how to make money on the blog

The majority of Internet users have stopped to consider staying in the network as entertainment. And more and more often thought about the question, how to turn a virtual part of life in an additional source of income. Let's look at the easiest way of earning and try to figure out how to make money on the blog.

A worldwide network of more like a "Field of Dreams" Pestryaev offers get rich, burying a couple of coins. All kinds of gurus online business on every click beckoning to invest their hard earned in the "safe" mutual funds and "proven" securities bought to you if they do not turn into an instant during the second Rothschild, then at least you will have something to leave our grandchildren in inheritance. But as you know, free cheese - a clear sign of the presence of a mousetrap. And from the sky pouring money only in fairy tales and movies. In reality, the way to make money on the Internet is there, but this is a way to make money, and not to enrich the blue, creating capital out of the air.

Plants or return to life blog

If you already have a blog, then the only thing you need to do - is to clean his old post. We are starting a new stage in the life of your network. And if you do not have a blog, then I rewound it. But not thoughtlessly, where anyhow. Choose a platform for your blog. At first it may be a blog on a free host. It will provide you with a ready platform, and all that remains - is to begin to fill in your blog interesting and useful content. Plus free hosting is that it costs you nothing, and the number of users is large lounging. And if you select the right theme of your blog, the attendance and popularity can grow very quickly and easily. But only just.

Significant disadvantage of free hosting is that the ability to monetize your blog it is minimal. Yes, and management of a blog is purely nominal. At any time, the administration without explanation can close your blog. Do not believe? Be sure to read the user agreement and see for yourself. If you set a goal to make a profit from your blog, it is best to buy a domain name and find a reliable and affordable web hosting. To come up with a unique domain must be an interesting name. This is very important. The name of the blog should be short, original and giving an idea of ​​the topics of the blog.

Meet on clothes

Another important detail will be your engine is your blog. Basically, those who earn on the blog for a long time, Russified recommend WordPress. This is a very convenient platform for blogging. After installing the engine should work with the design. It must be in harmony with the theme of your blog. If you want to emphasize your individuality, it is possible to order a design specialist. It's - "packaging" for your "product". And so it has to be recognizable and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

No matter what, it is important - as the

If you think that the opportunity to earn a blog depends on what you write - you are mistaken. Studies show that there is not very important topic, and your personal interest in it, the awareness and the ability to make a theme popular among readers. It - readers, because we are talking about women's issues blogs. In your professional life, there is something new and interesting? Write about it. Do you have a hobby, and you have something to share? And it can expand the circle of people willing to come to you for a useful and important, beautiful and well-described information.

Even his own work can cause so much interest that traffic to your blog will soar to unprecedented heights. The scope of the interests of people, every second dissecting the internet, so wide that your blog be sure to find their regular readers, ready to share with you your interests. It should be noted that women are often unable to make the network as much as men, and sometimes more. The main thing that all the entries in your blog were on the same topic. Just imagine that you have to tell someone about what is devoted to the topic of your blog. Presented? And now try to put it in one sentence without using the word "and", "and even" and "or". No need to rush from one topic to another. If you think it possible for a couple to behave blogs - Get another one. And fills blogs relevant content. Your persistence will certainly help to solve the question of how to make money on the blog.

We write often, we write actual

But that's not all. Rare blog entries - your enemies. You decide to make, and therefore, it is necessary not only cause the initial interest, but also to maintain it at the proper level. Many bloggers are earning girl telling the secrets of various handicrafts. Some share their culinary secrets, but someone said in his blog about the latest trends in the fashion industry. There are those who do become skilled in making their own fragrances that even now can teach you how to create a perfume that will suit just you. The main thing is to write about everything beautifully. But other than that, your information should be as unique and relevant. It is in your blog reader should receive what will not find in any other. And do not forget about the audience. Any of your text should be written exactly as accessible as possible for your readers.

 Make a blog

Your friends - your wealth

You have created a blog and think that it should become instantly popular. But it is not so simple. At the initial stage of promotion of your blog you need to learn to be friends. It is to be friends, but not to compete. Only cooperation can benefit. Take advertising your blog. Walk around the sites and forums with a similar theme. Meet people communicate, share. And in their own profiles, these sites and forums, place a link to your blog. If you behave competently enough, people will come to you and stay, if they like what you write.

A good way of promotion of your blog is to write articles on similar themes for the popular resource with link to your blog. In addition, it is useful to write SEO optimized articles. For example, using the system Yandex.Direct, you can learn the most frequently requested by users of search phrases for a certain period of time and based on them to create content for your blog. To some it may seem that it is too time-consuming process; but we have already said that this is a real job that requires effort and responsible approach.

Reputation should work for you

You worked enough on its reputation of competent and skilled blogger? Now it all work for you. Attendance has grown enough to your blog? Cited your recordings exceeded even the wildest dreams?

Incidentally, all this can be called easily. TIC - thematic index of quoting used by Yandex to rank pages in search results. The more inbound links to your blog is, the higher the index. The same goes for abbreviations OL - an indicator of the Trust, but there is another search engine - Google. But note that it is important to not only the number of links, but the quality of the material itself.

Now you can go to the advertisers. At first, you may have to look for advertisers. And to work, despite the fact that your blog is popular enough, you need to be from the heart. After all, the idea of ​​how to make money on the blog, you did not come alone. Now, to your blog started to generate revenue, it should be monetized.

Paid article

Go to the nearest exchange (such Internet exchanges in the mass, they are willing to work with popular blogs as there know exactly what the impact on the minds of the readers literate bloggers). And placed in his blog a paid article. This could be a story about some event, a product, a service or site. Because this article will appear in your blog, you should definitely pay. But we must note that payment is calculated based on attendance, active links (links that will lead the reader directly to the advertiser's site) and the time during which this article is slack in your blog. And if you are write promotional articles which insert a link to the advertiser now and be able to earn more. The main thing that you have an idea of ​​what writing. So try that, even in this case, the advertising article coincide with the theme of your blog.

Trying to make money, do not forget about readers. They are real people, and if your blog will become one large advertising the post, you will simply stop coming. Then you will not only earn, but was confused people who were interested in your blog. Everything is good in moderation.

Partnership programs

Wondering whether you can make money on a blog note to participate in affiliate programs. Affiliate programs, if possible, should be close to the theme of your blog. And then advertising will look more organically from the rest of the material. For example, if most of your blog is devoted to domestic soap or candle manufacturing, your affiliate program can become relevant training courses or online stores where you can buy everything you need for this lesson. You will earn yourself and help your readers get the necessary and useful information for them. Advertising novelties of literature on a given topic is also nice. The main thing is try to familiarize yourself with what it is you are promoting, because the deception does not go far.

Circled contextual advertising

It's all very simple. You place on your blog text or graphic ads and you paid each following a link to a resource advertiser. The amount you earn depends on attendance, so do not forget about the constant replenishment of content on the subject of your blog. Some advertisers are very meticulously relate to the attendance and the "age" of blogs, which place their ads. Although you can find and those who work with newcomers.

Text links and banners

It seems that all of our article about how to make a blog, designed to convince you that everything is very simple. But it's really simple, if you previously worked on conscience, and your blog is popular. The blog you are advertising the possibility of placing an advertising banner, the advertiser is associated with you - and all! You get money for what your readers go to the advertiser's site from your page. The only thing to negotiate - a period during which the banner will hang in your blog. Normally a period of one or a few months. In your case, the longer the better. Such banners and text links can be multiple.

Earns on sharing services

This way to monetize a blog is considered unfair lot of beginners. It is difficult to make a lot, but the extra hundred dollars will not hurt, so we take it on board. First, you need to fill in useful for your readers files in one of the sharing services and getting paid for that with your blog readers come back to download the file.

Paid access to articles

In his articles, you talk about the secrets of successful earnings on the blog or write an entirely new way to properly cut out fabric for a dress? Your readers will see you as competent in the chosen field for an article? This is to take advantage of. For information - it's money. And this, too, can earn.

If you carefully read this article, we realized that the answer to the question whether it is possible to make money on the blog - yes. And if you try it yourself, you will get confirmation of this, expressed in monetary terms. Regardless of whether earnings on primary or secondary entries, remember - this job! If you want to make a profit, then you have to try. We'll have to invest in your project forces, time and ideas.

Good luck in your endeavors!

 Can I make a blog: a few tips for beginners
