is given special coloring shampoos and foams, which are not a part of stabilizers).

 sparing the hair dye

Gentle paint: pros and cons

Today, most paints produced on the basis of a cream-emulsion, which provides not only the convenience of use, but also high quality staining. In order not to spoil the hair and as long as possible to maintain their health and natural shine, experts recommend using bezammiachnoy products. Such cosmetics, according to stylists, the most gentle.

Careful staining

Women who prefer resistant paints, after a certain time to notice that the hair becomes dull, constantly broken. Perpetrators of this - ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which are part of the dye. The first - a colorless gas, which breaks the surface of the hair, thereby opening the way to the paint and facilitating its penetration. Then comes in the next element that destroys the natural pigment, allowing the new shade will appear. As a result, the color lasts for a long time, but the structure of the hair changes - they desiccate and weaken.

The gentle makeup ammonia is absent, and the percentage of hydrogen peroxide is significantly reduced. In this case, the paint coats the natural pigment of the hair, but does not penetrate inside, and do not injure them. Therefore, the procedure is painless and is considered a gentle toward your hair.

Fresh colors plus recovery

Sparing paint not containing ammonia have a dual effect - dyed hair and treat them. Often such products is a complex of vitamins (group B) and useful plant extracts, such as birch or millet, walnut shells, or grape seed. These components protect the hair from harmful UV rays, not desiccate them, helping to keep the moisture inside, as well as normalize the processes of the sebaceous glands, saturate and strengthen the root bulbs, improve blood flow.

Those who have a thin, dull, sickly-looking hair, experts recommend the use for coloring products bezzamiachnye acting favorably. Because they contain vitamins natural shade of hair becomes more saturated, will silkiness and shine.

If you are an experimenter at heart and love to change their way, the agent without ammonia - just what the doctor ordered. This dye is washed off quickly enough so that if the experiment failed and a new color has turned out not so as you'd expect, then after a month and a half of it will be over. In addition, you can safely adjust the color of the hair for another gentle paint.

Another huge plus is that, gradually flushing, cosmetics leaves no noticeable border between the roots and the colored part of the curls. This coloring element with regular use is absorbed into the hair, so in the future does not necessarily apply to the entire length of the vehicle - you can only handle individual sections on the head.

Cons bezammiachnoy Product

Such dyes are quite picky. Professional help can not be avoided if you want to radically transform, paint the gray hair or lighten up. To use bezammiachnoy makeup at home, you need to have some knowledge about the coloring and understand the nuances of the procedure. Otherwise, you can get quite the result that expected. Moreover, gray-haired lady recommended to opt for a resistant facility, which includes a colorless gas and hydrogen peroxide. A more gentle product will not be able to fully paint the gray areas. Exception - professional bezammiachnoy staining using special fixers.

Another shortcoming of funds - short effect. Its manufacturers claim that the paint is not washed up to six weeks, but in practice this term is much less. Often, each contact with water and shampoo the color fades, leaving a reddish hue. Therefore painting has to be repeated much sooner than promised by the manufacturer. It should also be borne in mind that dark burning brunette can not for one procedure to become a blonde. Hair clarified only two or three colors, except in professional products.

Bezammiachnoy paint are many times more expensive than their less benign counterparts, of course, that such coloring agent in the cabin too far will result in a pretty penny. If you find a cheaper version of this product, do not rush to buy it: certainly it is a fake.

 most gentle hair dye

Proper coloring: a few tips

If you decide to carry out the procedure on their own, these tips will help you do it right. Firstly, before staining in any case do not wash your hair, or the color is delayed for long. However, the means for stacking (lacquer, gel, or foam, etc.) it is better to give up, or by a chemical reaction can exit unexpected effect.

Then, wearing gloves and with a special paint brush evenly over the entire length, and the hair should be dry. At the end of half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and use a reducing gel-conditioning and fixative.

If you carry out the procedure again, you just have to paint over portions regrown, then cover the roots of the vehicle, and then (wait fifteen minutes) - the rest of the hair.

When choosing paint, be sure to accent attention to its content. If instead of ammonia manufacturer specifies amines or sodium benzoate, the painting will be consequences. These chemical ingredients in cosmetics eliminate the beneficial effect of vitamins and plant extracts.

After staining, the main thing - to maintain and restore hair. Even the most gentle means not able to fully protect them. Especially hard hair is undergoing a transition from dark to light.

Hairdressers are advised to prepare for the procedure in advance (about a week). To this day applied to the hair nourishing and moisturizing balms. It is beneficial as styling, which include a special "caring" component.

To effect kept much longer, use shampoo for colored hair. They not only protect against rapid rinsing, but also contain sunscreens, which eliminate the adverse effects of ultraviolet. Today this has become a popular therapeutic tool, as serum with plant extracts.

It is worth to drink a course of vitamins. Manufacturers produce special preparations, the effect of which is aimed at strengthening the hair. Do not forget about a healthy eight-hour sleep and proper nutrition. Use good massage comb, do not leave your hair braided for the night, and then you can always be proud of their hair.

 Gentle hair color: pros and cons

We recommend that read: hair dye without ammonia
