how to quickly get rid of pimples

  • Aloe with honey
  • Vishnevsky ointment
  • Toothpaste
  • Aspirin
  • Tablets levomitsetina
  • Cosmetic products

Acne is very annoying to many people, not just teenagers. And of course, they do not please anybody. Especially in the case on the nose any grand event - the date, party or other celebration. And here the question arises of how to quickly get rid of pimples.

It goes without saying that the treatment of acne - employment complex and lengthy. But what if that same time there? There are several ways that can help to quickly remove the inflammatory process, resulting in a decrease in the amount of pimples disappear and bright color. Of course, this is not the complete disappearance of acne, but it's better than nothing. Magic means, alas, does not exist.

Aloe with honey

Melt in a water bath of honey. While honey is heated, grind to a state of pulp of aloe leaf and add the honey. Protomai mixture on low heat for an hour, then leave to infuse for three hours. Well steam out the face, then apply a thick layer of the mixture on the problem areas.

Leave for 40 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe the ice cubes. Two hours later, the procedure should be repeated again, increasing the exposure time of the curative mixture to one hour. And, finally, after two hours finale - you only need to apply only gruel of aloe, without admixture of honey. As a rule, after three such procedures are reduced even the most pronounced acne.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment long been "written off" from the accounts and was not taken seriously, but many people do not even know about it. And a very good reason - this ointment is able to rid you of acne as soon as possible. Buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. And do not be afraid of peculiar smell, the smell of roses far - the result is worth it.

It applies ointment is very simple - put on the problem areas a thick layer of ointment, cover the top with plastic wrap and secure with plaster. Leave the bandage on for two hours, and then replace it. Do not be alarmed if you notice pus - Vishnevsky ointment very well pull it. Incidentally, this is why this ointment is recommended for the treatment of festering boils and rashes.

 how to quickly get rid of pimples on their own


The fact that using toothpaste can treat cold sores, is no surprise. Did you know that acne is under the influence of toothpaste dry up quickly enough? Just apply on the pimple small amount of toothpaste - preferably a mint - and leave until completely dry it. Then rinse with plenty of water - paste must be washed thoroughly.

Note - the method can be used only if the precipitation point. If the acne is very much toothpaste to use is not necessary, because when applied to a large area of ​​skin it can trigger the development of significant irritation. Also, do not leave the paste for longer than an hour - in order to avoid all of the same skin irritation.


Another very effective remedy for acne - the most common acetylsalicylic acid or, more simply, aspirin. If you want to quickly get rid of acne, try the following means.

One packet of aspirin (10 tablets) carefully grind to a powder, pour a spoonful of water. As a result, you should get a thick paste. Apply it on the problem areas and leave for 15 minutes. If you feel tingling or tingling, wash immediately with plenty of water aspirin.

If no uncomfortable feelings you are experiencing are not, repeat the procedure three hours. After you wash away aspirin, be sure to put on a skin any moisturizer. This is necessary in order to avoid skin irritation.

Tablets levomitsetina

If the rash is very much, you will not be easy. But in this situation, you should not give up - you can try to rectify the situation. Get a pharmacy pills chloramphenicol - you need five tablets. And prepare every three tablespoons of butter. Tablets carefully grind, melt the butter in a water bath, and mix all the ingredients - you should get a homogeneous mass.

Got a lot of transfer to a glass bowl and let it cool. Place in a small bowl one tablespoon of dried chamomile blossoms, pour a glass of hot water and leave to cool slightly. When the steam ceases to be scorching, well rasparte face and put on a skin previously prepared mixture thick.

Leave the mixture on the skin without washing. After about 40 minutes, the mixture is completely absorbed. And if the surplus still remain, just pat their normal tissue. Of course, to fully get rid of pimples and blackheads, you will need at least ten of these daily procedures. However, one procedure to significantly improve the condition of your skin.

 how to quickly get rid of acne permanently

Cosmetic products

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find special preparations. Their producers promise fast relief from acne - within 12 hours. Of course, these drugs also have the right to life. Moreover - someone claims that they are helping these funds very efficiently. In the end, nothing prevents you to test their effect on himself.

 How to quickly get rid of acne? "Ambulance"

We recommend to check out: The best remedies for acne

 Antibiotic treatment of bronchitis causes


  • The reasons for the appointment of antibiotic treatment
  • Types of Bronchitis

Bronchitis is one of the most common diseases among men. Recently, it has become even chronic. However, his symptoms are very diverse and depend on numerous factors, both individual and others.

Just before you start the treatment of the patient, the doctor must find the cause of which was the beginning of the disease.

Today, aware of some cases where the doctor prescribes treatment of patients on the basis of antibiotics without analyzes and firm belief in the nature of the disease. Sometimes patients themselves start taking medication without talking to your doctor if this. And such an uncontrolled and indiscriminate acceptance of medication is inappropriate and can cause irreparable damage to health.

 Therapy with bronchitis
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Bronchitis is assigned to antibiotic therapy if:

  1. observed not subside within 3 days of fever, more than 38 degrees;
  2. obvious symptoms of intoxication;
  3. there is ceasing of the protruding portion of the chest;
  4. ESR levels above 20 mm / h;
  5. found pockets of infection;
  6. increased leukocytosis;
  7. Analysis of blood there is the beginning of the inflammatory process;
  8. disease is more than 3 weeks;
  9. patient age of 60 years and above.

Is it always necessary to start with the detection of bronchitis antibiotics? Until now, experts can not answer this question clearly. And yet in some ways they are absolutely in agreement. Definitely do not take antibiotics should be started as soon as the first few days of illness. Because this disease has a viral origin of the foundation and the first sign of illness should take antiviral medications.

If a viral bronchitis treated with antibiotics, these drugs will only interfere with the protective mechanisms to resist the virus. They weaken the already weak immune system, and on this basis that a person may develop an allergy and dysbiosis. If a person had never suffered from any diseases associated with mild, in 95% it is a viral bronchitis.

 types of bronchitis
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Doctors distinguish the following types of bronchitis:

  • Acute bronchitis. In this case, bronchial inflammation is observed which appears on the background, and viral infectious agents. If the patient is found acute viral bronchitis, treatment is based on antiviral medicines. But the disease can be caused by bacteria, as pneumococci, streptococci or staphylococci. This infection is treated symptomatically and quickly passes.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis are strong cough, low-grade fever and chest pain. Basically, the disease is fast, rarely lasting up to a month. In this disease, wearing a viral etiology, it is recommended to take expectorant drugs and inhalations. Especially useful to the patient fluids and bed rest.

If within two years of the total number of days of illness exceeding 3 months, then this is considered a chronic bronchitis. Its main difference include coughing with mucus. This may be a consequence of smoking, allergies and work in hazardous occupations.

  • Chronic bronchitis during relapses and exacerbations are treated with antibiotics, expectorants and inhalation. All medicines are appointed only by a physician, after examination on the basis of analyzes. Typically, uncomplicated chronic bronchitis, which has up to 4 relapses per year, doctors are advised to take the tablets from the group of antibiotics such as tetracycline and aminopenicillins.

In chronic disease, when exacerbations occur more than 4 times a year, it is recommended to receive: amoxiclav, amoxicillin, and cephalosporin drugs and macrolides. Persons suffering from chronic bronchitis with concomitant diseases, such as such as cardiac and renal failure, and diabetes, to prescribe drugs of fluoroquinolones group.

It is noticed that in recent years have been increasingly diagnosed Chlamydia and Mycoplasma bronchitis. This is a special type of pathogens, which appear in the lungs and bronchi. And the disease itself occurs on the background of the emergence in the human pathogens such as chlamydia and mycoplasma.

  • Chlamydia and Mycoplasma bronchitis accompanied by intoxication patient. Develops and runs it slowly with recurrent prolonged and very difficult to treat. Patients with a diagnosis of high fever, muscle aches and chills. When chlamydial bronchitis prescribe drugs from the group of tetracycline, macrolides and fluoroquinolones. And with mycoplasma bronchitis appointed macrolide antibiotics when mycoplasma bronchitis.

What is antibiotic to treat bronchitis? The exact answer to this can provide an analysis of the bacterial inoculation of sputum. But there is one negative point: the result of the analysis becomes known to doctors only 5 days, and not before. But experts do not stand still, and looking for new opportunities and ways in medicine.

Terms of medication:

  • In order to successfully recover and with chronic disease get the best effect from the medication, it is recommended to take a continuous course of preparations and preferably at the same time.
  • Each patient must carefully observe any changes occurring in the body. If during the first 2 days do not improve, then replace antibiotics better, talking about this with your doctor.
  • After a marked improvement, you want to continue treatment for another 3 days.
  • Any malaise, fever, cough, chills immediately consult your doctor.

Correctly applying the medication, you can successfully cope even with such a terrible illness like bronchitis.

 Treatment of bronchitis antibiotics
