beautiful skin


  • Secrets to beautiful skin
  • Beautiful skin at home
  • Age is not a hindrance

Smooth, silky, beautiful skin - an indispensable condition of feminine charm. But what if the picture darkens the appearance of light wrinkles, acne and other small problems, which bring so much trouble the modern woman? How to make the skin beautiful, give her a proper diet and care?

It is well known truism that the youth of the skin - is, first of all, concern inside. Secrets of a beautiful face and body encased in the proper operation of the body. To begin to normalize their daily routine. And the food plays a major role. Eat fruits and vegetables, natural foods, walk in the fresh air, move more. All this improves circulation, fills the cells of oxygen, improves the appearance of skin and body.

Secrets to beautiful skin

Peeling, acne, allergies, flabby - these are the signs of unhealthy skin. For the appearance of these problems corresponds to the intestines. According to dermatologists, poor diet and a violation of the work of this body is to bring all the above troubles. Accumulating a toxins and wastes, the intestines can no longer cope with its function and thereby suffer skin.

Modern clinics offer various methods of cleansing the body, after which, according to the promise of doctors, your intestines will run like clockwork. However, do not always want to resort to radical methods. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to clean the intestines of toxins and impurities in the home? It appears possible. And there is nothing complicated about it.

Way to clean a lot. And the most common and effective of these are traditional methods. You've probably already thought of enemas and laxatives? Do not worry, you will not have to resort to such an unpleasant procedure. So, how to get a beautiful face and body skin?

 beautiful skin

Drink milk - be healthy!

Tidy intestines at home will help you to conventional products: milk, sunflower oil, garlic, apples and beets. Take a glass of milk, boil and leave it for a day, until the turn sour. Then add to it a tablespoon of vegetable oil, stir and drink. Better carry out the procedure in the evening before bedtime.

Waking up, eat a couple of apples or beetroot salad. Salad is prepared as follows: on a fine grater rubbed small beets, add garlic clove, salt and a drop of vegetable oil. These products are very well cleaned intestines. Also, instead of the usual breakfast you can eat salad of fresh cabbage.

And remember that eating healthy and beautiful skin - is an inseparable part of your life. Therefore, make sure that you eat. Say a firm "no" convenience foods, cook only with quality products. Let hurt your wallet, but health will remain unchanged!

Cabbage soup and porridge - our food

The main advantage of the popular methods is the fact that the bowels are those foods that we eat all the time, such as porridge. And also the fact that to carry out all the necessary procedures, you can at home, without the help of doctors. For the preparation you will need a miracle porridge oats and half a glass of the same amount of rice. On the glass of cereals required two and a half cups of water. Wash grits and cook it before, until thickened.

Cooked porridge need to eat for breakfast and dinner for three to five days. Add oil is not recommended, but can be a bit of salt the. Such food out of the body remains of undigested food, bacteria, and toxins - in short, all that pollutes our intestines and prevents it from working properly. Especially helpful to eat a porridge after heavy feasts, when the products are supplied there, incompatible.

Health jelly

This jelly, home-cooked, not only help cleanse the intestines and liver, which is also an important factor for the recovery of the body. So, for healthy skin and body. You will need:

  • Gender pounds pitted prunes.
  • Holosas bottle - extract of wild rose, sugar and water, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Fifty grams of buckthorn.

All of the above ingredients should be mixed in an enamel container, pour two liters of water and bring to a boil. Then protomai over low heat for about half an hour, cool and strain. Store the finished pudding should be in a cool place.

In order for the skin to be beautiful and intestines to run smoothly, you need to drink a hundred grams of jelly, one time per day. Preferably at bedtime, do not earlier than two hours after dinner. Up in the morning, try nothing more to eat or drink.

After cleansing the body can move to direct treatments for face and body. Here you will be lotions, creams and scrubs. The main thing to choose the means, it is suitable for your skin type.

 the secrets of beautiful skin

Beautiful skin at home

Cabin treatments work wonders, helping to restore the health of the woman and the beauty of the face, body, hands. But if you do not have time to visit a salon, and at home you can clean the skin, giving it a fresh and prepare for the next stages of care. To do this, in the arsenal of the care to be present scrubs. Since these funds involve cleansing both body and face, problems with the choice you should arise.

The new generation of scrubs is an effective and gentle means. Earlier scrubs made on the basis of the crushed nut shells and fruit pits. Now, in the composition of most of these products contains pellets of synthetic material, which gently gliding over the skin gently cleanse it from dead cells. In addition, modern Superior formula scrubs - for face and body - provide additional skin lifting effect.

Facial Scrub can be used for the treatment of acne, pimples with a white head, or common acne. To do this, use the tool once or twice a week. Body Scrub will help get rid of cellulite. Proper use of anti-cellulite agents involves the use of it in the shower or taking a bath when the skin is moist and softened.

If you have to access to the light and you want to give your face glow, use a scrub at least one hour before leaving the house. After the scrub, apply a skin soothing serum or cream with chamomile extract to avoid possible redness.

If you scrub that you use, causing redness of the skin, reducing the frequency of use or navigate to another product with a delicate formula.

Age is not a hindrance

In the spring, due to the lack of vitamins, skin face and body becomes drier. The best way out - the use of intense moisturizers. They will provide the necessary food, provide proper care, will add shine and elasticity. Due to the content of useful substances - fruit concentrate, extracts of herbs and plants - the cream gives the skin elasticity, tones it, while moisturizing and softening.

Intense moisturizers defy time. They enrich circulating moisture in the epidermis of the most important elements, and give your skin proper nutrition necessary, restore it exactly where it should be really. Healthy skin becomes elastic, soft - it is as if lit from within.

If you notice any new wrinkles on the face, then get to work! Start doing facial exercises and massage the problem area using a fresh cucumber. Soaking, cucumber juice moistens the skin, and after drying forms a mask that must be kept for thirty minutes. This is followed by rinsing your face with cool water. And if it's time or there is a need to use anti-wrinkle agent, apply to the skin nourishing cream or make appropriate mask. Shining facial skin will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

Fatigue and age give the eye. The mask for the skin around the eyes perfectly fills the lack of moisture, returns a healthy look and makes it incredibly smooth. Eye Contour Mask refreshes the skin, protect it and make wrinkles less noticeable. Express-lifting relieve swelling and eliminate dark circles, smooth the skin, giving her food and care in the short term. All of these tools have a relaxing effect: skin looks refreshed and smooth. Reducing concentrates contours of eyes, which include serum and masks provide stable rejuvenating effect. Means for eyelids gently and effectively treat skin.

Performing regularly at least part of these procedures, you can expect that the health and beauty of your skin is much improved, and thus improve, and your whole appearance, and with it the general mood.

 Beautiful skin - the secrets of home care

We recommend that read: Moisturizing cream for oily skin

 Makeup Secrets


  • Secrets rejuvenating makeup
  • Rules applying blush
  • Makeup Secrets for lips and eyelids
  • Makeup Secrets for each lady

It's no secret that all the fair sex, regardless of their age want to always be attractive. Today, there are a lot of perfumes and cosmetics, so every modern woman can look much younger. Any professional in the field of makeup can prove that the correct approach to every woman capable of performing miracles. Knowing and applying some of the secrets of make-up, you can create various, sometimes opposite.

Secrets rejuvenating makeup

  • To give the face a fresh, youthful look, use a concealer, but before the application of good, clean skin with a peeling that will remove from the face and neck all the dead skin particles.
  • Now it needs to be properly moistened. To do this, you can use any wrinkle cream, which is composed of vitamins A and E.
  • Once it is fully absorbed, you can begin to use foundation. Important - Apply a thin layer of it, otherwise it will fall into the wrinkles and allocate them more. If you really want to look younger even for a few years, then give up solid foundation and Pick lighter, slightly matting. Prefer well-known brands.
  • The final touch - the application of powder. Makeup artists recommend using it crumbly and not compact. For proper effect to apply powder with a soft brush rather thick.

When applying concealer and powder, do not try to disguise the nasolabial folds. This way you will achieve just the reverse, unwanted effect: they wanted to hide, will dramatically evident. While the use of this situation secrets ideal makeup? - You ask. The best option - the application of funds for the skin before reaching the nasolabial folds, and on the approach to her blend cream foundation with a soft brush or your fingertips.

 the secrets of perfect make-up

Rules applying blush

Typically, with age, facial skin becomes pale, sometimes even with an earthy tone. Skillfully applying cosmetics will give you a fresh new look, but this is unfortunately not enough. Therefore, middle-aged ladies did not do without a blush. The more that they can be used to improve the shape of the face.

  • Blush dark color is better not to use, at least, we should not get carried away by them. Pronounced cheekbones will surely make your face shape more refined, but at the same time, the added years.
  • If you, on the contrary, want to look older than their years, then use the paint only dark brown in color, plus five to ten years you provided.
  • A young person is always shining like pink blush, therefore, using light-colored make-up, you'll be sure to look younger. Foreign makeup artists recommend to put on the cheekbones peach shade, and on top of a drop of colorless lip gloss. That will have the effect of a healthy complexion.

Makeup Secrets for lips and eyelids

Knowing some of the secrets of perfect make-up, we were able to give a person a healthy look and appeal, and now proceed to the eyes. At this point your imagination can roam plenty: and shadows, and liquid eyeliner, and pencils, and ink!

  • Just forget the matte shadow and lipstick. Such texture, and especially their dark shades add age, emphasize wrinkles, increasing the volume of the face. But do not for this reason to go to extremes and choose too bright makeup. Brilliant gloss also highlight the flaws of your skin.
  • But more concerned with the question: what are the secrets of make-up need to know to be "wiped" off his face a few years? The ideal situation is a nacreous natural shade shadows and lipsticks that are a little scatter light, hiding wrinkles. Satin tone will give youth a light sheen, which creates the effect of wet lips, they add volume and freshness.
  • While many brown-eyed women prefer to pick out your natural color by using tones of chocolate, it should be said that many of them do not go. In addition, on the face of middle-aged ladies, they look rather boring. So where better to do, such as mild, dull dark blue eyeliner pencil. Or, to set off the color of the eyes, barely enough to hold a prominent line of brush. Although the arrows are back in fashion, it is better to leave them for young girls.
  • Do not overdo it with the eyeliner. It instantly adds you a few years. Now the incredibly popular "smoky" eye makeup, which is marked with black corners of the eyelids. The look of dark eyes, of course, is impressive, but also underlines all their shortcomings, such as redness.
  • Forget about the past habit of painting not only the upper but also the lower lashes. Blonde women in general do not get involved in black ink - it is not only the oldest, but also gives the face a gloomy expression. Blondes better suited brown, gray or dark green.
  • To look stylish and beautiful, be sure to keep the secrets of professional make-up and strictly follow them: on the upper eyelid, apply the shade that matches the color of eyes, and on the mobile eyelid - the tone of clothing. However, over-saturated colors may look too vulgar, but not rejuvenating. Therefore, to give a healthy look bright eyes, is enough to put on the top, and the moving part of the century gray or bluish shade. But the green-eyed and brown-eyed women more suitable metallic shades.
  • Get rid of puffiness, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes will help the well-known anti-aging agents available - pink shade. They need to be put below the lower eyelid and under the eyebrows. These secrets of makeup suddenly taken away from you for several years.
  • Lips quickly fall under the influence of age, so many representatives of the beautiful half really want visually rejuvenate them. Young girls can be applied as lipstick and glitter on her lips as they please (not forgetting that the excessive use of cosmetics leads to the fact that the corners of the mouth, it can slide or go beyond it). For adults it is not necessary to paint ladies lips completely, in which case each wrinkle will be highlighted and underlined.

    The best option - to put the shine on the middle of the lower lip, which will give them bulk. Also, do not try to completely change the shape of the lips with the help of contour pencil. He can only adjust their shape. Bright neutral lipstick and gloss will help to achieve the desired effect - they will look wonderful and youthful!

 secrets of professional make-up

Makeup Secrets for each lady

Now let's look at a few common secrets that will help you look simply irresistible.

  • To quickly refresh your eyes if you do not get enough sleep and very eyes look tired, should make up their bold shades of metallic colors.
  • Pink lipstick with pearlescent ideal for girls with a dark complexion.
  • Blush should be applied near the window, that is, in daylight.
  • If the shadow of fat, before applying them to a little powder the eyelids, so they will not slide.
  • If you are thinking to draw arrows or contour on the eyes - leaning on something hard, so that the hand is not shaking.
  • Lip contours better blunt pencil. The sharp lines are more suitable for "moths".
  • First, better to put rouge and lipstick. In this case, much easier to find the right shade of shadow.
  • If you are the owner of a small eye, never apply a dark shadow on the inner corners. Extend they can use the arrows.
  • Girls with freckles, do not try to hide them under the fat layer of tonal framework, let lurking out from under her.
  • When applied shadows on the upper eyelid not close your eyes and gently tilt the head back. So you can see the resulting situation, and the shadows will fall more smoothly.
  • To get rid of excess shadow or slightly dampen the resulting color, touch-century cotton swab slightly powdery.

Do not despair if nature has not endowed you direct a small spout. You can slightly adjust its shape alone. To do this, take the foundation for a couple of shades darker than the one you usually use. Dark base put on the wings of the nose. Long nose is reduced if its tip rub a little dark rouge or powder.

Remember that the problem areas that can be done not so noticeable, it is necessary to set off the dark makeup. Those places you want to highlight or underline, make lighter. This is the main secrets of make-up, using which you will be able to look irresistible every day!

 Makeup Secrets: basic rules for those who are at the height of

We recommend to check out how to make up beautiful eye pencil
