how to forget a married man


  • Why is the relationship with a married - a disaster for you
  • How to forget it?

No wonder they say that the heart can not command ... It is not always asking us about some moral values ​​that ignited the love of man, and it so happens that a woman's feelings are directed at the man who is already married. And when that happens - or has already taken place - to you, you want to know how you act and how to find ways to the extent possible to hurt yourself, and men too, as little as possible.

There are ways in which you can forget a loved one, once you fully accept that he is not free and can not divide your love fully. And no matter how strong it may be feeling. It does not matter what it brings into your life romance sea and says these things that you feel in the seventh heaven. All of this does not matter, because he is married, he has a family where he is loved and needed him. And it can give you only a small part of their time and attention, not all of his immense love and devotion, as it would be in a different situation.

Unfortunately, not so little common women, who are desperately in love with a married man. And no matter how much they may say friends and family, they say, forget it, you're just razluchnitsa do so they do not always want to. Some women stay in the relationship because the "unavailable" man helps them financially. Such, however, is not very much; and who knows, there are always talking about love? Others can not leave the beloved, but married, because I subconsciously do not want to take on the obligations that would be imposed upon them by this marriage, so they are content with the fact that they can give an affair with a man captive.

Still others do themselves married, but they do not want to change something and lose the comfort and security that they have with her own husband, though not a favorite, but reliable. Fourth sincerely believe that their loved one in a married family is not so smooth, he's deeply unhappy and be sure to leave a lover, that's just the wife recovers from a serious illness or helpless little kids grow up a little bit ...

If you still want to stop loving her man and forget, there are several things you should do. That's what let us talk!

 how to forget a loved a married man

Why is the relationship with a married - a disaster for you

Yes, you can hear a lot of discussion about why dating a married man may not be so bad. But you must be honest with ourselves - it is still poor much more than the good. And if you still do not know how to forget her married man and leave him alone (or rather, to leave his wife, he's told that he supposedly has a commitment to it, and therefore could not leave), if you are "stuck" in the such relationships or feel that is about vlipnite a new "adventure", then stop and consider the following facts:

  1. You're wasting your time if you are waiting for a common future with this man

    Of course, many women do not want to at first, and this common future, when they begin to meet with a married lover. But you do believe that your intentions will not change in the long term? You're a woman - a creature that is guided primarily emotions. Do not be fooled when you think that you are not going to fall in love for a lifetime, and only want to tickle your nerves and play with that person in a pleasant game. You are our dear, you very quickly get lost in this "game" and be gone, bogged down with his head in his love!

  2. It is clearly not the best candidate for serious love relationships

    The fact that he is cheating on you, means that there is nothing that would not stop him from being able to start to cheat and you. If you finally still make him go away from my wife, do you feel safe with him? Are you sure he did not go with you in the same way as he had done with his wife, when your relationship will lose its former glow?

  3. You quickly tire specifics affair with a married man

    Though the need to protect the confidentiality of your communication and makes feel special excitement in the beginning, it will not last long. Soon enough, you will feel that you lack a sense of reality of your relationship when you can appear together in public without fear, that is about the bend will someone from his or your friends or when you are posting Photos, where you relax together in the south (at home believe that he was in a business trip), on the pages of social networking without fear that they will detect his wife ...

  4. You let him humiliate himself

    It is, in fact, does not respect you, made to feel wretch, razluchnitsa and slag secretly voruyuschey his luck at another woman. Think about it! The most basic respect that a man can express in relation to the one he truly loves - not to put it in a position where it is forced to lie and hide something. This is true no matter how much he appreciates you.

  5. He treats you with contempt, and you can not complain - because he has a legitimate justification for such an attitude

    You know that he is married, is not it? And so he is unlikely to do something with an eye on your plans. On the contrary, your plans will be constantly violated, because he can drop everything and rush off headlong home because the child was ill. Or he would cancel dinner and all evening to help his wife, who had the idea to do a permutation in the living room, and you'll be sitting and one with braised duck and great pie, which had been worked half a day.

    He will not be able to adequately support you financially, because he can not unnoticed by his wife to take your money from the family budget. It should not make a good impression on your parents, heat treat your friends to help you with the repair of apartments ... Should I go on?

  6. You invest in a relationship with him all his heart and soul, but he has the right to destroy it all at any time

    If you were married, if you or your husband is carried away by another person, you could at least somehow begin to figure out your relationship, tried to somehow establish and maintain their connection to each other. But the story is very different when you're in a relationship with a married man. When his wife finds out about the change (and this fact can happen at any moment), it just will shake you as musorinku to shoulder even without appointments and explanations - just disappear, and all! And forgiveness he would not have to beg, while their legitimate spouse.

We have every reason to believe that the event will go exactly according to this scenario, it's a known fact - men almost never leave the family to their mistresses. If this happens, it is very rare and very long, and soon they return to lawful spouses. And his wife, as you know, almost never refuse to let the house prodigal husband. They are after all, the children shared, and property jointly acquired.

We hope we can convince you that the best thing you can do for yourself - forget it man, beloved, but married.

 how to forget a married man right

How to forget it?

Consider, please, how you yourself love yourself? Do you love yourself enough to take those few hours and minutes, that your married lover can offer you? And how much you respect yourself, if you agree to be content with the crumbs from someone else's table? If it suits you - well, then think about whether you want to have a relationship covered with conviction and even shame, or you would prefer to have a strong and open relationship that would last the rest of your life? This is the first.

Second, you have to put yourself in the place of his wife. How do you think she feels if she knew about her husband's infidelity? And so it really it shrew which it draws your man? In any case, you should understand that all foul of family relations are to blame for both husband and wife, not one person. And your married lover, too, is not an innocent victim of a witch-wife!

In addition, you should ask yourself, even if your married man miraculously left his wife for you, how much time will pass before it changed for you? Can you really trust him? And if you can not trust, then there is no true love. And there is only obsession. And we must have the courage to admit it.

To fall out of love and to forget a married man, you do not need a magic potion otvorotnoe. You will need to change their minds, to change attitude. You must be prepared for the fact that he felt something was wrong, your man becomes more active and begin to make an attempt to revive the relationship. The truth is that once you have control over their lives. You have the right to say "no." You have the right to reject all his phone calls. You may even get away from work, especially if you have an affair with a married co-worker or boss. You have everything to keep the situation under control. You can find all kinds of excuses why you are still with him, but you have the power to turn away from it all and forget, if you only want.

As for the novel at work, you should keep in mind that in most cases, these novels are not serious for men. Rather, they go at it in order to dispel the boredom in the workplace. And very often they do so in order to gain fame sort of macho, who managed to win another vulnerable girl. Most often it happens when a woman working in a team, which is dominated by men.

If you want to forget your love, you will have to be determined. To help you, we picked up a few tips to help you get rid of this love:

  • Do not forget that you and he will be able to change just as cheated on his wife

    Probably, you are unlikely to want to experience the treachery and betrayal, but you do not deserve to go through with it.

  • The main thing to understand - this is not the ideal person for you

    You have to believe that the best is yet to come, and you are sure to meet her lover, for which you'll be the only one. Suppose you do not think that this is an impossible dream. Remember that your brain gets used to perceive as the truth of repetitive thought. You've probably heard the expression that says that the oft-repeated lie eventually becomes the truth? Well, then, believe in your dream!

  • Clear your computer, phone and its memory of all the pleasant memories of him

    In this case, the preference is to give the bad memories. And even better - to destroy everything that could be evidence of the existence of this communication.

  • Avoid anything that might remind you of the man: the place where you have been together, the movie that you watched together, the pictures where he hugs you and smiling

    If you have mutual friends, try for a while to avoid contact with them while you are going through the most critical period. Of course, it is not necessary to tear a good friendship only because the person is a relative or close friend of your ex-men; but at this point all you need - it does not hear and does not know about it.

  • Destroy all the gifts that he might gave you

    They can not help you back to memories of happy moments spent with loved ones, and you again and again to feel the pain. So either return them to the man, or give it to someone with whom you usually no contacts, never to see these items. Or just throw them away.

  • Make a permutation in his apartment, possible to make the interior of any changes

    Thus, you not only will remove all possible "evidence" stay in your house former lover, and set yourself up for something that you have a new stage of life. It happens in those places where you have never been, meet new people, make new interests and hobbies. All this will help you to escape from the sad thoughts and make you forget about the old life. At some point, you will be surprised and realized that your love is weakened or even ended. To make this happen faster, try to be always busy with some chores.

  • I do not regret that "this man" will make you lose a lot of time

    Everything in life happens for a reason, and love for a married man has enriched you with new facets of experience. It was not in vain for lost time; It was a relationship that existed over. They left to make room for a new love that you undoubtedly deserve

  • If at any point like this, you allow yourself to cry

    But only briefly, at the beginning when you still really hard and painful. Then lift your head, find the strength to follow our advice and try to be happy, beautiful and free, doing only what you really like. Your happiness can not depend on someone other than you the most!

The love for a married man becomes desperate in its very beginning. And you there is no positive reason to stay with him in the future. As his mistress, you become an accomplice to fraud in relation to his wife. You can not force him to destroy marriage, because you will be considered guilty before him and his family, and he will blame you for it. And most importantly, that you are wasting their youth, their lives and their love for someone who is able to say that you - the best thing in his life, but it will never give you the love and respect that you deserve.

Think about all this, and you will understand that we should direct our love, attention and energy to someone else who can really make you happy - without any reservations and looking back!

 As a married man, and forget to get rid of the boredom of it

We strongly recommend to read: How to forget the former man
