permanent hair straightening


  • The chemical method of straightening
  • Japanese straightening method
  • Keratin straightening
  • American composition and procedural steps
  • A small addition

Each of us is born with its very special structure of the hair. Someone smart curls someone they almost perfectly straight or wavy. Men are easier for them, but the women always want to have with what they have. By this request, and are perfectly straight hair. With adolescence we all begin to experiment with them, achieving the desired result, and in color, and straightening. In our time, enough money that you can straighten them for a short time, and a day or two longer, at home, but we are talking about today, we will not, especially since such experiments can lead to a rather sad result.

Straightening - a very difficult procedure, and it should be entrusted only to professionals who can determine the type, condition and suggest the best option is to straighten the hair permanently for you.

Modern methods of straightening curly or wavy head of hair a few in this article let's talk about the most popular methods.
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The chemical method of straightening

The chemical method provides the result to 3-4 months, sometimes less, of course it depends on the quality of the method and of the structure, as in all other methods. This method is similar to a perm, familiar to many, but with the opposite result. On the hair applied the necessary substance, and then a special composition of these substances are recorded and processed by air conditioning. For this purpose, ammonium thioglycolate and sodium hydroxide.

Sodium hydroxide - a very aggressive substance of a number of alkaline deeply penetrate the hair, changing its structure, it softens and increases in the volume of its cover. Hair after this procedure are lush and silky and perfectly straight. At first glance, everything is very good, but this method is very harmful, and after they become dry, brittle, lose their elasticity, the hair shaft becomes very thin. Slightly improve this, the situation is not very good reducing agents.

Instead of sodium hydroxide it is possible to use another drug - ammonium thioglycolate, it acts more sparing, but the effect does not rest so long.

 different methods of hair straightening
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Japanese straightening method

This method was developed in the early 2000s, but at the moment it is the most effective, durable and safest way to straighten your hair, despite the fact that the same chemical.
If you ask: "How to straighten hair permanently? "That is a Japanese method will give a more appropriate response, because as soon as the regrown hair will require similar treatment.

Japanese rectification - is flowing straight strands, without any damage, unlike the first described method.

Moreover, using the method of Japanese damaged hair recovering. The fact that the treatment composition includes a unique product tsistiamin rich proteins, which contributes to the treatment and improve their condition.

Particular rectifying composition penetrates not only the inside of the hair, and its molecular structure and changes in keratins her communication. As a result, even the natural curls are perfectly straight.
Japanese technique has two important advantages: a marked improvement and the appearance and general condition, and straightening long.

Three types of Japanese straightening

The composition of the chemical elements Japanese method varies depending on the type of hair: natural unpainted, damaged and dry coated - for all of these types of specific composition chosen.

The procedure of this method is simple enough, but the more experienced craftsmen, its conductor, the higher quality will result. Hair covered with a special compound for rectification, after a time it is washed off, and then comes the most important stage of the rectification. Master pulls each lock, trying to straighten it completely, and it is quite a long procedure. If this is done efficiently, the result will exceed all expectations.
Repeat the procedure for rectification within 6-8 months will have only regrown hair. And all this time they will be perfectly smooth.

The Japanese method differs from the conventional chemical that hair is not damaged. Due to the fact that the structure is completely restored, and they can be painted, and build.

 keratin hair straightening process
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Keratin straightening

Keratin straightening effect - from 2 to 4 months, depending on the composition and type of rectifier hair. Healthy, shiny, smooth hair - is the result of the method, which in this part of the talk.

Healthy hair 88% composed of keratin - the protein complex. When an unbalanced or inadequate diet and stress keratin molecules are damaged, destroyed, and the hair loses elasticity, shine and smoothness. Hair scales are no longer fit tightly to each other, the hair is broken and torn.

Straightening keratin - it is the saturation of the hair keratin thereby. He fills all the empty space in the structure of the hair, restoring it.

Manufacturers composition for keratin straightening enough, but great demand compositions produced by Brazil and America. A large number of good reviews from customers who have used these formulations, it is confirmed. The technology of hair straightening and both compositions are similar. But the main difference between the composition of the Brazilian - a small amount of formaldehyde. A chemical agent is released when heated to a vapor.
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American composition and procedural steps

Ingredients for American rectification positioned as besformaldegidnoe, safe and revitalizing agent. American composition is usually a little more expensive than the Brazilian.
Straightening technology consists of three stages:

  • holding cleansing the hair from dirt, dust, excess fat and residues of styling, after which the hair itself becomes more susceptible.
  • applying the composition of protein and keratin (the composition of the master selects the type of hair) over the entire length, departing from the roots of a few millimeters. And with this lineup dried hair hairdryer, unheated air, using a large brush.
  • little locks straightened ironing, heated to 230 degrees. Under this temperature effect is sealed keratin protein in the hair, curling, restored structure particularly damaged, there is a smooth layer, which gives shine.

The effect is achieved immediately, but the completion of the necessary processes in the structure takes about 3-4 days, and at this time in any case can not be washed and exposed hair deformation. It is a barrette, gums, various terminals, even desirable wearing hats.

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A small addition

If you are accustomed to constant dyeing his hair, it is best to spend it before the procedure. An added bonus to get a raise durability of color, as its pigments will be "sealed" within the hair for a long time. After receiving the procedure is for two weeks to give your hair a break.

Keratin straightened locks require special care - enriched with keratin masks and Daily Conditioner. At least four months, your hair will look perfect, pleasing smoothness and shine.
Keratin Straightening - not a cheap pleasure. Its price depends on the length and ranges from 3 000 to 15 000 rubles. But that does not stop the girls and women seeking healthy beauty. According to those who made the keratin straightening, the result is worth it.

This article describes several types of straightening a long time, one more, another less, some kind of a more efficient, the other - at least, the same applies to possible damage to the hair.   Whichever method you choose, if necessary, to make hair smooth and beautiful to you.

 The most popular types of hair straighteners

 straight hair without ironing


  • How to straighten hair without ironing usual phenomenon?
  • Straightening Hair cosmetics
  • How to straighten hair without ironing in beauty salons?
  • Straighten curls chemicals

It just so happened that the girl always dreamed to change in yourself what has given generously of their nature. Luxurious, chic, curly hair - it's a dream for some and a daily struggle for others. Owners provocative curls looking for any ways to somehow tame her unruly hair.

The easiest way to seemingly straightening wavy strands is to use special ironing. But along with the benefits of utyuzhok it has certain drawbacks. The most basic of them - the damage to the structure of the hair. This is especially noticeable if to straighten wavy tresses utjuzhkom accounts for more than twice a week.

And a rare appeal to him not a solution, with time still lose hair healthy looking, and then have to work hard to restore their elasticity and shine. Therefore, it is often curly girl thinking about how to straighten hair without ironing and maintain their health. There are several ways that you can apply yourself or seek the assistance of the master beauty.
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How to straighten hair without ironing usual phenomenon?

Straighten unruly hair the most common phenomenon is not so impossible as it may seem at first glance.

It is important to observe the temperature regime. Very hot air can cause damage to the hair is the same as using the ironing.

Before the procedure, straightening strands need to wash your hair with a suitable shampoo and then apply balm facilitates combing. Hair rinse thoroughly from these funds and slightly dry with a warm towel.

Next you need to very carefully and gently comb the hair wooden comb with a few teeth, and then apply a special cosmetic for smooth curls. As an additional care can use the means which protects against thermal effects.

For convenience, you can use a few bobby pins, using which it is easy to distribute to individual hair strands and separate area for alignment.

Each individual strand must be lifted and positioned below the circular comb with a small bristle brush. The diameter of the comb depends on the length of the hair. For a long head of hair will need a large diameter for short hair - is minimal.

The warm air jet dryer simultaneously with the movement of the comb from the top down the entire length of the strand need to straighten your hair (Figure 1). For best results, these movements must be repeated several times for each strand.

The finishing touch will be securing the result hairspray. It must allocate 20 cm away from the head. If you wish, you can add a spray for shine. Comb then no longer necessary.

This very simple and accessible method has a major drawback: the rain, dampness and humidity can nullify all the efforts. So straighten the hair dryer is best in dry sunny weather.

 Straightening Hair Dryer
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Straightening Hair cosmetics

Almost every company that produces cosmetics for hair care, has in its arsenal line tools for straightening unruly curls. These are various creams, sprays, serums, salves, gels. Such means coping well with slightly curly hair, but with their help straighten stubborn curls unlikely.

However, it should be borne in mind the production of those producers who are proven:

  • gel Straight Works, balm Super Skinny Serum and Super Skinny Serum from Paul Mitchell, designed specifically to "pacify" unruly curls;
  • liquid Oleo-Relax Smoothing from Kerastase;
  • Cream Hair Mix, smoothing cream and whey Texture Expert Liss Control + for different types of hair on the brand L'Oreal will take control of the soft waves;
  • mousses Tigi Control Freak on with varying degrees of fixation;
  • special oil for smooth hair on the brand of Green Light;
  • special lotion and spray Bamboo Smooth with a smoothing effect on Alterna.

Select some means one of a large number of cosmetic innovations is almost impossible. Select the correct and effective brand have individually. And, as a rule, for the best final result have to use multiple tools. Of course, it is desirable that they were of the same line.
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How to straighten hair without ironing in beauty salons?

Today, many salons offer a very useful service - smoothing hair keratinosoderzhaschimi means. It is believed that this method carries just two steps: making hair smooth and gives it a healthy well-groomed appearance (Figure 2). Hair is filled with keratin, it becomes more elastic, strong, brilliant. Disappears porosity structure of each hair, respectively, and its fluffiness.

The procedure is that first the hair thoroughly purified, and then starting from the roots almost the entire length of the hair keratin composition is applied to exclusive. Then, together with this lineup dried hair with a comb and a hair dryer.

The duration of the entire procedure takes about three hours. Upon completion of the special keratin shampoo and mask. They can be used at home only three days after a visit to the salon. The first time after the procedure, the hair must be very protect - not to plait braids, do not use rubber bands and clips, do not wear headbands and armbands.

The effect of creatine after rectification in compliance with all the recommendations of the master is stored for 3-4 months. The process is very individual and depends on the type of hair, as well as the composition, which was applied to it.

 hair straightening chemicals
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Straighten curls chemicals

Today, there are a few special chemical means with which to align the hair. The structure of these funds include sodium hydroxide (for very curly strands) and ammonium thioglycolate (for slightly curly hair). Independently straighten curl in the home such chemical method is almost impossible.

Beauty Salon actions occur in the following order:

  • Master of testing one little curl on its ability to undergo certain chemical attack;
  • he then applied to the scalp special protective cream;
  • then distributes the selected chemical agent for the hair;
  • after a certain time it washes;
  • then causes a neutralizing agent;
  • completes all special treatment of hair conditioner.

This procedure lasts a long time - about five hours. Selection of tools for this process the alignment of hair and the optimal exposure time for maximum effect is always different. It depends on the condition of the hair and its structure. Take into account all the nuances and negate the negative impact of each chemical agent can only highly skilled craftsmen, so perform this procedure, you can not in all stores, and only where there are good professionals and the necessary equipment. Prices for chemical hair straightening different and are from 1 000 to 10 000 rubles. This amount is quite understandable, because the duration of the procedure, the professionalism of its implementation, as well as the composition of the individual funds make it a very expensive.

Straightening chemical method is the most effective tool in the fight against stubborn curls.   Be sure to remember that this method is not suitable for those who just did perm, and now for various reasons wants to get rid of it.

After a hair salon need very careful care. Even dry them now can only be a natural way of hair dryer will have to forget.

 What are some ways you can straighten your hair without ironing?
